Nathan Wolkovitz (aka Wolkowicz) - Journal/in-Memory - started June 12, 2011
Here are pictures, memories of Nathan (Oct 13, 1950, June 9, 2011).
(To donate go to:
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, in Houston)
link to: in memory of
(private: link to Henry's picture page;
link to Daniel's picture page.)
link to: Henry Wolkowicz' main webpage
link to: list of old documents
in Houston with Nathan, in 2009:
Nathan, portrait 2011
pic 1 Nathan and Henry as above;
pic 2 Nathan and Gail;
pic 3 Nathan and Gail again;
pic 4 nathan in distance talking to Gail
Nathan was heavily involved in the Multiple Sclerosis Association of
America, in Houston,
organizing meetings and
(old MS webpage)
Two pictures from Richard Horvitz:
sitting approx. 1996;
Aug/91 with camera with Richard beside him
visiting Ontario in 2004,
and again
Houston in 1991, e.g. Jenny and Nathan's dog
Israel in 1990, with mother and Nannette
2004 family picture at nursing home in Cambridge Ont, with Asa, Yael, Nathan
Visit to Montreal in 1997 with uncle Nathan.
give peace a chance -youtube versions:
closeups at 4:25,5:14,5:21 and
closeups at 1:51,2:40,4:10mins and
version with closeup at 4:40
Three pictures with Nannette - including wedding pictures:
Nannette picture 1.
Nannette picture 2.
Nannette picture 3.
wedding picture (includes Jon Breslau?);
wedding picture (includes
Daniel and Judith from Israel);
Family picture;
Parents Mina and Pinchas at Nathan's wedding
three pictures canoeing with N and N and
three more pictures canoeing with N and N.
two pictures: one mom and baby; then two brothers.
seven pictures 1950's, including mom and dad together with Nathan
and I
Nathan's Bar Mitzva
seven pictures, mixture, Nathan's Bar Mitzva, family pictures
with Floyds, mid40s pictures, and 30s picture of Dad.
pictures, mixture with Nathan's Bar Mitzva,
summer in the country
birthday parties, young Nathan
mom and Nathan, and family
family in boat
Misc. pictures
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