Workshop on:

Novel Approaches to Hard Discrete Optimization

Thursday, April 26 to Saturday, April 28, 2001

L o c a t i o n :

"Davis Center, DC 1302"
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Supported by and

AFTERNOTES (hypertext pdf file - only picture links); and as (a ps file - with pictures but no links):
The workshop was a huge success.
The transparencies (slides) of the talks (and photos of the talks) are being added to the schedule (as the speakers send them in).
All the photos are available here. I have organize many of them, i.e. added photo links on the schedule page. (Please excuse the quality - I DO need to learn how to use that camera. If anyone wants a picture destroyed, please tell me (Henry). )



Structure of the Workshop

   Theme of the workshop

    An introduction about why this workshop is organized.

   General Invitation to Workshop

   Invited Plenary Speakers

   Schedule, Abstracts, TALKS, Social Events

    Information about the April 26-28, 2001 workshop. This now includes slides of the talks (as they come in).

   Conference Handout (pdf file)




  Registration, submission of papers
How to register (there is no registration fee), how to submit a paper, deadlines

     Registered participants

   a Photo Album

   New developments

    (Recent announcements/results in related areas.)


Hotel, Travelling, and Reimbursement Information

Contact Information:

  Hotel and travel information
Information about the location, hotels, forms for expense reimbursement, travelling and more.
  Organizing committee, contact information
    Organizing committee, and their web pages.
   Frances Hannigan, contact person Apr6-24


Previous/Future Conferences

The workshop will follow in spirit previous workshops such as: MOPTA 01: The Fields Institute is also sponsoring 1st Annual McMaster Optimization Conference, Aug 2-4, 2001.
Max-Clique '01 Workshop: A workshop dedicated to maximum-clique and closely related graph problems. Dates: May 31 - June 3, 2001. Place: University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Organizers: F.Rendl, G.Gruber (Klagenfurt), I. Bomze, V. Stix (Vienna).

Last update: 12/17/2003 03:49:38, by Henry Wolkowicz