I am a Professor of Statistics
in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo
and hold cross-appointments at
the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo and
the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.
From 2005 to 2019, I held a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Statistical Methods for Health Research,
and I am now a Mathematics Faculty Research Chair.
I completed a BSc in Statistics at McMaster University, and a Master's in Mathematics
and a PhD in Statistics at the University of Waterloo. My research interests include
the analysis of life history data, the design and analysis of clinical and epidemiological
studies, and statistical methods for incomplete data. Areas of collaboration in health
research include autoimmune disease, transfusion medicine and public health research more broadly.
I welcome enquiries from strong students interested in graduate studies or post-doctoral fellowships.
Statistical and scientific considerations concerning the interpretation, replicability and transportabilityof research findings.
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Multistate models as a framework for estimand specification in clinical trials of complex processes.
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Marker-dependent observation and carry-forward of internal covariates in Cox regression.
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