Lecture I (Days 2,3,4): Convex Analysis

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  1. Convex Sets Notes; Convex Sets Slides

      affine set, convex set, convex combinations and hull, convex cone, hyperplanes and halfspaces, Euclidean balls and ellipsoids, norm balls and norm cones, polyhedra, positive semidefinite cone, minimum and minimal elements, separating and supporting hyperplane theorems (and proofs), dual cones
      • Derive necessary (and sufficient) conditions for positive definiteness of X in Sn based on the angle between X and I.
      • Prove that K=K++ iff K is a c.c.c.
  2. Convex Functions Notes; Convex Functions Slides

      first and second order conditions, epigraph, Jensen's inequality, compositions, pointwise supremum, minimization, conjugate function
      • Prove that a real valued convex function on Rn is continuous.
      • Prove that a real valued convex function on Rn is locally Lipshitz continuous.
      • Prove that the function G(X)=XXT-I, from n by n matrices to n by n symmetric matrices, is K-convex with K the cone of semidefinite matrices.
      • Prove that the function g(X)=log det (X) is strictly concave on the set of n by n positive definite matrices X. Find the gradient and Hessian of g(X).
  3. Convex Optimization Problems Notes ; Convex Optimization Problems Slides

      standard form, optimal points, implicit constraints, feasibility, (geometric) optimality conditions, quasiconvex optimization, fractional programs, quadratic programs, quadratically constrained quadratic programs, second-order cone programs, robust linear programming, geometric programming, semidefinite programming, eigenvalue minimization, multicriteria minimization, portfolio optimization
  4. Duality Notes; Duality Slides

      Lagrangian, Lagrange dual function, Lagrange dual problem, weak and strong duality!!, constraint qualifications, KKT optimality conditions, dual SDP

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