Sue Ann Campbell

My research involves building and analyzing mathematical models for
biological systems. My current works focusses on applications in neuroscience
from the single cell to the network level. Past work includes applications in
ecology and engineering. A major theme of my research is the influence of
nonlinearities and time delays on the model behaviour.
The time delays represent the time it takes information to
propagate from one part of the system to another. The nonlinearity represents
the fact that in these systems a small change in the state can often result in
a large change in behaviour. Mathematically, my research involves
dynamical systems theory (e.g., stability, bifurcations, centre manifolds and
normal forms) and its extensions to delay differential equations and non-smooth
Software I use in my research
(numerical integration of delay differential equations,
among other things)
- AUTO (bifurcation
continuation for ODEs)
DDE-BIFTOOL (bifurcation continutation for delay differential equations)
- MATCONT (bifurcation
continuation software for ODEs that runs under Matlab.)
Online resources
Research Affiliations
Journal Affiliations
Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
Associations to which I belong
Math Links
Women in Math and Science
Other Interests
How to reach me
office: MC 6132
phone: (519) 888-4567 Ext. 35461
fax: (519) 746-4319
- regular mail:
- Sue Ann Campbell
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3G1
This page is currently maintained by
S.A. Campbell