Miscellaneous Personal Information
This file contains information and links both about me and for use by
Useful Links Used Often
My Book (and movies) Page;
My Restaurant Page in C-K-W area;
bookit/oracle at UofW, for scheduling;
watcard at UofW;
FORE at UofW;
Markup Validation Service v0.6.7 for validating URLs;
MFCF monthly statements;
MFCF Sponsorship information
my Sponsorship info.
Our 'Mathematics Electronic Library', with
resources for different disciplines and
swetscan for interlibrary loan.
MFCF computer billing sponsorship and
MFCF computer billing
Project Galileo;
TED, Ideas worth spreading.
e-Optimization.community, THE web page for optimization.
and my own web page at that site
search tools for research, e.g.
SIMPLIFYNET, creates great web page for search words.
The Unofficial Smilie Dictionary
calculating exchange rates;
Priceline (own price fixing);
KAYAK (flights/hotels/...);
Thomas Cook;
local links for various airlines and frequent flyer programs, and
local links for holiday information (Brazil).
Travelzoo, airline deals;
world of vacations, last minute deals;
airtravel information
MAPQUEST, for driving directions and maps; and
Blue Mountain ecards
Finding people and...
- WWW resources
Political Organizations
Jewish Virtual Library, e.g.
The Jewish Population of the World
JPS mailing list
Hemshekh on facebook;
Hemshekh-margie Newman (Resistance story)
Mir Kumen On pics
Ruben Helfgot's Photos Hemshekh/1999 reunion
Jewish Forward
Jewish Students' Association (JSA), Waterloo;
Israel Hour
Naomi Ragen webpage
Israel Antiquities Authority
Jewish Toronto UJA Federation of greater T.O.;
United Jewish Communities
JewishGen guide to Jewish genealogical research
Waterloo/Laurier Israel Political Affairs Committee, WIPAC
IS-AM - Ambassador's Course, online course on being a spokesperson
for Israel.
Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive and
Jewish Virtual Library and
The Knesset The parliament of Israel,
Education Department, history, geography, ... and
The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority!! and
AMCHA, Israeli center for Holocaust survivors: bibliography and
Yom HaShoah Movie.
A Teacher's guide to the Holocaust
and the history of
Felix Hausdorff, a famous Jewish mathematician who did NOT survive.
JRI Poland, History and Overview, Jewish records indexing- Poland.
Simon Wiesenthal Center Library & Archives,
ref: Paul H. Hamburg;
Reference Librarian;
Simon Wiesenthal Center Library & Archives;
9760 W. Pico Blvd. ;
Los Angeles, CA 90035;
Tel: 310-553-9036;
Fax: 310-277-6568;
e-mail: phamburg@wiesenthal.com;
(Other related links:
Holocaust History Project) and
Israeli site for antisemitism
Judaism and Jewish Resources and
Lengthy List of Jewish Links and
The Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center, history, ..
David Dickerson's home page, with presentations for the holocaust,
antisemitism, etc...
Yad Vashem Registry.
Jewish History;
the forgotten refugees
Freeman Center for Strategic Studies, Houston Texas
The Jewish Post of New York Online
Literature, Newspapers, Art, Science
My Book (and movies) Page;
cheap river for buying books.
Natural History
Portals to the World, links to resources around the world, including
history and many other aspects of a country.
NewsDirectory.com, search for newspapers, magazines, worldwide
Jewish Forward
wikipedia, free online encyclopedia; in 'every' language.
Encyclopedia Britannica
second hand books links
Electronic text center at Univerity of Virginia library.
writers on writing, the NY Times archive from
Books in NY Times.
GAMES: Multiplayer web word game,
Internet Gaming Zone, for games such hearts, bridge, etc...
The Word Detective , answering readers'
questions about words and language (primarily word and phrase origins)
online writing information, learning, courses, ... and
online translators.
American Literature (online), see also the gopher site world.std.com
Search high and low, search for a phrase based on an english word
Online Books For Sale:
WHSmith online,
Chapters online,
OED word of the day, Oxford English Dictionary;
WebMuseum, Paris.
- Movies
Health Issues
Arthritis HUB knee exercises.
Centre for Family Medicine (in Kitchener, ON - Dr Lee);
Hospice Association of Ontario
Government site for health links (helps avoid quacks)
site to help avoid health quacks, with online articles and
questions; and
suggested health sites.
the virtual medical center, online help and info and live questions;
ask Dr Weil, questions and answers
online newspapers and question ability and links and
new alternate
BioMedNet site (June/00)
Tenant Health Issues - Toronto based.
HEALTH AND NUTRITION At The Hampton Roads Central Library
BioSites: A Virtual Catalog of Selected Internet Resources in the
Biomedical Sciences
Prevent Blindness America
list of shoulder links
Fluticasone Aerosol, list of side effects for this asthma drug; see
for more side effects
sinusititus info, from Dr Tichenor;
Asthma Information Center,
Inhaler Information,
Smell and Taste disorders.
links to MS and asthma info, local list of links.
Health Forum, like a newsgroup
Seacoast Natural Healing, Virtual shopping for e.g.
efalex focus with email contact at:
health newsletter, interesting newsletter!!
healthlink Stanford, just great stuff!!!
daily health news, just great stuff!!!
health news home page, with lots of links, contains HEALTH BEAT
health news home page
National Health Federation, wellness things
help with medical problems, e.g. neck pain.
immune - Cyndi Norman, from old email list
- Nuclear energy:
World Nuclear Association;
American Nuclear Society;
Chornobyl (Chernobyl) Nuclear Disaster;
Here are some URLs that point to HEPA-related stuff: (air filters)
Allergy Clean Environs
EH2000 products
Miele Pearl Vacuum Cleaner
Alaska Purity
(Smokin Joes)
Personal Data
family tree, and
tree at Jworld; and
Mother's web page, with a link to
Nathan's webpage;
my photo-from 1986.,
family photo-from 1993..
student days Gail and Henry- from 1977;
Nathan and Lennon et al;
Letting Go Poem/Nov/07...;
Gail-Calculating Life (June/06 article about Gail)
Fourth Kalamazoo Matrix Symposium, fall/97, pictures and info; and
local link to the pictures.
At Etienne de Klerk's thesis defence in Delft, Netherlands, Dec, 1997.
(large file);
map to Cambridge
Customer Care Centre, Union Gas with email crr@uniongas.com
and phone 1-888-774-3111; and
Union Energy, services.
Direct Energy marketing Limited, for our gas and electricity
convenient currency converter and/or
mutual funds market manager,
Quicken nasdaq charts,
globefund.com with charts, etc...
top ten funds report
Canada Trust banking on WWW
Family Internet lots of links to miscellaneous ...
The latest FAQ on electrical wiring
GREAT starting pointsfor e.g. travel, airreservations, ...
a long personal list - including nonmathematical misc sites
- Films:
movies at home lots of reviews; and
Independent Film Spotlight; and
Knowles movie info and
Also try
World-Wide Web Access Statistics for www.math.uwaterloo.ca
a local file.
testing page.
Last update: 01/13/2023 12:54:47, by Henry Wolkowicz