
Welcome to Pure Mathematics

We are home to 30 faculty, four staff, approximately 60 graduate students, several research visitors, and numerous undergraduate students. We offer exciting and challenging programs leading to BMath, MMath and PhD degrees. We nurture a very active research environment and are intensely devoted to both ground-breaking research and excellent teaching.


Friday, September 29, 2023

Spring 2023 Graduands

Congratulations to Clement Wan, MMath and Eric Boulter, PhD, who convocated in Spring 2023. Best of luck in your future endeavours!


Thursday, March 27, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Analysis Seminar

Larissa Kroell, University of Waterloo

Analysis Seminar: Injective Envelopes for partial C*-dynamical systems

Given a C*-dynamical system, a fruitful avenue to study its properties has been to study the dynamics on its injective envelope. This approach relies on the result of Kalantar and Kennedy (2017), who show that C*-simplicity can be characterized via the Furstenberg boundary using injective envelope techniques. Inspired by this use case, we generalize the notion of injective envelope to partial C*-dynamical systems. Partial group actions are a generalization of group actions and first introduced for C*-algebras by Ruy Exel (1994) to express certain C*-algebras as crossed products by a single partial automorphism. In this talk, we give a short introduction to partial actions and show the existence of an injective envelope for unital partial C*-dynamical systems. Additionally, we discuss its connection to enveloping actions. This is based on joint work with Matthew Kennedy and Camila Sehnem.

MC 5417 

Friday, March 28, 2025 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Geometry and Topology Seminar

Kuntal Banerjee, University of Waterloo

Very stable and wobbly loci for elliptic curves

We explore very stable and wobbly bundles, twisted in a particular sense by a line bundle, over complex algebraic curves of genus 1. We verify that twisted stable bundles on an elliptic curve are not very stable for any positive twist. We utilize semistability of trivially twisted very stable bundles to prove that the wobbly locus is always a divisor in the moduli space of semistable bundles on a genus 1 curve. We prove, by extension, a conjecture regarding the closedness and dimension of the wobbly locus in this setting. This conjecture was originally formulated by Drinfeld in higher genus.

MC 5501

Monday, March 31, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Continuous Logic Learning Seminar

Rachael Alvir, University of Waterloo

Infinitary Continuous Logic

We will introduce continuous analogues of infinitary logic following a survey of Christopher Eagle. We will also look at the Scott analysis for metric structures developed by Ben Yaacov, Doucha, Nies, and Tsankov.

MC 5403