Matthew Satriano
Associate Professor
- Jordan Ellenberg, Matthew Satriano, and David Zureick-Brown. Heights on stacks and a generalized Batyrev-Manin-Malle conjecture. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 11 (2023), Article No. e14, 54 pp. pdf
- Matthew Satriano and Jeremy Usatine. Stringy invariants and toric Artin stacks. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, Volume 10 , 2022 , E9. pdf
- Nguyen-Bac Dang, Dragos Ghioca, Fei Hu, John Lesieutre, and Matthew Satriano. Higher arithmetic degrees of dominant rational self-maps. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, (5) 23 (2022), no. 1, 463-481. pdf
- Matthew Satriano. Motivic Integration and Toric Stacks. Oberwolfach Reports 17 (2022), 43-46. pdf
- Jason P. Bell, Yohsuke Matsuzawa, and Matthew Satriano. On Dynamical Cancellation, International Mathematics Research Notices, to appear. pdf
- John Lesieutre and Matthew Satriano. Canonical heights on hyper-Kahler varieties and the Kawaguchi-Silverman conjecture. International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2021, Issue 10, May 2021, Pages 7677-7714. pdf
- Jason Bell, Dragos Ghioca, and Matthew Satriano. Dynamical Uniform Bounds for Fibers and a Gap Conjecture. International Mathematics Research Notices, IMRN 2021, no. 10, 7932-7946. pdf
- David McKinnon and Matthew Satriano. Approximating rational points on toric varieties. Transactions of the American Math Society, 374 (2021), no. 5, 3557-3577. pdf Erratum
- Jiahui Huang, David McKinnon, and Matthew Satriano. What fraction of an S_n-orbit can lie on a hyperplane?. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 613 (2021), 1-23. pdf
- David McKinnon, Rindra Razafy, Matthew Satriano, and Yuxuan Sun. On curves with high multiplicity on P(a,b,c) for min(a,b,c) <= 4, New York Journal of Mathematics, (2021), accepted. pdf
- Jason P. Bell, Fei Hu, Matthew Satriano. Height Gap Conjectures, D-Finiteness, and a Weak Dynamical Mordell-Lang Conjecture. Mathematische Annalen, (2020), 20 pages, 378 (2020), no. 3-4, 971-992. pdf
- Wei Ho and Matthew Satriano. Galois closures of non-commutative rings and an application to Hermitian representations. International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2020, Issue 21, November 2020, 7944-7974. pdf
- Yoav Len and Matthew Satriano. Lifting tropical self intersections. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 170 (2020), 105138, 21 pp. pdf
- John Lesieutre and Matthew Satriano. A rational map with infinitely many points of distinct arithmetic degrees. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 40 (2020), no. 11, 3051-3055. pdf
- Dan Edidin and Matthew Satriano. Towards an Intersection Chow Cohomology Theory for GIT Quotients. Transformation Groups, 25 (2020), no. 4, 1103-1124. pdf
- Jenna Rajchgot, Matthew Satriano, and Wanchun Shen. Some combinatorial cases of the three matrix analog of Gerstenhaber's theorem. Advances in Mathematical Sciences. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 21. Springer, Cham. (2020). pdf
- Dragos Ghioca and Matthew Satriano. Density of orbits of dominant regular self-maps of semiabelian varieties. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 371 (2019), no. 9, 6341-6358. pdf
- J. William Helton, Kyle P. Meyer, Vern I. Paulsen, and Matthew Satriano. Algebras, Synchronous Games and Chromatic Numbers of Graphs. New York Journal of Mathematics, 25 (2019), 328-361. pdf
- Jenna Rajchgot and Matthew Satriano. New classes of examples satisfying the three matrix analog of Gerstenhaber's theorem. Journal of Algebra, 516 (2018), 245-270. pdf
- Dan Edidin and Matthew Satriano. Strong cycles and intersection products on good moduli spaces. K-Theory - Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Mumbai, 2016, 223-238, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2018. pdf
- Anton Geraschenko and Matthew Satriano. A "Bottom Up" characterization of smooth Deligne-Mumford stacks. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017, no. 21, 6469-6483. pdf
- Jason P. Bell, Dragos Ghioca, Zinovy Reichstein, and Matthew Satriano. On the Medvedev-Scanlon conjecture for minimal threefolds of non-negative Kodaira dimension. New York Journal of Mathematics, 23 (2017), 1185-1203. pdf
- Jason P. Bell, Matthew Satriano, and Susan J. Sierra, On a dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture for coherent sheaves. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2017, (2) 96 (2017), no. 1, 28-46. pdf
- Matthew Satriano. When is a variety the quotient of a smooth variety by a finite group?. Oberwolfach Reports 19 (2016), 992-996. pdf
- Benjamin Linowitz, Matthew Satriano, and Roope Vehkalahti. A non-commutative analogue of the Odlyzko bounds and bounds on performance for space-time lattice codes. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 61 (2015), no. 4, 1971-1984. pdf
- Anton Geraschenko and Matthew Satriano. Torus quotients as global quotients by finite groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2) 92 (2015), no. 3, 736-759. pdf
- Anton Geraschenko and Matthew Satriano. Toric stacks I: The theory of stacky fans. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 367 (2015), no. 2, 1033-1071. pdf
- Anton Geraschenko and Matthew Satriano. Toric Stacks II: Intrinsic characterization of toric stacks. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 367 (2015), no. 2, 1073-1094. pdf Erratum
- Manjul Bhargava and Matthew Satriano. On a notion of "Galois closure" for extensions of rings. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 16 (2014), no. 9, 1881-1913. pdf
- Christian Liedtke and Matthew Satriano. On the birational nature of lifting. Advances in Mathematics, 254 (2014), 118-137. pdf
- Dan Abramovich, Qile Chen, Danny Gillam, Yuhao Huang, Martin Olsson, Matthew Satriano, and Shenghao Sun. Logarithmic Geometry and Moduli. Handbook of moduli. Vol. I, 1-61, Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM), 24, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2013. pdf
- Dan Edidin, Anton Geraschenko, and Matthew Satriano. There is no degree map for 0-cycles on Artin stacks. Transformation Groups, 18 (2013), no. 2, 385-389. pdf
- Qile Chen and Matthew Satriano. Chow quotients of toric varieties as moduli of stable log maps. Algebra & Number Theory, 7 (2013), no. 9, 2313-2329. pdf
- Matthew Satriano. Canonical Artin stacks over log smooth schemes. Mathematische Zeitschrift (2013), no. 3-4, 779-804. pdf
- Matthew Satriano. de Rham theory for tame stacks and schemes with linearly reductive singularities. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 62, No. 6, 2013-2051 (2012). pdf
- Matthew Satriano. The Chevalley-Shephard-Todd theorem for finite linearly reductive group schemes. Algebra & Number Theory, 6 (2012), no. 1, 1-26. pdf
Submitted Preprints
- Jason Bell, Colin Ingalls, Rahim Moosa, Matthew Satriano. A differential analogue of the wild automorphism conjecture. (2022), 7 pages. pdf
- Andrew Staal and Matthew Satriano. Galois closures and elementary components of Hilbert schemes of points. (2022), 26 pages, submitted. pdf
- Dori Bejleri, Jun-Yong Park, Matthew Satriano. Height moduli on cyclotomic stacks and counting elliptic curves over function fields. (2022), 56 pages, submitted. pdf
- Eleonore Faber, Colin Ingalls, Shinnosuke Okawa, and Matthew Satriano. On stacky surfaces and noncommutative surfaces (2022), 33 pages, submitted. pdf
- Oliver Pechenik and Matthew Satriano. Combinatorial models for the cohomology and K-theory of some loop spaces. (2022), 30 pages, submitted. pdf
- Oliver Pechenik and Matthew Satriano. Proof of a conjectured Mobius inversion formula for Grothendieck polynomials. (2022), 6 pages, submitted. pdf
- Matthew Satriano and Andrew P. Staal. Small elementary components of Hilbert schemes of points. (2021), 31 pages, submitted. pdf
- Matthew Satriano and Jeremy Usatine. A motivic change of variables formula for Artin stacks. (2021), 23 pages, submitted. pdf
- Dan Edidin, Matthew Satriano, and Spencer Whitehead. An intrinsic characterization of cofree representations of reductive groups. (2020), 26 pages, submitted. pdf
Mathematical Biology Publications
- Sabina J. Haque, Matthew Satriano, Mirunaca Stefana Sorea, Polly Y. Yu. The disguised toric locus and affine equivalence of reaction networks (2022), 20 pages, submitted. pdf
- Sherman TD, Kagohara LT, Cao R, Cheng R, Satriano M, Considine M, et al. CancerInSilico: An R/Bioconductor package for combining mathematical and statistical modeling to simulate time course bulk and single cell gene expression data in cancer. PLOS Computational Biology (2019). pdf
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