Attempt all parts of a homework. Each question carries 5 marks, unless stated otherwise. The chapter and exercise numbers refer to the text: An Introduction to Mathematical Thinking: Algebra and Number Systems, by Gilbert and Vanstone. The solutions provided represent only one of several different correct ways of solving the exercises.
Let P(n) be the proposition that all the horses in a set of n horses are the same color. Clearly, P(1) is true. Now assume that P(n) is true, so that all the horses in any set of n horses are the same color. Consider any n+1 horses; number these as horses 1,2,3, ..., n, n+1. Now the first n of these horses all must have the same color, and the last n of these must also have the same color. Since the set of the first n horses and the set of the last n horses overlap, all n+1 must be the same color. This shows that P(n+1) is true and finishes the proof by induction.