C&O250, LEC 001, Winter 2019
(see: Waterloo LEARN)

Introduction to Optimization, --- "Making the best use of scarce resources"

Course Outline/Syllabus

Instructor Henry Wolkowicz (MC6312, x35589)

Lectures: start Tues. Jan. 8/19 and end Thurs. Apr 4/19
Time/Location: 10:00-11:20AM, TTh,, MC4021
Office Hours: Thurs: 3-4PM and Fri: 11:30AM-12:30PM.

NOTE NEW DAY FOR MIDTERM 1. Midterm 1, Fri., Feb. 8; Midterm 2, Wed., Mar. 20
Locations: 7-9pm in STC 1012, -- 5-7pm in RCH 110
Final Exam: April 24, 2019, 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM, PAC 1,2

(email) for appointment

Last Modified:  Sunday 17 March 2019