Title of presentation:
(collaboration with
Oleg Grodzevich)
at the
MITACS 6th Annual Conference, May 11 - 14, 2005; and at the
Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization,
in Minisymposium:
Trust region methods for nonlinear optimization,
(organizer Ya-xiang Yuan)
A Stable Iterative Method for Linear Programming,
with Hua Wei.
and also
A Short Course in SDP
A short memorial service was held for both:
Leonid Khachiyan (1952-2005) (passed away on Apr 29); and
George B. Dantzig (1914-2005)(passed away on May 13).
Pictures are available:
Visual Needs
(C) Copyright Henry Wolkowicz, 1991.
, by Henry Wolkowicz