corrupt media states:
My Personal (nonmath.) Book (Movies/Music) Page
Links and Books/
Music Info
Freedom Academy book club;
figment, community writing/sharing;
Conversational Reading;
What I am Reading;
Books/Movies Read/Reading/Want-to-Read/Watched/Want-to-Watch:
article-"Need to Read (local copy)"
(internet WSJ copy)";;;;;
article-"The 40 best books to read before
you die, from Anna Karenina to Wolf Hall" (local copy)"
(internet copy)"
books worth reading!
Historical Fiction;
Science Fiction;
What Should a First-Time Visitor to America Read? ,
local copy
Reading list from Ernest Hemingway,
local copy; and
Hemingway tips on writing.
Simon Brett recommends the(five) best Whodunnits and a
local copy
28 books to read in 2016
OBSERVER: Decades From Now, You?ll Thank Yourself for Having Read These
The 15 Best Books of 2015 and
a local copy
10 Russian Novels to Read Before You Die and a
local copy
Fall 2015 Is Here and So Are Books, Here Are 9 Must-Reads; and
local copy
Books that shaped America, 2015 and a local copy
Books that shaped America, 2015
best fiction of 2013
By Philip Roth
The Finkler Question (2010 Booker prize winner) by Howard Jacobson
("laugh-out-loud exploration of Jewishness")
The Journeys of Socrates by: Dan Millman
(excellent book about 19th century Russia - good story, good
philosophical thoughts)
W. Somerset Maugham (at Wikipedia)
Read at cottage summer
Daphne Du Maurier with
book reviews
1. The Loving Spirit;
2. I'll Never be Young Again;
3. Julius;
4. Jamaica Inn; (read summer 2006 at cottage; great book)
5. Rebecca;
6. Frenchman's Creek;
7. Hungry Hill;
8. The King's General;
The Parasites;
10. My Cousin Rachel ;
Flight of the Falcon;
My cousin Rachel (read Dec/06 - excellent);
Frenchman's creek;
Scapegoat, movie review (book read summer 2006 at cottage - great
to get:
Lisa Randall's book
'knocking on heaven's door'
The Math Book, by Clifford A. Pickover
Castle Dor;
Don't look now;
Winding stair;
Mrs. de Winters;
House on the Strand;
Hungry Hill;
Loving Spirit;
The birds;
The breaking point;
Mary Anne
John Grisham "Playing for Pizza, 2008 book. Fun read.
Whirlwind by James Clavell, ... unlike his previous 'Shogun' and
'Noble House' ... this is **boring**.
Robert Ludlum's The Arctic Event (Covert-One),
fun and interesting when listened to as
an audiofile.
The Juror, by George Dawes Green; fun 'cottage' read - hard to put
down - psychological thriller. (read Aug/13)
The Lost, by Daniel Mendelshohn. (search for family after WWII.
Just Revenge, (book on a holocaust survivor - legal/ethical
arguments on revenge) by
Alan M. Dershowitz.
other reviews)
five best about: Betrayals of Love:
Spring Torrents By Ivan Turgenev (1872);
Broken Lives By Lawrence Stone (1993);
The Heat of the Day By Elizabeth Bowen (1948);
The House by the Sea By Jon Godden (1947);
The Maples Stories By John Updike (2009)
Winning Novels About Failure :
Conrad; Joseph Roth; Philip Roth; Mario Vargas Llosa; Steve Tesich! and
a local copy
No Way Back, by William Shawcross, about dislocated people after
Deathless accounts of mourning:
A Grief Observed, By C.S. Lewis (1961);
Two Lives, By William Trevor (1991);
The Year of Magical Thinking, By Joan Didion (2005);
Grief, By Andrew Holleran (2006);
The Good Soldier, By Ford Madox Ford (1915).
The way we ail now, books on illnesses.
Five Best hypochondria books,
Moliere, Kant, Poe, Man, Beckett.
Five Best novels on friendship and a
local copy
Five Best I Spy and a
local copy.
five best on WW II
(The Duel; Commander in Chief; the Caine Mutiny; Other Clay; A World at
Five best on Arctic Exploration
Five best arduous travels
and a
local copy
(five best) Books on Finance During Trouble
Five best immitgrants to America
and a
local copy
Five Best;
Pete Dexter chooses his favorite works of fiction about families
Five Best on Marriage and a
local copy.
Five Best spy tales and a
local copy.
Five Best Adventure and a
local copy.
On Innocents and Innocence Lost(five best)
and a
local copy
Five Best Literary Finds (journeys of discovery and a
local copy.
Five Best Books on Southern Fiction and a
local copy.
Youthful Passages:
These coming-of-age tales are timeless triumphs. and a
local copy.
Novels of Ideas,
Books That Evoke Time and Place,
local copy.
Us: Americans Talk About Love
Author: John Bowe.
What the Freshman Class Needs to Read
Opinion by Niall Ferguson, Aug. 2024.
Telling the Story of World War II in 10 Movies
and a
local copy
This Gulf of Fire: The Destruction of Lisbon, or Apocalypse in the Age
of Science and Reason Hardcover, Nov 3 2015
by Mark Molesky (Author) (Amazon) and
top books in 2011
Five Best Books: Historical Fiction
and a
local copy
Goldman's Theorem (Paperback/interview),
R J Stern
Past Tense,
(FIVE) Favorite fictional tales rooted in history, and a
local copy
Steven Saylor: - Roma sub Rosa, e.g.
(Cambridge library - reading Nov/03)
Tom Clancy, thrillers.
Imre Kerte'sz,
winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2002:
Fateless, first part of a trilogy.
An Instance of the Fingerpost,
by Iain Pears (review by
MAA online)
Five Best Military and a
local copy.
Full Disclosure (1977, novel), by William Safire.
(assassination plot; but, mainly about the 'office' intrigue with regard
to the presidency; good read but too much 'office politics' and not
enough world politics)
Other books be Safire, e.g.
Freedom, historical novel - Civil War fiction.
Paths of Glory, by Jeffrey Archer.
Story about George Mallory - was he the first to climb everest?
(Excellent story.)
Measuring the World, by Daniel Kehlmann;
imagines the lives of two famous German men, explorer Alexander von
Humboldt and mathematician and astronomer Carl Friedrich Gauss.
Passage to Nowhere.
The long, tragic effort to link oceans by going over the top of the
world. (Northwest passage books)
The Singularity is Near, subjects as artificial intelligence,
robotics, nanotechnology, human longevity, reengineering the digestive
system, wormholes, extraterrestrial life, manipulation of the genome
and, above all, the idea that we are fast approaching the day when human
beings and machines will merge into a human-machine civilization.
FIVE BEST, Sci-Fi That Soars,
The creator of "Battlestar Galactica" lists his favorites. BY RON MOORE.
a local copy
Ursula K. Le Guin -
"The Lathe of Heaven":
Dreams become reality -
Odd Thomas, by Dean Koontz. (borrring - borrring - hero
is talking to the dead ....)
Favorite Books of 2017 - Yuval Levin _ National Review;
Favorite Books of 2017 - Yuval Levin _ National Review (local copy)
The Swerve by Stephen Greenblatt - review; I just (June/13) finished 'reading'
it. I found it very interesting - "a dazzling study of the origins of
the renaissance" -- of modernity.
Norman Doidge, MD | The Brain That Changes Itself,
"brain plasticity".
cbc show;
Fascinating stuff about:
Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, refers to changes in
neural pathways and synapses which are due to changes in behavior,
environment and neural processes, as well as changes resulting from
bodily injury.
Five best: Nations and lives in transition
The Non-Fiction 100, and
a local copy
"The 100 Best Non-Fiction Books Of The Century" appeared
in the May 3, 1999, issue of National Review.
Best Five books of .....:
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
by Malcolm Gladwell.
And a new book by Gladwell in Oct 1, 2013:
David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling
Mind-Changing Books, by Thomas Sowell, e.g.
Max Lerner (Actions and Passions)
Five Best
Alexander Waugh on books that capture the complexities of father-son
relationships, and a
local copy.
I Will Not Be Broken: Five Steps to Overcoming a Life Crisis,
by Jerry White.
Raymond Aron, A great French political theorist and journalist, Aron wrote for the Paris newspaper Le Figaro (1947-77) and the weekly newsmagazine L'Express (1977-83), taught at the Sorbonne and other universities, and authored more than forty thoughtful books on a wide variety of political subjects. His most famous book is probably The Opium of the Intellectuals (1955), in which he lambasted French Marxism. Of all the great French thinkers of the twentieth century (Aron was a schoolmate of Sartre), Aron was the only one who, according to The New Republic, "never lost his head." Dubbed "the last of the liberals" by Allan Bloom, Aron was a fierce anti-Communist and defender of liberal democracy, and was greatly troubled by what Strauss terms the 'crisis of the West.' And:
Raymond Aron and the End of Europe
By Christopher Caldwell, Thursday, April 7, 2005 from
AEI; and
Raymond Aron at Amazon
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
by Christopher Hitchens. (exerpts exist - search web)
Also - related books:
The God Delusion and
The Selfish Gene
Richard Dawkins
Five Best,
A history scholar selects essential works about fanaticism; and
a local copy
Eva Hoffman, title:
After Such Knowledge
Hoffman, author of Lost in Translation, blends personal history with the
weighty questions of how to understand the Holocaust, the notions of
resistance, collective responsibility and victimhood, as she focuses on
the impact that the atrocities had on the
children of survivors.
Liquidation by Imre Kertesz,
Nobel Prize in Literature, 2002, Hungarian writer,
(German title: Liquidation) (Original Hungarian title: Felszamolas)
Kaddish for an Unborn Child
Why have Universities Forsaken Studying the Meaning of Life?
by Anthony T. Kronman
Bernard-Henri Levy, e.g.
War, Evil and the End of History (Melville Press 2004);
Who Killed Daniel Pearl? (Gerald Duckworth and Co Ltd 2003);
Sartre: The Philosopher of the 20th Century (Polity Press 2003);
What Good Are Intellectuals?: 44 Writers Share Their Thoughts (Editor:
Bernard-Henri Livy) (Algora Publishing 2000)
V.S. Naipaul; on Islam and modernity and
science; e.g. THE MYSTIC MASSEUR (1957) (adapted for screen), A HOUSE
FOR MR BISWAS (regarded his masterpiece);...
Friedrich Nietzsche by Curtis Cate Hutchinson,
ISBN 0091801621, biography.
-, i.e. "Leo Strauss and the History of Political Thought";
with links to the political philosophy and
book reviews, e.g.:
Books That Time Forgot: Jacob Klein, Lectures and Essays; etc...
with a
summary: "Leo Strauss and the Straussians" and the related book:
by Allan Bloom
A History of the Jews, Paperback September 14, 1988
by Paul Johnson (Author) (Paul Johnson, British Historian and Polemicist Against the Left, Dies at 94
Prolific author who drifted to the right in the 1960s befriended prime
ministers and was lionized by American conservatives)
Pages of
Forty new history books worth readingand ,
10 (from among thousands) to skip
local copy
the anthology Before All Memory is Lost, has
received the 2017 Canadian Jewish Literary Award in the category of Holocaust
No doubt, the stories of these courageous woman will enrich the knowledge of
future generations about the power of the human spirit and enable readers to
grasp a deeper understanding of the Holocaust - one story at a time.
Holocaust Literature:
Before All Memory Is Lost: Women's Voices from the Holocaust (Azrieli
Foundation), edited by Myrna Goldenberg, is the first anthology ever published
by the Azrieli Foundation. Twenty-five women (including one chapter from Chana Mindla
Wolkowicz) reflect on their experiences of
survival. Each account is woven together by a common thread: women resisted and,
ultimately, triumphed against the brutality they faced during the Holocaust. The
book features a wide variety of narrative styles, including prose, poetry and
diary excerpts.
Henry Kissinger, 1994 book by the Secretary of State. A truly
amazing book which covers a wide sweep of history with deep
Murray, political scientist, author of:
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life;
and more recently
Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010
The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and
Left, by Yuval Levin.
Three books on the end of the Roman Empire:
David Frum's reviews):
- World Wars:
long history of America's encounters with the Arab world - five
five best works of war poetry; also local copy
of Homer's iliad
- Terrorism and Iraq Wars:
Right War?, by Gary Rosen. A conservative debate on the war in Iraq;
review by David Frum
War and Decision: Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on
Terrorism; by
Douglas Feith. (Excellent book on the decision making process by someone
who was actually at the meetings.)
Mideast Politics/History:
Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews - A History (2001) is a
book by James Carroll;
istallment 2 of chapt 2;
JPOST blog.
The Case for Israel, by Alan Dershowitz.
(About the double standard being applied to Israel.)
Bernard Lewis books, e.g.
The Trouble with Islam, by
Irshad Manji.
The book is a welcome change to current discussions on Islam.
Mark Steyn's 'America Alone';
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America,
by Brigitte Gabriel; and
Anything by Reinhold Neibuhr - An American Protestant theologian;
Anything by Karen Armstrong (except her book on Mohammad) - a Catholic former nun;
How to read the Bible by Marc Brettler (2005) - Uses the historical-critical method to analyse the Torah (the old testament) - not for people who believe that God wrote the Bible;
Dore Gold - Hatred's Kingdom;
Bruce Bawer - While Europe Slept;
Robert Spencer - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam;
Rachel Ehrenfeld - Funding Evil;
Melanie Phillips - Londonistan ;
Jessica Stern at Harvard Univ.
Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill:
(from Cambridge library - reading Dec/03)
The book is based on interviews and explains how terrorist organizations
are formed. The interviews are with several groups around the world.
review 1;
review 2;
review at Barnes & Noble;
US and British Politics:
How the Irish Saved Civilization, by
Thomas Cahill;
other books:
Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea, Desire of the Everlasting Hills, and
The Gifts of the Jews
and related sites to latter:
Why Do People Hate The Jews?
and the book
Why The Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism, by Dennis Prager.
In Defense of Global Capitalism;
Johan Norberg Net
Book Forum at the CATO Institute; " A defence of globalisation,
systematically refuting the myths and arguments presented by critics of
globalisation to show that the world is deteriorating, the poor are
getting poorer, free trade causes exclusion, financial markets engender
crises and so on. About development, poverty, property rights, free
trade, the environment, multinationals etc. "
Several 'holocaust' stories:
When light pierced the darkness : Christian rescue of Jews in
Nazi-occupied Poland
Defiance: The Bielski Partisans (now a
Dry Tears: The Story Of A Lost Childhood (a review),
Nechama Tec (at Stamford - Univ. of Conn.)
Gulag, By Anne Applebaum, Doubleday; and
A review
The Case For Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror
by Natan Sharansky, Ron Dermer, Anatoly Shcharansky
The Primacy of Doubt, Tim Palmer.
Lagrangian Mechanics, (online) Structure and Interpretation of
Classical Mechanics, second edition, Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdom
Seven Clues to the Origin of Life: A Scientific Detective Story,
by A.G. Cairns-Smith; "The mysteries surrounding the origins of life on
earth are written in detective story fashion by a world famous
scientist"... and
online version of the book.
Why the Grass Seems Greener;
We are of two minds�one deliberative and rational, the other quick and
intuitive. They often don't agree. Article is on the book
Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman, Nobel prize winner in economics. 'a must read'.
A Passion for Discovery, by theoretical physicist
Peter Freund; with
The Nature of Objectivity, i.e.
Peter Galison books, e.g.
Einstein's Clocks, Poincare's Maps (and Image and logic).
and new book
Brian Greene at Columbia Univ. and
Elegant Universe, the book about string theory (interview) and
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality,
at Amazon.
The Agile Gene - How Nature Turns on Nurture, by
Matt Ridley
local copy of review
Five - Let's Get Physical
Books that compare Einstein with other great minds,
local copy, e.g.
"A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy of G�del and Einstein",
by Palle Yourgrau (Basic Books, 2005).
Stephen Jay Gould" and his
list of books
For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend
by Patricia B. McConnell Ph.D.
(Great book on understanding relationships between people and dogs; you
have to get a dog after reading this book.)
Books to Get:
best 100 books of 2009
best books of 2007 (at amazon); and a
local copy (pdf)
History Net, world's largest history magazine.
To Truckee's Trail, by Celia D. Hayes;
"which will take you on this harrowing journey in a way that reading
history can't. What's unusual about this is that unlike many historic
novels it has a documentary feel to it (it is loosely based on real
characters and events). The action is punctuated by diary entries, and a
(fictionalized) 1932 interview of one of the members of the party who
lived into his late 90s and recalls his childhood memories."
The Castle in the Forest, by Norman Mailer.
Norman Mailer: Hitler and the human ego (review),
Henry Roth: "Call it Sleep" -
Roth's book begins in 1907, the peak year in the history of Jewish
immigration to U.S., describing the "small white steamer, Peter Stuyvesant, that
delivered the immigrants from the stench and throb of the steerage to
the stench and throb of New York tenements.
Saul Bellow: "The Adventures of Augie March"
Agent to the Stars; and
book recommendation
and Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers, -- and John Steakley's Armor.
History's greatest speeches, 3rd edition of book by William Safire and review by
Robert M. Smalley.
By Amos Oz,
Harcourt, 538 pages.
"An Israeli writer looks back on his life and nation"
- Suggestions in
David Frum's article of Friday Apr 1, e.g.:
(online) Edith Hamilton's Mythology,
Robert Graves,
and his biography)
The Greek World of
Mary Renault,
(online) Autobiography of John Stuart Mill, Proust's Remembrance,
(online) Joyce's "Portrait of ...(local copy available)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by
Mark Twain (online)
Online Books:
top 100 at project Gutenberg
100 Notable Books of the Year/07; and
The 10 Best Books of 2004, NYT
NYT lists, 2004 and
NYT lists, 2003 and
NYT lists, 2002
- Suggestions:
- Historical Fiction:
Steven Saylor - Roma sub Rosa, e.g.
John Maddox book series - Roberts series on Rome;
The Sharpe series by
Bernard Cornwell (the first ten or so
are wonderful books with an English soldier during
Napoleonic wars as the protagonist; then the writer slides
into a literary hack mode, unfortunately. But the first
approx. 10 books are great.) This is not a mystery, but more
of an adventure. Lots of historic detail. Very entertaining.
The "Master and Commander" series by
Patrick o'Brian.
The hero is the British Navy captain, again, during Napoleonic
wars. Consistently wonderfully written, lots of historic
detail, faithful reproduction of the language, great
characters, especially fun if you are fond of things
related to sea
- Holocaust:
Last update: 08/27/2024 15:29:27, by Henry Wolkowicz