SPEAKER'S SURNAME: Krislock SPEAKER'S GIVEN NAME(S): Nathan DEPTARMENT: Department of Combinatorics & Optimization INSTITUTION: University of Waterloo PHONE: 519 888 4567 x 33922 COAUTHOR(S): Henry Wolkowicz (University of Waterloo) TITLE: Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming and Clique Reductions (slides/pdf file) ABSTRACT : The sensor network localization, SNL, problem consists of locating the positions of sensors, given only the distances between sensors that are within radio range and the positions of some fixed sensors (called anchors). Using the theory of Euclidean Distance Matrices, EDMs, we relax SNL to a semidefinite programming, SDP, problem. The feasible set of this SDP is restricted to a low dimensional face of the SDP cone, causing the Slater constraint qualification to fail. By finding explicit representations of the faces of the SDP cone corresponding to unions of cliques of the SNL problem, we derive a preprocessing technique that solves the SNL problem, with exact data, by explicitly solving the corresponding SDP problem. This is joint work with Henry Wolkowicz, University of Waterloo. -- Nathan Krislock PhD Candidate Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization University of Waterloo, Canada Phone: (+1) 519 888 4567 ext. 33922