Marcoux, L.W. and Płaneta, A., Quasidiagonal weighted shifts on directed trees (2023) 38pp. to appear in Studia Math.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H. and Zhang, Y.H., Around the closure of the set of commutators of idempotents in B(H): biquasitriangularity and factorisation, J. Funct. Anal. 284 (2023) no.8, Paper no. 109854, 45pp.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H. and Zhang, Y.H., Around the closures of the set of commutators and the set of differences of idempotent elements in B(H), (2023) 30ms. to appear in the J. Oper. Th.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H. and Rosenthal, P., Triangular operator algebras and simultaneous triangularisation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 755-762.
Marcoux, L.W., Five Hilbert space problems in operator algebras Complex. Anal. Oper. Theory 16 (2022), no. 8, Paper no. 116, 15pp.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H. and Zhang, Y.H., Dispersing representations of semi-simple subalgebras of complex matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. 642 (2022), 160-220.
Bernik, J., Livshits, L., MacDonald, G., Marcoux, L.W., Mastnak, M. and Radjavi, H., Algebraic degree in spatial matricial numerical ranges of linear operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (2021), 4083-4097.
Cramer, Z., Marcoux, L.W. and Radjavi, H., Matrix algebras with a certain compression property, Linear Algebra Appl. 621 (2021), 50-85.
MacDonald, G., Marcoux, L.W., Mastnak, M., Omladic, M. and Radjavi, H., A note on the structure of matrix *-subalgebras with scalar diagonals, Oper. Matrices 15 (2021), 39-45.
Marcoux, L.W. and Zhang, Y.H., On Specht's Theorem in UHF C*-algebras, J. Funct. Anal. 280 (2021), no.1, Paper no. 108778, 28pp.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H. and Zhang, Y.H., Normal operators with highly incompatible off-diagonal corners, Studia Math. 256 (2021), 73-91.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H. and Zhang, Y.H., Off-diagonal corners of subalgebras of L(C^n), Linear Alg. Appl. 607 (2020), 58-88.
Marcoux, L.W. and Zhang, Y.H., Operators which are polynomially isometric to a normal operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 2019-2033.
Marcoux, L.W. and Sourour, A.R., On the spectrum of the Sylvester-Rosenblum operator acting on triangular algebras, to appear in Operators and Matrices, (2020).
Marcoux, L.W., On norm-limits of algebraic quasidiagonal operators, J. Operator Th. 83 (2020), 475-494.
Aghamollaei, G., Marcoux, L.W., and Radjavi, H., Linear preservers of polynomial numerical convex hulls, Lin. Alg. Appl. 575 (2019), 27-34.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H., and Yahaghi, B.R., On *-similarity in C*-algebras,Studia Math. 252 (2020), 93-103.
Clouâtre, R. and Marcoux, L.W., Compact ideals and rigidity of representations for amenable operator algebras, Studia Math. 244 (2019), 25-41.
Clouâtre, R. and Marcoux, L.W., Residual finite-dimensionality and representations of amenable operator algebras, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 472, (2019), 1346-1368.
Livshits, L., MacDonald, G., Marcoux, L.W. and Radjavi, H., Hilbert space operators with compatible off-diagonal corners, J. Funct. Anal. 275 (2018), 892-925.
Marcoux, L.W., Radjavi, H. and Yahaghi, B.R., Reducibility of operator semigroups and values of vector states, Semigroup Forum 95, (2017), 126-158.
Marcoux, L.W., Omladic, M, Popov., A.I., Radjavi, H. and Yahaghi, B.R., Ranges of vector states on irreducible operator semigroups, Semigroup Forum 95 (2016), 264-304.
Livshits, L., MacDonald, G., Marcoux, L.W. and Radjavi, H., Universal bounds for positive matrix semigroups, Studia Math. 232 (2016), 143-153.
Marcoux, L.W. and Popov, A., Abelian, amenable operator algebras are similar to C*-algebras, Duke Math. J. 165 (2016), 2391-2406.
Bernik, J., Marcoux, L.W., Popov, A.I., and Radjavi, H., On selfadjoint extensions of semigroups of partial isometries, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2016 (2016), 264-304.