C*-Algebras by Example

This is a graduate text published in the Fields Institute Monograph Series volume 6 by the American Mathematical Society. If you are interesting in prices or information on ordering a copy, consult the AMS Bookstore website and specifically this title.

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  • Robert Doran, Math. Reviews MR97i:46095
  • William Arveson, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 435-439.
  • Simon Wassermann, Bull. London Math. Soc. 30 (1998), 210-213.
  • Andrej Bulinski, Zentralblatt 0956.46034


    The Basics of C*-algebras 1 Definitions 1 Banach Algebra Basics 3 Commutative C*-algebras 7 Positive Elements 9 Ideals, Quotients and Homomorphisms 12 Weak Topologies 15 The Density Theorems 19 Some Operator Theory 23 Representations of C*-algebras 26 C*-algebras of Compact Operators 36 Exercises 40 Normal Operators and Abelian C*-algebras 46 Spectral Theory 46 The L-infinity Functional Calculus 48 Multiplicity Theory 53 The Weyl--von Neumann--Berg Theorem 57 Voiculescu's Theorem 64 Exercises 72 AF C*-algebras 74 Finite Dimensional C*-algebras 74 AF Algebras 75 Perturbations 79 Ideals and Quotients 84 Examples 86 Extensions 91 Exercises 95 K-theory for AF C*-algebras 97 Idempotents 97 K_0 100 Dimension Groups 102 Elliott's Theorem 109 Applications 112 Riesz groups 118 The Effros--Handelman--Shen Theorem 120 Blackadar's Simple Unital Projectionless C*-algebra 124 Exercises 129 C*-Algebras of Isometries 132 Toeplitz Operators 132 Isometries 136 Bunce--Deddens Algebras 137 Cuntz Algebras 144 Simple Infinite C*-algebras 147 Classification of Cuntz Algebras 150 Real Rank Zero 156 Exercises 162 Irrational Rotation Algebras 166 The irrational rotation algebras 166 Projections in irrational rotation algebras 170 An AF algebra 172 Berg's technique 174 Imbedding into AF algebras 177 Exercises 180 Group C*-Algebras 182 Group Representations 182 Amenability 185 Primitive Ideals 190 A Crystallographic Group 193 The Discrete Heisenberg Group 200 The Free Group 203 The Reduced C*-algebra of the Free Group 206 C*_r(F_2) is Projectionless 210 Exercises 214 Discrete Crossed Products 216 Crossed Products 216 Crossed Products by Z 222 Minimal Dynamical Systems 223 Odometers 230 K-theory of Crossed Products 232 AF Subalgebras of Crossed Products 235 Crossed Product subalgebras of AF Algebras 238 Topological Stable Rank 244 An Order 2 Automorphism 247 Exercises 250 Brown--Douglas--Fillmore Theory 252 Extensions 252 An Addition and Zero Element for Ext(X) 254 Some Special Cases 258 Positive maps 259 Ext(X) is a group 266 First Topological Properties 268 Ext for planar sets 273 Quasidiagonality 281 Homotopy Invariance 286 The Mayer--Vietoris Sequence 289 Examples 294 Exercises 299 References 303 Index 307


    These notes were developed in the fall of 1993 for a graduate course on C*-algebras. The subject of C*-algebras received a dramatic revitalization in the 1970s by the introduction of topological methods due the deep work of Brown, Douglas and Fillmore on extensions of C*-algebras and Elliott's use of K-theory to provide a useful classification of AF algebras and Kasparov's melding of the two into KK-theory. These results were the beginning of a marvelous new set of tools for analyzing concrete C*-algebras. The subject flourished by virtue of a rich and varied group of examples which were the perfect fodder for these new methods. Moreover, these examples served as a beacon for the kinds of general tools needed to study C*-algebras. Today, a student cannot get very far in the C*-algebra literature without being somewhat familiar with the lexicon of examples that now dot the landscape. These notes are not intended as a systematic study of the general theory of C*-algebras, nor of K-theory. There are several excellent books on both of these aspects. Rather, I develop a modicum of the general theory for the sake of self-containment and then launch into a study of various important classes of examples. A number of choices had to be made. I have developed the theory of AF algebras to quite an extent. However, in some of the other topics, such as irrational rotation algebras and Cuntz algebras, I have limited myself to the more modest goal of obtaining enough information to classify the algebras within their narrow context. Because this is not a course in K-theory, certain stronger results that require a more systematic study have been omitted. I have also given a detailed treatment of the Brown--Douglas--Fillmore theory. The discussion is limited to the commutative case as in their original work because of the technical simplifications. However the informed reader will notice that a number of the proofs have been influenced by the more general theory. The hope is that these notes will open a student's eyes to some of the power, beauty and variety of these amazing algebras. This is just a glimpse into an exciting area of current research interest. These notes were compiled during the author's participation in the special year on C*-algebras at the Fields Institute of Mathematics held in Waterloo, Canada during the 1994--95 academic year. The author wishes to thank the Fields Institute and the University of Waterloo for providing the release time that made this project possible. I also wish to thank everyone who provided feedback on the early drafts of these notes. I am especially indebted to Keith Taylor, who provided me with some wonderful material on the C*-algebras of crystallographic groups and Alan Paterson for advice on amenability. I am also grateful to Florin Boca, who provided me with detailed notes on showing that the irrational rotation algebras are limit circle algebras even though, in the end, I decided not to include them. I must also mention Ileana Ionascu and Raul Curto, who read the whole manuscript and made many detailed comments. In addition, I thank Ola Bratteli, Larry Brown, John Conway, Don Hadwin, Dick Kadison, Ian Putnam, Norberto Salinas and Hong Sheng Yin who put me right at various points of the book. In spite of all their help, I know that I have been unable to get all the minor blemishes out. For this, I must bear the burden myself. The text was prepared using \AmS-\LaTeX, and typeset in 11pt Times roman. The commutative diagrams and figures were produced using the macro package \XY-pic version 3.2 written by Kris Rose and Ross Moore. Kenneth R. Davidson Waterloo, February, 1996

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