Thematic Year Optimization Visitors to the Fields Institute
Seventh SIAM Conference on Optimization

CRM, and The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toront
o, Ontario, and PIMS

Information on Accomodation is available.

For example: New College is closest to the Fields; also Banting House is very nice. In addition, there are some one bedroom apts in the area on the web site. Other recommended places are: the Bay and Bloor Executive Suites and the Charlesview Apt. Hotel. I (Henry) have been staying at the Days Inn; it is a ten minute walk from the Fields, has a swimming pool, is currently $89 Can. per night, and is right next to Young Street.

If you are on this list:

Visitors' Schedules:

  1. Natalia Alexandrov (Seminar 1)
    May 12- May 24
    Research Scientist
    Multidisciplinary Optimization Branch
    NASA Langley Research Center.
  2. Dr. Miguel F. Anjos (Seminar)
    May 9
    A DONET (Discrete Optimization: Theory and Applications) postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Dr. Michael Jünger at the Institut für Informatik of the Universität zu Köln.
  3. Amr El-Bakry (Seminar)
    May 23 (at Univ. of Waterloo)
    Optimization Technology
    Tel: (713) 431-7137
    ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company
  4. Assist. Professor Heinz Bauschke (Seminar)
    Jan. 1- May 31
    University of Guelph
    Dept of Mathematics
    Guelph, Ont. CANADA
  5. Richard J. Caron (Seminar)
    May 14-16,23,28-30
    Dean of Science
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of Windsor
    Windsor, Ontario
  6. Professor Thomas F. Coleman
    Jan. 1- May 31
    Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.
    Director of the Cornell Theory Center (CTC) , and CTC-Manhattan ,
    a computational finance center in New York City .
  7. Charles Fortin
    April 29- May 12
    Montreal, Quebec
  8. Professor Robert M. Freund (Seminar)
    March 24- March 27
    Operations Research Center, Room E40-149A
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    77 Massachusetts Avenue
    Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
  9. Hugo Lara (Seminar)
    May 9-15
    Research visitor at University of Waterloo
  10. Jean Bernard Lasserre (Seminar)
    May 5- May 25
    Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
    Postal address: LAAS-CNRS
    7 Avenue du Colonel Roche
    31 077 Toulouse Cedex 4
  11. Maria Gonzalez-Lima
    May 12- May 26
    Univesidad Simon Bolivar
    Dept. de Computo Cientifico y Estadistica
    Apdo 89000, Caracas 1080-A, Venezuela.
  12. Marcel Mongeau (Seminar)
    May 13- May 22
    Universiti Paul Sabatier
    118 route de Narbonne
    31062 Toulouse cedex 04
  13. Irwin S. Pressman
    May 8- Jun 2
    School of Math. & Stats
    Carlton University
    Ottawa, Ont.
  14. Prof. Dr. Franz Rendl (Seminar)
    May 13- May 25
    Research Group Operations Research
    University of Klagenfurt
  15. Professor Tamas Terlaky
    Jan. 1- May 31
    Dept. of Computing & Software
    McMaster University
    Hamilton, Ont. CANADA N2L 3G1.
  16. Michael J. Todd (Seminar)
    May 3- May 22
    Leon C. Welch Professor of Engineering,
    School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering
    229 Frank H.T. Rhodes Hall
    Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
  17. Professor Levent Tunçel (Seminar)
    Jan. 1- May 31
    Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization
    Faculty of Mathematics
    University of Waterloo
    Waterloo, Ont. CANADA N2L 3G1.
  18. Professor Henry Wolkowicz (Seminar)
    Jan. 1- May 31
    Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization
    Faculty of Mathematics
    University of Waterloo
    Waterloo, Ont. CANADA N2L 3G1.
  19. Yin Zhang (Seminar)
    May 8- May 19
    Dept. Computational and Applied Mathematics
    Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005

Seminar Schedules by Speaker:

  1. Natalia Alexandrov
    (time 10AM), Tues., May 14
    title: Variable-fidelity models in optimization of simulation-based systems
  2. Dr. Miguel F. Anjos
    (time 11AM), Thurs. May 9
    title: A New Mathematical Programming Framework for Facility Layout Design ABSTRACT
  3. Amr El-Bakry
    Thursday May 23 (at Univ. of Waterloo)
    title: Incorporating Boundary Information into the Search Direction, ABSTRACT
  4. Heinz Bauschke
    (time 11AM), Friday May 10
    title: The method of reflection-projections for convex feasibility problems with an obtuse cone ABSTRACT
  5. Richard J. Caron
    (time 10AM), Thurs. May 16
    title: Preprocessing Mathematical Programmes with Random Sampling
  6. Professor Robert M. Freund
    Mon. 11AM, March 25
    title: Two Topics on the Complexity of Convex Optimization, one Computational and one Theoretical ABSTRACT
  7. Francois Glineur
    (time 11PM), Thurs. May 16
    title: Analyzing conic problems involving a single second-order cone constraint ABSTRACT
  8. Hugo Lara
    (time 11AM), Mon. May 13
    title: Condition and Complexity Measures for Infeasibility Certificates of Systems of Linear Inequalities and Their Sensitivity Analysis
  9. Jean Bernard Lasserre
    (time 11AM), Tues. May 14
    title: A framework for discrete duality ABSTRACT
  10. Marcel Mongeau (joint with A.R. Conn, IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY)
    (time 11PM), Wed., May 15
    title: Partial separability, graph theory, and global optimization
  11. Franz Rendl
    (time 10AM), Wed. May 15
    title: Bundle methods in combinatorial optimization ABSTRACT
  12. Michael J. Todd
    (time 10AM), Thurs. May 9
    title: Detecting infeasibility in interior-point methods for optimization ABSTRACT
  13. Professor Levent Tunçel
    (time 10AM), Mon. May 13
    title: Geometry of Homogeneous Convex Cones, Duality Mapping, and Optimal Self-Concordant Barriers ABSTRACT
  14. Henry Wolkowicz
    (time 10AM), Friday May 10
    title: A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem Within a Semidefinite Programming Framework ABSTRACT
  15. Yin Zhang
    (time 12PM), Mon. May 13
    title: A Global Optimization Problem in Computational Biology: Molecular Replacement Problem ABSTRACT

Seminar Schedules by Date:

  1. Professor Robert M. Freund
    Mon. 11AM, March 25
    title: Two Topics on the Complexity of Convex Optimization, one Computational and one Theoretical ABSTRACT
  2. Michael J. Todd
    (time 10AM), Thurs. May 9
    title: Detecting infeasibility in interior-point methods for optimization ABSTRACT
  3. Dr. Miguel F. Anjos
    (time 11AM), Thurs. May 9
    title: A New Mathematical Programming Framework for Facility Layout Design ABSTRACT
  4. Henry Wolkowicz
    (time 10AM), Friday May 10
    title: A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem Within a Semidefinite Programming Framework ABSTRACT
  5. Heinz Bauschke
    (time 11AM), Friday May 10
    title: The method of reflection-projections for convex feasibility problems with an obtuse cone ABSTRACT
  6. Professor Levent Tunçel
    (time 10AM), Mon. May 13
    title: Geometry of Homogeneous Convex Cones, Duality Mapping, and Optimal Self-Concordant Barriers ABSTRACT
  7. Hugo Lara
    (time 11AM), Mon. May 13
    title: Condition and Complexity Measures for Infeasibility Certificates of Systems of Linear Inequalities and Their Sensitivity Analysis
  8. Yin Zhang
    (time 12PM), Mon. May 13
    title: A Global Optimization Problem in Computational Biology: Molecular Replacement Problem ABSTRACT
  9. Natalia Alexandrov
    (time 10AM), Tues., May 14
    title: Variable-fidelity models in optimization of simulation-based systems
  10. Jean Bernard Lasserre
    (time 11AM), Tues. May 14
    title: A framework for discrete duality ABSTRACT
  11. Franz Rendl
    (time 10AM), Wed. May 15
    title: Bundle methods in combinatorial optimization ABSTRACT
  12. Marcel Mongeau (joint with A.R. Conn, IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY)
    (time 11PM), Wed., May 15
    title: Partial separability, graph theory, and global optimization
  13. Richard J. Caron
    (time 10AM), Thurs. May 16
    title: Preprocessing Mathematical Programmes with Random Sampling
  14. Amr El-Bakry
    Thursday May 23 (at Univ. of Waterloo)
    title: Incorporating Boundary Information into the Search Direction, ABSTRACT

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Last update: 06/08/2009 15:18:28, by Henry Wolkowicz