Peter J. Wood
Faculty of Mathematics

Office: M3 2109
Telephone: Ext. 39-159

University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2A 3G1



Research and Publications

  1. Operator Segal algebras in Fourier algebras (with B.E. Forrest and N. Spronk) (2007)
  2. Invariant Complementation and projectivity in the Fourier Algebra (2003)
  3. The Operator Biprojectivity of the Fourier Algebra (2002)
  4. Cohomology and the Operator Space structure of the Fourier Algebra and its second dual (with B.E. Forrest) (2001)
  5. Diagonal Type Conditions on Group C* Algebras (with N. Spronk) (2001)
  6. Complemented Ideals in the Fourier Algebra of a Locally Compact Group (2000)


Last modified: June 23 , 2016