QSopt QSopt Linear Programming Solver QSopt
  LP Info
  Problem Formats
  Callable Library
  Rational Solver
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The main purpose of the QSopt linear programming solver is to provide a callable function library for use within applications such as the traveling salesman problem or mixed-integer programming. It can also be used as a standalone code to solve large-scale linear programming problems.

QSopt C library
QSopt C library
The QSopt function library has been implemented in the C programming language and is available on Windows and various LINUX/UNIX platforms. An alpha version of the QSopt library has been converted to Java as well.
QSopt Java library
QSopt Java library
Windows GUI
Windows GUI
Two graphical user interfaces are available that allow a user to enter, edit,and solve linear programming problems interactively. The problems are formulated in LP or MPS format. These two interfaces are essentially wrappers around the C and Java function libraries.
Applet GUI
Applet GUI
QSopt has been extensively used by a team of researchers in their work on the traveling salesman problem; their Concorde code has successfully sovled many TSP instances, the largest having 85,900 cities.
Cuttingplane Applet
Cuttingplane Applet
QSopt is the basis of the QSopt_ex code for computing exact rational solutions to LP problems. QSopt_ex can be called from the on-line NEOS Server.
NEOS Server
NEOS Server

The QSopt library, available for download, can be used at no cost for research or education purposes; all rights to QSopt are maintained by the authors, David Applegate, William Cook, Sanjeeb Dash, and Monika Mevenkamp.

Research supported by Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-03-1-0040 and National Science Foundation Grant CMMI-0726370.

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Last Updated: September 2011