Week | Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
1 | Jan 21 | Krishnarjun Krishnamoorthy* | BIMSA | Moments of non-normal number fields |
2 | Jan 28 | Akash Singha Roy* | University of Georgia | Residue-class distribution and mean values of multiplicative functions |
3 | Feb 4 | Kevin Hare | University of Waterloo | Computational progress on the unfair 0-1 polynomial Conjecture |
4 | Feb 11 | Roy Zhao* | Tsinghua & Caltech | Unlikely Intersection Problems and The Pila-Zannier Method |
5 | Feb 25 | Miao Gu | University of Michigan | On Triple Product L-functions |
6a | Mar 7 | Habiba Kadiri | University of Lethbridge | An explicit version of Chebotarev’s Density Theorem |
6b | Mar 7 | William Verreault | University of Toronto | On the minimal length of addition chains |
7 | Mar 18 | Emily Quesada-Herrera | PIMS, Lethbridge | Fourier optimization and the least quadratic non-residue |
8 | Mar 25 | Sourabhashis Das | University of Waterloo | |
9 | Apr 1 | Zahra Janbazi | University of Toronto | |
18 | June 3 | Paul Pollack | University of Georgia | |
19 | June 10 | Micah Milinovich | University of Mississipi |
Week | Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
1 | Sep 17 | John Yin | Ohio State University | A Chebotarev Density Theorem over Local Fields |
2 | Sep 24 | Alex Cowan | University of Waterloo | Statistics of modular forms with small rationality fields |
3 | Sep 31 | Agniva Dasgupta | University of Texas at Dallas | Second Moment of GL(3) L-functions |
4 | Oct 8 | David McKinnon | University of Waterloo | How crowded can rational solutions be? |
5 | Oct 22 | Kunjakanan Nath* | IECL Nancy | Circle method and binary correlation problems |
6 | Oct 29 | Valeriya Kovaleva | University of Montreal | Correlations of the Riemann Zeta on the critical line |
7 | Nov 5 | Sunil Naik* | Queen's University | On a question of Christensen, Gipson and Kulosman |
8 | Nov 12 | Rizwanur Khan* | University of Texas at Dallas | Eisenstein series and the Random Wave Conjecture |
9 | Nov 19 | Stanley Xiao | University of Northern British Columbia | On Buchi's problem |
10 | Nov 26 | Owen Patashnick | King's College Londo | Motive-ating formal periods via special values of L-functions |