Consider the MATLAB file:
Run this file with the current data. Then,
remove the % to uncomment the two lines that generate a
random example. Run the file again.
Hand in your P,Z matrices and the error for each run.
consider the SDP relaxation of the max-cut problem discussed in class.
Solve the dual of the relaxation using CVX. Let y,X denote the
optimum of the dual and primal, respectively.
Generate random data as
input, i.e. generate random nonnegative weights for the graph and input
the Laplacian L as data for the SDP problem.
Find an (approximate) solution x for the original max-cut
problem and calculate a percentage error.
Hand in your cvx program and: L; primal dual optimal y, X;
the approximate x; and the percentage error.
Use it to solve the closest correlation
matrix problem, i.e. generate a random symmetric
n by n matrix X (try n=5,10,100) and
find a closest matrix in the intersection of: the cone of
positive semidefinite matrices and the subspace of symmetric matrices
with diagonal all ones.
Start with beta +1 or -1. Then,
try different values for the parameter beta.
What can you say about the convergence rates?
Now use the same approach to
find a point in the intersection of two circles in
The circle of radius 2 centered at the origin (0,0) and the circle of
radius 1 centered at (-1,0). (The interesection is the point (-2,0).
Note that this is the intersection of two nonconvex sets.)
A reference for these projection algorithms in the convex case is:
H.H. Bauschke and J.M. Borwein: On projection algorithms for solving
convex feasibility problems, SIAM Review 38(3), pp. 367-426, 1996.
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