(recent CV; e.g., member DATA SCIENCE )

Tel:   (519) 888-4567 ext. 45589;      FAX:   (519) 725-5441; Office MC6312; URL: www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~hwolkowi/, (last edited )

feedback , for bad links etc...


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Interesting (math related) Sites

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News and Noteworthy

As of November 21, 2021. ( OLD entries)

Software and Theory

Go to the Software and Theory section for detailed descriptions of my research as well as links, preprints, etc...

A sample of the software:


Work Address
I was born February 25, 1948 in Lodz, Poland. I was married (in Montreal) to Gail Susan ( windsurf/08; Finland photo, the other ( video) Doctor Wolkowicz who is interested in Research on Mathematical Biology, Ecology, Modelling, Bifurcation Theory, and Differential Equations; though the masters thesis at McGill is titled: Some aspects of stability in nonlinear programming) and we have a son ( Daniel Howard :) )

misc. personal information, and for Nathan, etc...

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(C) Copyright Henry Wolkowicz, 1991. , by Henry Wolkowicz