guidlines and approval processes and for
travel to world hot spots info
This file contains a list (with pointers) of recent presentations which
are available as ps files and/or latex files. WARNING: Many of these may
be in progress or incomplete.
Several may be in
this directory and not on this list.
to the home page of Henry Wolkowicz
Research Page for Henry Wolkowicz
(click on title to go to
directory with latex files (when available).)
1999, 2000,
Splitting Algorithms Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities,
10 Feb 2025 - 21 Feb 2025, at MATRIX; at University of Melbourne's
Creswick campus.
Computing Society Conference, Fri-Sun, 14-16 March 2025,
Toronto, Canada, (invited talk)
(invited; organizer Boshi Yang)
Strategies for Handling Applications with Nonconvexity (25w5372),
Sunday, May 11 to Friday, May 16, 2025, BIRS, Banff, Alberta.
Seventh Conference on
Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning;
Dates: 12th - 16th May, 2025;
Place: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto, Japan
Organizers: Antoine Deza, Kazuhisa Makino, Sebastian Pokutta, Akiyoshi Shioura
Householder Symposium XXII,
June 8 - June 13, 2025; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
Instit. of Math.,
Polish Acad. Sc, Dynamical Equations on Time Scales,
Venue: the Institute of Mathematics, the Stefan Banach Mathematical Center, Polish Academy of Science, Bedlewo, Poland
Dates: June 8-13, 2025
Lehigh University,
MOPTA, the Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications
(MOPTA) 2025 Conference, in Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portuga,lon June
17-20, 2025; celebrating the 70th Birthday of Professor Tamas Terlaky.
Preceeded by: The Portuguese American Optimization Workshop (PAOW), a satellite event of MOPTA 2025, will take place in Horta, Azores, Portugal during June 13-15, 2025.
MCA 2025,
Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2025,
July 21, 2025 - July 25, 2025,
InterContinental Miami, an IHG Hotel, Florida;
session entitled "Convex and Riemannian Optimization".
ICCOPT 2025,
The University of Southern California (University Park Main Campus),
July 19 to July 24, 2025 (first two days for summer school).
The Third Joint SIAM/CAIMS Annual Meetings (AN25),
July 28 - August 1, 2025, Montreal, Que.
2024 INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, hosted by Rice
University, Houston Tx, March 22-24, 2024.
Special Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting to Honour Peter Lancaster at 95
May 25 & 26, 2024, University of Calgary
International Conference on Optimization: Challenges and
A Conference in honor of Boris Mordukhovich's 75th birthday,
Optimization, Analytics, and Decisions in the Big Data Era
In Honor of the 70-th Birthday of Panos Pardalos,
June 16-21, 2024, at Elite City Resort Kalamata.
FGS Conference on Optimization 2024,
French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization 2024, June 18-21;
Gijon Spain.
Fulkerson 100, July 17-19, 2024,
Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization, University of Waterloo
The 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, ISMP,
Montreal, Canada, from July 21st through July 26th, 2024.
2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting.,
October 20-23, 2024 | Seattle, Washington, and Field Trip at Univ. of
The 26rd Midwest Optimization Meeting, MOM,
at University of Waterloo, November 8-9, 2024; an organizer.
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) 2024 CMS Winter Meeting,
November 29 - December 2, 2024, Richmond, British Columbia; at the
Vancouver Airport Sheraton Hotel.
Invited to
Continuous Optimization - Algorithms, Applications, and Analysis;
and to
Analysis: Theory and Applications
Discrete Optimization: Mathematics, Algorithms, and Computation
Jan 30 - May 5, 2023 and Feb19-Feb25.
Seminar CO769 on:
A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem; Feb. 9, 2023;
Strong duality and stability in conic convex optimization; Feb. 14, 2023;
Applications to Hard Discrete Optimization and Low Rank Solutions; Feb. 28, 2023;
Facial Reduc tion and Applications to Sensor Network Localization;Mar. 14, 2023;
Regularized Nonsmooth Newton Algorithms
for Best Approximation
with Applications;Mar. 28, 2023;
Linear Programming, LP: Theoretical and Empirical Results in Degeneracy;
(ii) Using Best Approximation for Solving Large Scale LPs; Clemson
University, April 2023, invited colloquium;
SAFS Annual Meeting;
Friday 19 May will be held in the Gunnery Ballroom, at the Delta Armouries, 325 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. The sessions Saturday 20 May will be held in Room 100 of London Hall, Western University, London, Ontario.
Optimization Days , HEC Montreal, May 29-31, 2023
SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23). May 31-June 3, 2023. Seattle
(organizing minisymp. with Hao Hu)
CanaDAM 2023, Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference
2023 Jun5-8, Winnipeg, Canada.
The 13th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems,
Differential Equations and Applications,
May 31 - June 4, 2023, Wilmington, NC USA
Canadian Applied and Industrial
Mathematics Society Annual Meeting, June 12-15, Fredericton, New
Brunswick, Canada. and ???? visit to St. Andrews pre conference?????
25th ILAS Conference. It will be held at the Escuela Tecnica
Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural (The
School of Forest Engineering and Natural Resources), of the Polytechnic
University of Madrid
During the week of 12-16 June 2023.
Focus Program on Geometric Constraint Systems,
July 1 - August 31, 2023; Fields Institute, Toronto. (organizer)
(Aug. 8-11 Workshop on Constraint Systems: Distance Geometry, Structured
Polynomials, Matrix Completion and Kinematics)
The Simple Wasserstein Barycenter Problem, plenary presentation.
and presentation by Yu Xia on joint work:
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Halfway to Twelfty,
July 4-7, 2023, Ecole des Ponts, Marne-la-Vallee, France, invited 30
min. talk.
Challenges in Continuous Optimization and its Applications; conference,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel, Sept 11-14, in honour of Marc
Teboulle's 70th birthday.
Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, MatTriad 2023, will be held on 10 - 16 September 2023 in Bedlewo, Poland
Recent Advances in Optimization; Fields Workshop; Toronto Oct 11-12,
Fields Institute. 2023. Presentation on Splitting Methods.
The 2023 Annual Midwest Optimization Meeting,
Saturday and Sunday, October 21-22, 2023, East Hall,
Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
2023 CMS Winter Meeting,
December 1-4, 2023, Montreal
International Conference on Linear Algebra and its Applications
(ICLAA 2023, Manipal, India), Dec 18-21.
Online Day of
Continuous Optimization on January 25, 2022. Attending.
2022 INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, in March 13-15 2022 at Downtown
Greenville, SC (postponed from March 2020). The theme of the conference
will be Bridging Data and Decision Making. Invited talk. and colloquium
talk at Clemson.
JMM, Joint
Math. Meetings, is postponed to Apr. 6-9, (PST). (Joint with ILAS)
Invited talk.
Modern Techniques of Very Large Scale Optimization;
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th May 2022; Univ. of Edinburgh. (50 minute
CMS summer meeting, St John's, Newfoundland, June 3-6, in person.
(45 minute invited talk in Variational Analysis and Optimization session)
ECCO XXXV - CO 2022 Joint Conference
June 9-11, 2022
The Householder Symposium XXI on Numerical Linear Algebra has been
rescheduled to be held at Hotel Sierra Silvana, Selva di Fasano (Br),
Italy, 12-17 June 2022.
The CAIMS annual, meeting will be hybrid and hosted by UBC Okanagan from
June 13-16, 2022.
Computational, and Applied Algebraic Geometry,
June 27-July 1, 2022 in Seattle; celebrate Bernd Sturmfels
Stockholm Optimization Days, 2022, 16 17 June 2022.
2022, July 3-6, Finnish Operations Research Society (FORS) to host the 32nd EURO Conference in Aalto University.
The Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) department at Lehigh
would like to announce that the International Conference on Continuous
Optimization 2022 (ICCOPT 2022) will be hosted by Lehigh University in
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in the USA on July 23-28, 2022.
Workshop on Modern Nonsmooth Optimization, talks 9-10, August; but
Monday Aug. 8 to Thurs. Aug. 11, A.L. Seattle, Univ. of Washington.
Workshop on Modeling Population Dynamics in Ecology, Environment and
August 15 - 19, 2022, The Fields Institute;
Location: Fields Institute, Room 230
12th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related
Topics (paraoptXII),
Augsburg, Germany, September 12 - 16, 2022
conference on Physics- and Data-driven Computational Methods and
Applications" during Sep. 26-29 Beijing time (GMT+8).
Invited online talk on Sept 29. (invited 40 min. talk by Xinxin Li, Jilin University,
Workshop on Quantum Computing and Operations Research,
October 13 - 14, 2022, The Fields Institute
Location: Fields Institute, Room 230;
poster in poster session.
(Further information)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 16-19; talk on (Tues Oct 18, 5PM). Indianapolis, Marriott Downtown.
Invited talk.
at a glance
The 24rd Midwest Optimization Meeting, MOM,
at University of Waterloo, October 28-29, 2022; an organizer.
Seminar Series on Variational Analysis and
Optimization at the University of Michigan; online invited seminar, Nov
4, 2022.
Optimization seminar lecture, Fri. Nov. 25; talk on projection methods.
CMS Winter Meeting, Dec 2-5, Chelsea hotel, Toronto.
(organizing session with Walaa Moursi and presenting a paper)
Workshop on Recent Advances in Optimization
December 6 - 7, 2022, The Fields Institute;
Location: Fields Institute, Stewart Library
(organizer) and paper presented by Fei Wang on joint work:
"On the singularity degree of non facially exposed faces"
joint Linear Algebra, New Orleans, May 17-21.
Thematic Program on Geometric Constraint Systems, Framework Rigidity,
and Distance Geometry, January 1 - June 30, 2021, Fields Institute,
Toronto. With workshops:
Monday, January 11 - "
Opening Session, Thematic Program on
Geometric Constraint Systems, Framework Rigidity, and Distance
Geometry". Questions:
January 11-22 - Winter School: Geometric constraint systems;
February 17-19 - Mini-course Combinatorial rigidity,
mini-symposium Rigidity of robotic formations;
February 22-26 - Workshop: Progress and open problems in rigidity
March 1-2 - Mini-symposium Metal organic framework materials,
Mini-symposium Structual allostery;
April 5-9 - Workshop: The geometry of circle packings
May 5-7 - Mini-course biomolecular structure determination from
measurements, mini-course protein
conformation and flexibility modeling
May 10-14 - Workshop:
Distance geometry, semi-definite programming
and applications, program and youtube links
May 17-19 Mini-course
semidefinite programming and polynomial
systems, mini-symposium sensor network localization, with youtube links
June 9-11 Mini-course Polynomials and kinematics,
Mini-symposium Applications of low rank matrix completion
June 14-18 - Workshop: Real algebraic geometry and algorithms for
geometric constraint systems
Invited seminar, Mar 1, 2021, on State of the Art on Linear Programming; Huawei
Labs Vancouver, Canada.
Invited, 8 one hour lectures; course,
on Introduction to Semidefinite Programming and
Applications to Hard Combinatorial Problems and Distance Geometry,
Jilin University,
School of Mathematics, Changchun, Jilin, China;
Announcement at School
One World Optimization Seminar,
invited seminar abstract, 05.04.2021.
The video of the talk;
slides of the talk.
local copy of slides);
title: "Robust Interior Point Methods for Quantum Key Rate Computation for
Quantum Key Distribution" (21worldopt.d)
Solvers: Universals and Innovations;
46th Annual Spring Lecture Series; Virtual Event
April 5 - 9, 2021.
Mini-symposium on Sensor Network Localization and Dynamical Distance
Geometry, May18-27, Fields Institute, joint organizer (with Antonio
and talk give by Hao Hu on joint work
Coordinate Shadows of Semi-Definite and Euclidean Distance Matrices
on Distance Geometry, Semidefinite Programming and Applications,
May 10 - 14, 2021, The Fields Institute, online. organizer
Applications of SemiInfinite Optimization
Online-Workshop / May 20, 2021 - May 21, 2021;
paper presented by Hugo Woerdeman on joint work:
Classical and Multivariable Toeplitz Matrices: Completions and Other
LRMA, Low Rank Models and Applications, Jun 28-29, 2021, Univ. of
Mons, Belgium.
EUROPT2021, 18th
Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization Toulouse, July 7-9,
Jon-Shmuel Halfway to Twelfty,
July ? 7-10, 2021,
Ecole des Ponts, Marne-la-Vallee, France
Coriolis building, in the Caquot lecture hall.
SDP Approaches to Combinatorial and Global Optimization - Part II of
III, and
my talk at Wed. 9:45AM, at
SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP21),
Jul 20-23, 2021,
Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, WA,
also member of the
Organizing Committee of the 2020 SIAM Optimization Conference,
at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Organizing sessions with Heinz Bauschke, Walla Moursi, Shawn Wang;
speaking in session on Comb. Opt.;
Jiyoung Im et al Fri. 11:15; and
Hu, nearest DS, 10:15 Tues.
special session for Tom Coleman, chairing; at the
SIAM Annual Meeting (AN21).
congress on "International
Conference on Microbiology & Infectious Diseases" which is scheduled at
Hilton Garden Inn Rome
Airport , Rome, Italy from July 19 21, 2021
World Congress on Global Optimization,
WCGO 2021, Athens, Greece, July 7-10, 2021
ICDEA 2021, Sarajevo,
July 26-30, 2021.
Plenary Invited 45 min talk:
7th Annual Loma Linda Workshop on Particle Imaging and Radiation
Therapy. The workshop will be organized as a virtual Zoom event
on August 2-4, 2021. My title: "NP-Hard Problems, Doubly Nonnegative
Relaxations, Facial Reduction, and Splitting Methods"
my abstract
my slides/talk
MOPTA at Lehigh, Aug 2-4
Low-dimensional structure in data: models, analysis, and algorithms,
research visit to UK with Vinh Doan. (cancelled)
Theory, Algorithms, Applications Lecture Series
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, jointly Fields Institute and
University of Waterloo.
Conference on Fast Direct Solvers (Online),
Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, October 23-24, 2021
The 23rd Midwest Optimization Meeting, MOM,
Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan
Friday and Saturday, October 29-30, 2021
(invited but attending?)
workshop on Optimization and Operator Theory dedicated to Professor Lev
Bregman on the occasion of his 80th birthday, with entire program
and links to talks.
Held November 15-17, 2021. My invited talk, title/link:
"NP-Hard Problems,
Doubly Nonnegative Relaxations, Facial and Symmetry Reduction,
and Splitting Methods",
(invited 30 min. talk).
Video of talk at
the 1:39 time mark.
CMS Winter meeting, Variational Analysis, organizing sessions and
speaking in one.
A Strengthened BP bound slides
AMS meeting Denver, Jan 15-18, 2020.
Spring Central Sectional Meeting AMS,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
April 4-5, 2020 (Saturday - Sunday). Invited 45 minute talk, Sat. at
10:30AM, on Facial Reduction. (Cancelled due to virus spread.)
for Sat. Apr 4
Retirement conference for Adi Ben-Israel Apr. 11, invited presentation.
Southern Ontario Meeting in Mathematics and Statistics
Strengthening research excellence through gender diversity, equity and
inclusion. At Univ. Waterloo, May 23-24.
Decomposition Methods in Very Large Scale Optimization,
Thursday 4th - Friday 5th June 2020, Edinburgh.
IPCO 2020 LSE,
The 21st Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization June 8-10, 2020, London, UK, at the London School of
Economic. Extended abstracts due by November 29, 2019.
Housholder XXI, June 14-19, Italy.
The 23rd ILAS Conference will take place in Galway, Ireland, June 22-26
IFORS 2020, Coex, Seoul, Korea, June 21-26/20.
7th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization,
Wednesday June 24, 2020 - Friday June 26, 2020
University of Birmingham
Europt 2020, Cont. Opt. in Toulouse, July1-3.
(AN20); July 6 - 17, 2020;
Virtual Conference | Originally scheduled in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jon-Shmuel Halfway to Twelfty,
July 7-10, 2020,
Ecole des Ponts, Marne-la-Vallee, France
Coriolis building, in the Caquot lecture hall.
invited talk - proposed abstract)
Optimization 2020,
University of Aveiro, Portugal, July 27-29.
ICDEA 2020, Sarajevo,
July 27-31, 2020.
- **HW**:
Summer School online invited Two by two hour talks;
1.5 hour talks, 1/2 hour questions;
University (SHUFE) in Shanghai, China.
Hard Combinatorial Problems, Doubly Nonnegative Relaxations,
Facial Reduction, and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers;
Mon Aug. 3 and
Low Rank Matrix Completions, Aug. 4., 9-11PM EST
Workshop on Modeling Population Dynamics in Ecology, Environment and
Epidemiology, August 17 - 21, 2020, The Fields Institute,
Location: Fields Institute, Room 230. In honour of Gail Wolkowicz.
Sabbatical begins Aug. 2020.
MOPTA, Lehigh, PA, Aug. 12-14, 2020.
SAYAS NUMERICS SEMINAR Online Seminar on Computational Mathematics
Fall 2020, weekly Tues 3:30PM
12th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related
Topics (paraoptXII),
Augsburg, Germany, September 14 - 18, 2020, paraoptXII
(invited) Tutte seminar, Comb. and Opt., Univ. Waterloo, Sept 18,
Friday, 2020.
Hard Combinatorial Problems, Doubly Nonnegative Relaxations, Facial
and Symmetry Reduction, and Alternating Direction Method of
Multipliers; and
The 2020 Midwest Optimization Meeting, Online,
October 16 - 17, 2020. Hao Hu giving our talk on "Facial Reduction for
Symmetry Reduced Semidefinite and Doubly Nonnegative Programs".
(Sat. Oct 17, 11:30AM)
Variational Analysis session, at the 2020 winter CMS meeting;
Montreal, Quebec; Dec 3-8.
International Conference on
Applied Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics (ALAPS 2020),
December 17 - 18, 2020,
(In honor of Prof. C. R. Rao on his birth centenary year)
AMS Short Course on Sum of Squares: Theory and Applications, will be
held on January 14-15, 2019 before the Joint Mathematics Meetings in
Baltimore, MD, which will take place January 16-19, 2019.
Organizing committee: International Yearly Conference in Optimization;
to facilitate rapid publication of new ideas -- subject to reviewing.
Conference Name: "Communications in Optimization".
East Coast Optimization Meeting 2019,
April 4-5, 2019, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
George Mason University,
Fairfax, Virginia (USA)
7th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM
2019), May 28-31, 2019 at
SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver.
Ting Kei Pong visiting from Hong Kong June 3-12, 2019.
Second International Conference on
Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences
(AMNS-2019), June 27-30, 2019 Pokhara, Nepal
and preceeded by
CIMPA Summer School in Mathematical Biology,
Kathmandu, Nepal June 17-26, 2019
Workshop on Optimization in Distance Geometry, invited talk,
June 26, 2019 - June 28, 2019, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University
2019 - 6th International Conference on Continuous Optimization,
Monday, August 5, 2019 (All day) to Thursday, August 8, 2019 (All day),
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)
Berlin. Abstract/talk deadline Mar 22.
And H talk Tues 2, 13:15.
**HW**: Travel for thesis defence of Hao Hu to Tilburg Univ.,
leave sunday late Sept. 8/19 and return Tues. Sept 17/19.
Comp. Math Seminar Tues. Sept 24, at 3 PM, Anita Layton Waterloo MC 5479
Midwest Optimization Meeting 2019, invited plenary talk. Oct 18,
title/abstract and
Comp. Math Seminar Mon. Oct. 28, at 3 PM, Lin Wang C.S. Waterloo.,
DC 1304
My seminar with Stefan Sremac for graduate students at Univ. of
Waterloo, Monday Nov. 25, 4-5PM. In MC5417
2019 CMS Winter Meeting, Toronto | December 6-9. invited talk.
Session organizers: (Heinz Bauschke, Hristo Sendov, and Shawn Wang);
Talk most likely Dec 7-8.
Optimization and Discrete Geometry : Theory and Practice,
24-26 April, 2018, Tel Aviv University, Israel
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (SIAM-ALA18) 4-8 May 2018,
Hong Kong Baptist University
2018 Optimization Days, May 7-9, HEC Montreal.
C.K. Li visiting for May/June from College of William and Mary,
Hao Hu (student of Renata) visiting for May25/18 for 4 weeks -
from Netherlands.
Ting Kei Pong visit from Hong Kong Sun. June 3- late Wed. June 13.
Renata Sotirov visit Sunday June 17- . Wed. June 20.
Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting,
May 26-27, 2018, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Biomath 2018,
The annual international conference on Mathematical Methods and Models
in Biosciences (Biomath) will take place from 24 June to 29 June 2018; at
the Institute of Mechanics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in
Sofia, Bulgaria.
6th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization",
Wednesday June 27, 2018 - Friday June 29, 2018
Watson Building, University of Birmingham.
ISMP 2018,
23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming,
Bordeaux, France, July 1-6. Three talks:
My talk on matrix compl. and SDP and Fei Wang talk on related topic and
Stefan Sremac talk on facial reduction
SIAM annual 2018, Portland Oregon, Jul 9-13 (with Opt. minisymps)
Sixth Butler ODE and Popul. Biology, Edmonton, Alta, July 23-28.
6th International Conference
on Engineering Optimization,
Instituto Superior T�cnico, 17-19 September 2018, Lisboa Portugal
Program Committee Member of the 14th Global
Optimization Workshop (LeGO 2018).
The workshop will take place in Leiden (The Netherlands) from September
to September 21st, 2018. The peer-reviewed proceedings will be with
Web-of-Science indexed AIP proceedings. Papers will consist of 4 pages,
double column. See
details here
Princeton Day of
URA seminar, July, 2018, University of Waterloo, Dept. of Comb. and Opt.
Monday, Oct 22, invited colloquium at UBC,
invited by Yichuan Ding in
The Operations and Logistics Division at the UBC Sauder School of
Business; 2:30-3:30pm.
And, invited colloquium at Division of Applied Math., UBC
2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting Phoenix, cone optimization session
SC05 organized by Nathan Krislock, Sunday 1:30PM in North Bldg 122B;
(local) INFORMS cone opt. session notice
and 90 minute
Distinguished Speaker - Special Invited Speaker,
MD05, North Bldg 122B, organized by
Somayeh Moazeni, Mon. Nov 5, 4:30-6PM.
(local) INFORMS Tutorial notice
Tutte seminar University of Waterloo, Friday Nov. 16, 2018.
Solving DNN Relaxations of the Quadratic Assignment Problem with ADMM and Facial
C&O U of Waterloo Graduate student seminar; 1/2 hour talk followed by 1/2 hour by Stefan
CMS Winter meeting in Vancouver, at Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center,
Dec. 7-10, invited talk in session:
Variational Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory;
Org: Heinz Bauschke (University of British Columbia), Walaa Moursi
(Stanford University) and Xianfu Wang (University of British Columbia)
And, staying for field trip work session till Wed. Dec. 12.
Invited talk at one day meeting in Paris at Institut Henri Poincare,
in honour/memory of Jon
borwein. Friday Feb. 10. (Organized by Michel Thera.)
SAFS Annual General Meeting, Saturday 13 May 2017,
From: 9:00 am - 3:15 pm, Western University, Somerville House, Room 3317
SIAM Conference on
Optimization (OP17), May 22 25, 2017,
Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; and
talk on low rank matrix completion using facial reduction
invited seminar: May 29, by
Shiqian Ma at
CUHKChinese U.
of HK., May 29, 11AM-noon.
invited talk: one-day workshop May 30, at Hong Kong Baptist University,
organized by
Xiaoming Yuan;
slides; and
schedule of talks
The third international conference on engineering and computational
mathematics (ECM2017) at HKPU, May31-June2;
invited talk (visiting
Ting Kei Pong and
He Daihai at
HK Polytechnique
Shiqian Ma at
), June 3- June 9, 2017.
XIX at Univ. of Waterloo, June 26-27, 2017. (Preceeded by two day
summer school for graduate students.)
Householder Symposium XX on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held June
18 - 23, 2017, at The Inn at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
Fields workshop on Modern Convex optimization,
(organizer); Tues-Fri., Jul 4-7, 2017, at Fields Institute, Toronto.
Panel member for discussion on convex optimization;
(celebration of
Arkadii Nemirovski's 70th (poster)).
Europt 2017
On the Program Committee of the 15th EUROPT
Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization that will be held in
Montreal on July 12-14 2017 and will be hosted by
(my talk on LRMC)
(arriving July 11 early to meet JPS friend)
held just before
IFORS in Quebec City, July 17-21, 2017.
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Applied and Industrial
Mathematics (CAIMS 2017) will take place from July 17 to 21, 2017 at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS
21st conference of the
International Linear Algebra Society, ILAS 2017;
Connections: will be held July 24-28, 2017 at Iowa State University in
Ames, Iowa, USA.
International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Scientific
And Industrial Applications (Preconditioning 2017),
Vancouver, Canada, July 31-2, 2017.
Crouzeix's Conjecture,
July 31 to August 4, 2017,
at the American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, California,
organized by Mark Embree, Anne Greenbaum, and Michael Overton
**HW**: Marcia Fampa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; visiting Univ. of Waterloo Aug. 4-11.
MOPTA 2017, invited
talk, Lehigh Univ. Aug 16-18.
**HW-GW**: The Second International Minisymposium on Magic
Squares, Prime Numbers
and Postage Stamps, and on some related topics, in celebration of
Emeritus Professor George P. H. Styan's 80th birthday.
To be held: Minisymposium at Dawson College, Westmount
(Montreal), Qu?bec (Canada), on
Saturday September 9 and Sunday September 10.
Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory, and Applications, BIRS, Arriving
Sunday, September 17 and departing Friday September 22, 2017, Oaxaca, Oax.
Mexico. At
Casa Matem�tica Oaxaca">
Jonathan Borwein Commemorative Conference,
Mon, September 25, 2017 - Fri, September 29, 2017,
Location: Noah's on the Beach, Newcastle, Australia
INFORMS annual meeting, Houston Oct22-25. (with a conic optimization
CMS winter meeting, Waterloo, Dec 8-11.
And the
Optimization and Learning: New Problems, New Challenges, INFORMS,
IOS, at Princeton Univ., Thursday - Saturday, March 17-19.
(Program Committtee and
talk on facial reduction and SNL)
Invited talk on facial reduction and SNL at University of Western Ontario,
Thurs. May 5, 2-3pm. (after a Jon Borwein talk 11-noon)
This is with a series of talks by Jon Borwein Apr29-May9
March 20 - March 25, 2016 , Copper Mountain, Colorado, located 75 miles
west of Denver.
XI Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization,
UFAM, Manaus, AM, May, 22 - 27, 2016
"Geometric Rigidity Theory and Applications"
which will take place at the ICMS
in Edinburgh (Scotland) from May 30, 2016 to June 3,
workshop on Nonlinear Opt.,
at the Fields Institute either Thursday Jun 2 to Saturday Jun 4, 2016
Numerical Computations:
Theory and Algorithms,
The 2nd International Conference and Summer School, NUMTA2016,
19 - 25 June 2016, Club Med Resort "Napitia", Pizzo Calabro, Calabria, Italy
Invited talk on applications of facial reduction at
University of Western Ontario, June 24-25 workshop.
Informal Workshop on Nonlinear Optimisation schedule, June 24 -- 25, 2016 Room MC 105B,
Middlesex College, Univ. of Western Ontario. invited talk on Applications of
Facial Reduction in Cone Optimization.
Directed Graphs Conference, July 7 - 8, 2016, University of Waterloo
28th European Conference on
Operational Research, July 3-6, 2016 in Poznan, Poland
Poznan University of Technology
ILAS conference in Leuven, Belgium, July 11-15, Mon-Fri, 2016.
DIMACS, DGTA15, July 26-29, on Distance Geometry ... 3 days conference
invited tutorial on facial reduction, 80 min.)
ICCOPT 2016, Aug. 6-11, Tokyo, Japan.
MOPTA 2016, Aug. 17-19, Lehigh, PA.
Continuous Optimization: Challenges and Applications,
Celebrating Ronny Ben-Tal's 70th Birthday,
September 5-8, 2016, Technion, Haifa, Israel Institute of Technology.
my talk on degeneracy for cone optimization
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry
Major Thematic Program at the Fields Institute, Convexity in
Algebraic Geometry: 37 October 2016.
4th Alpen-Adria-Workshop on Optimization, 2016 workshop,
my talk on SDP and nuclear norm and low rank matrix completion
XVIII CLAIO 2016, The Latin-Ibero-American Conference on
Operations Research (CLAIO),
October 2-6 2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile
2016 Midwest Optimization Meeting (MOM), at Michigan State University,
Saturday, Oct. 22.
2016 CMS Winter Meeting ,
December 2-5, 2016, Niagara Falls (Ontario)
Site: Sheraton on the Falls, Niagara Falls,
my talk, session
Part of a special session organized with Heinz Bauschke in Memory of Jon
large-scale semide nite programs in controls,
robotics, and machine learning. one day workshop at
55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
2015 Joint Mathematics Meeting, MAA, AMS and ... SIAM.
San Antonio, Jan 10-13 (Sat-Tues) with Opt session on Monday.
Talk on Degeneracy in Cone Optimization
2015 ICS Conference, Omni Richmond Hotel, Richmond, Virginia,
January 11-13, 2015,
Operations Research and Computing: Algorithms and Software for Analytics
Tuesday Feb 10 day of:
Optimization and Matrix Methods in Big Data, Feb 9-13, 2015, part of
Thematic Program on Statistical Inference, Learning, and Models for Big Data
January to June, 2015
World Congress on Global Optimization,
WCGO 2015, Gainesville, Florida - USA, Feb 22-25, 2015
AMS Sectional Meeting Program, Spring Northeastern Section Meeting
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
March 7-8, 2015 (Saturday - Sunday)
Meeting #1107 -
Olga Brezhneva and Igor Griva organizing: "Optimization Theory,
Algorithms and Applications" session - I will present talk.
See more)
Tues. Mar. 10, invited joint AM/DSAS colloquium at Univ. of Western
Ontario; 2:30-3:30 PM ;
talk slides on "Facial Reduction for Cone Optimization with
Applications to Systems of Polynomial
Equations, Sensor Network Localization, and
Molecular Conformation"
14th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor
Networks (IPSN '15), Apr. 13-17, 2015, Seattle.
colloquium at Appl. Math., Princeton University
Facial reduction and application to side chain positioning,
Monday, Apr. 20, 2015.
followed by colloquium
on Facial Reduction in Cone Optimization
in O.R. Dept on Tuesday Apr 21, 3-3:55PM, 2015
Midwest Numerical Analysis Day 2015,
April 25, Wright State University.
"Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations, and
Control Theory",
Conference in Honor of Volker Mehrmann on the Occasion of his 60th
Birthday, 6-9 May 2015, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Tutte Colloquium in Comb. & Opt. Dept. Univ. of Waterloo;
Efficient Semidefinite Programming (SDP) Relaxations
for Quadratic Integer Programming (QIP)
with Applications to
Selection of Rotamers in Protein Conformations
Friday, May. 22, 2015, in MC5501.
Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-3 June, 2015
2015 CMS Summer Meeting in Charlottetown, P.E.I. from June 5-8.
and Nonlinear Analysis session;
talk on Noisy SNL; conference is at
Unviersity of Prince Edward Island.
with accomodations at Andrew Hall
The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress
Interdisciplinary AMMCS Conference Series,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | June 7-12, 2015
session: "Matrix Manifold Problems subject to Noisy Data" on
organized with Forbes Burkowski)
and the
Congress Program.
Talk at GERAD, University of Montreal Campus,
Andre-Aisenstadt Building, 2920, Chemin de la Tour, 4th floor, room
4457, Montreal. Title/abstract:
Efficient Semidefinite Programming (SDP) Relaxations
for Quadratic Integer Programming (QIP)
with Applications to
Selection of Rotamers in Protein Conformations,
3:45PM, Wednesday, June. 10, 2015.
(link to GERAD)
Paths, Pivots, and Practice: The Power of Optimization,
to honour Tamas Terlaky
on the occasion of his 60th birthday; June 11-13, at HEC Montreal.
My title/abstract:
Facial Reduction for Cone Optimization
CORS/INFORMS 2015 Joint International Meeting in Montreal, June
14-17, Sheraton Hotel.
Workshop: Low-rank Optimization and Applications,
Date: June 8 - 12, 2015,
Venue: Mathematik-Zentrum, Lipschitz Lecture Hall, Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn
17th British-French-German
Conference on Optimization,
15-17 June 2015, London, United Kingdom
13thEUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization,
July 8-10, 2015: Edinburgh
ISMP 2015, Sun-Fri, July 12-17, 2015.
The 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming,
Pittsburgh, PA, at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown Hotel.
schedules and
(My talk:
Facial Reduction for Cone Optimization, Monday Jul13, 13:10-14:40; and
My organized Session Title: Computational Issues in Semidefinite
Programming, Tues. July14, 10:20-11:50)
Global Rigidity (15w2199),
Arriving in Banff, Alberta Friday, July 17 and departing Sunday July 19,
MOPTA, Mon-Wed. July 20-22, at Lehigh University.
BIRS team workshop on noisy EDM
ICIAM 2015,
From August 10 to 14, 2015,
Beijing, China, China National Convention Center inside the Beijing Olympic Green.
2nd conference on Geometric Science of Information
28 October 2015 - 30 October 2015 Ecole Polytechnique, Paris-Saclay (France)
(manifold learning/information geometry/quantum information geometry
SIAM conference on applied linear algebra, Oct. 26-30, Hyatt
Regency, Atlanta.
INFORMS Annual meeting, Nov 1-4, 2015, Philadelphia.
????attend??? 5th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications
December 18-20, 2015 (Friday-Sunday),
Nova Southeastern University,
3301 College Avenue,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A. 33314
Alan, Jim, and Michael turn 70: Join the SVG70 celebration,
at Stanford University on Saturday, January 25, 2014.
Semidefinite Programming and Graph Algorithms, (February 10-14). At
ICERM, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference,
LION 8, Gainesville, Florida - USA, Feb 16-21, 2014
INFORMS optimization society conference,
The fifth conference is to be hosted by the Rice University's Department
of Computational and Applied Mathematics in Houston, Texas on March 6-8,
2014. The theme of the conference is "Theory and Practice: Dealing with
Big Data and other Challenges".
**HW-GW**: Technion, Tel-Aviv Univ., Israel seminar/field trip.
X Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization,
Celebrating Clovis Gonzaga's 70th birthday,
Florian�polis, Santa Catarina, from 03/17 to 03/21
APMOD Conference 2014,
International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and
Modelling, 11th, april 9-11, 2014.
Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting 2014, May 10 and 11, 2014,
University of Regina
SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP14),
May 19-22, 2014,
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA.
I am organizing a minisymp. with speakers myself and ...
and organizing another minisymp with Mike Overton.
My talk is on the SCP problem.
2014 Southern California Optimization Day will be held at UC San Diego,
in La Jolla, California, on May 23, 2014.
and followed by the University of Calgary seminar/field trip
May 26. (talk on graph partitioning and vertex separator problem)
Workshop PCO 2014, May 23/13. (Jan 6/14 submission deadline)
Fourth Workshop on Parallel Computing and Optimization.
In conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2014, Phoenix USA, May, 2014
**GW**: 2014 International Symposium on Mathematical Biology,
Guangzhou University, China,
Address: 230 Daxuecheng Outer Ring West Rd, Panyu, Guangzhou, Guangdong,
China Phone: +86 20 3936 6998 May 25-27 followed by:
**GW**: conference in Taiwan May28-30:
NCTS International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics with Applications
to Biology, May 28-30, 2014,
NCTS, 4th Floor, The 3rd General Building, National Tsing-Hua
University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
56th CORS Annual Conference, May 26-28, 2014, Marriott Hotel, Ottawa,
Canada with Global Optimization and Mixed-Integer Nonlinear
Programming Session.
The fifth Canadian Discrete and
Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM),
will be held June 1-4 2015 at the University of Saskatchewan in
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming 2014,
The workshop is scheduled to take place on June 2-5, 2014 at
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA;
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming, at Carnegie Mellon, June 2-5, 2014.
OPTI 2014, The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is
organizing a Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization
(OPTI 2014) to be held in Kos Island, Greece in June 4-6 2014.
CMS Summer meeting,
Winnipeg, June 6-9, 2014.
talk on PSD/EDM completions
The Householder Symposium XIX on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held
on June 8-13, 2014, at the Domain Sol Cress, Spa at the edge of the High
Fenn Nature Park in Belgium.
ECMTB14 in Gothenburg
15.-19.06.2014, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical
Biology in Gothenburg.
International Workshop on Computational Optimisation in the Real
World, June 10-12, 2014, Cairns, Australia.
Panos Pardalos is turning 60 next summer, and we will celebrate with
a conference in his honor to be held on June 15-20, 2014 in
Chalkidiki, Greece.
Summer School on
"Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations.
at the Hotel S. Michele in
week of 21-26 June 2015, the C.I.M.E. Foundation will
(Calabria, Italy,
URA talk at Univ. of Waterloo
June 25/14.
Algebraic Combinatorics: Spectral Graph Theory, Erd�s-Ko-Rado Theorems
and Quantum Information Theory,
June 23-27, 2014,
A Conference to celebrate the work of Chris Godsil
The 17th Conference on
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization,
June 23 - 25, 2014, Bonn - Germany
2014 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 7-11, The Palmer House, Chicago,
IFORS, 20th Conference of the International Federation of
Operational Research Societies, Barcelona, July 13-18.
(session on Combinatorial Optimization)
invited talk. At
Recent Advances in Linear Optimization,
July 30-August 1, 2014,
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Paris, France,
(Ecole Polytechnique - ENSTA, Palaiseau, France)
Workshop in Paris, July 30 - Aug 1. (Organizer Antoine Deza)
Ecole Polytechnique - ENSTS (south of Paris)
MOPTA 2014, Lehigh University,
Rauch Business Center, Bethlehem, PA 18015,
13-15 August 2014
OR2014, the annual international conference of the German Operations
Research Society (GOR), will take place in Aachen, Germany, September
2-5, 2014. The conference theme is business analytics and optimization.
7th Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'14),
Warsaw, Poland, 7 - 10 September, 2014.
EngOpt2014, 4th International Conference on Engineering
Optimization, Lisbon, Sept 8-11, 2014.
WCOM Fall 14,
the West Coast Optimization Meeting (WCOM) will meet this fall at Simon Fraser University's Surrey campus.
Saturday, September 20th,
Sunday, September 21st, 2014.
Graph Partitioning, Semi-Definite Programming Hierarchies and the Unique Games Conjecture,
Sept. 22 - Sept. 26, 2014. (in program algorithmic spectral graph
theory, register approx. July 1/14)
MOM14, Midwest Optimization Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, Fall 2015,
October 25th (Saturday) 2015, Location:
Loyola University Chicago, Lake Shore Campus, Organizer Rafal Goebel
Quantum Optimization Workshop,
October 27-29, 2014, Fields Institute, 222 College St. Toronto;
my talk on
Projection methods for quantum channel construction
INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 9-12, 2014 Hilton San Francisco,
Union Square & Parc 55 Wyndham, San Francisco.
( deadline to enter session titles is March 31, and the deadline to
enter speakers is April 14. Abstracts are due by May 15.)
presenting joint talk with Ting Kei Pong, Hao Sun, Ningchuan Wang;
with two other speakers: Maryam Fazal and Brendan Ames;
details for my talk:
title: Relaxations of Graph Partitioning and a Minimum Cut Problem
using Continuous Optimization/abstract
Thurs. Nov. 20, Seattle talk on Degeneracy in Cone Optimization
link in Seattle at UofW
**HW-GW**: 2014
Canadian Mathematical Society Event, (CMS) Winter meeting; at the
Sheraton Hotel in downtown Hamilton, Ontario, December 5 - 8.
Organizing special session on:
"Recent advances in Variational Analysis and Linear Optimization"
" (with Antoine Deza) (also my talk on "coordinate shadows...")
8th ANZMC,
8th Australia - New Zealand Mathematics Convention,
Date & Venue: 8-12 December; University of Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia. (special session on Optimization)
focm 2014, Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference
will take place at
the Universidad de la Republica in Montevideo, Uruguay,
between December 11 - 20, 2014.
Workshop on
Tractable special cases of hard combinatorial optimization problems,
in Graz, Austria, Dec. 15.-16.2014
ANZIAM 2013 in late Jan., 2013; at
CARMA, Priority Research Centre for Computer-Assisted Research
Mathematics and its Applications, at
The university of Newcastle, Australia.
ANZIAM: Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
South Pacific Optimization Meeting,
SPOM III at Newcastle, Australia, Feb 9-12, 2013.
2013 Great Lakes SIAM conference on "Computational Mathematics: Modeling, Algorithms and Applications", Date: April 20,
Location: Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan.
Two Talks (one by Ting Kei Pong and the other
by Yuen-Lam (Vris) Cheung) on Generalized Trust Region Subproblem
and on Sensitivity Analysis for SDP),
Optimization Days, at HEC Montr�al, Canada, May 6 - 8, 2013,
2013 Optimization Days will take place at HEC Montr�al (Building #35)
3000, chemin de la C�te-Sainte-Catherine
Montr�al (Qu�bec) Canada H3T 2A7
invited talk at the
CORS Annual Conference, May 27-29, 2013, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver,
18th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), to
be held in Providence, Rhode Island, USA on June 3-7, 2013.
Minghua Lin gave a talk
CanaDAM 2013, The 4th biennial Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic
Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM) will be held on June 10-13 2013 on the
St. John's campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland. (invited to
participate in minisymp organized by Antoine Deza)
talk on exploiting special
structure in cone optimization.
ROKS 2013, International Workshop on Advances in
Regularization, Optimization, Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines:
theory and applications; July 8 - 10, 2013, Leuven, Belgium
Erice, Italy,
June 10-17, 2013
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics
Society, CAIMS 2013 Quebec City, June 16 - 20
The 8th International Conference on Preconditioning
Techniques (Precond 2013), June 19-21, 2013, St. Anne's College, Oxford
Conference Chairs:
Andrew Wathen, Oxford University;
Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
Yousef Saad, University of Minnesota;
Wei-Pai Tang, Boeing (retired)
URA talk (undergraduate summer research program)
XXVI EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference: "All roads lead to
OR" which will be held in Rome on July 1-4, 2013.
** Workshop Celebrating 40 Years of Nested Dissection,
Location: University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada,
Date: July 22-23, 2013
ICCOPT 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Continuous
Optimization of the Mathematical Optimization Society will take
place in Lisbon, Portugal, from July 27 to August 1, 2013, and
includes a Conference (July 29 - August 1) and a Summer School
(July 27-28).
invited plenary talk at PIMS workshop on
linear algebra and optimization to celebrate Michael Overton's 60th birthday
on Thursday-Saturday August 8-10, 2013, on the UBC campus in Vancouver, Canada
invited talk at
22nd International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics,
Hosted at the University of Toronto by the Fields Institute,
August 12-15, 2013
Invited plenary talk at:
MOPTA 2013, Aug. 14-16, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Penn.
COST Workshop on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming,
30 September - 2 October, Institute Henri Poincare (IHP), Paris (FR)
West Coast Optimization Meeting,
Fall 2013, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC,
The West Coast Optimization Meeting (WCOM) will be held on October 4-5,
2013, at the University of Victoria.
The 15-th Midwest Optimization Meeting, oct 19-20,
Dept. Stats and Actuarial Sc, University of Western Ontario, Western
Science Centre, Room 240, 1151 Richmond St, London, Ont.
My invited colloquium on
"Relaxations of Graph Partitioning and Vertex Separator Problems using
Continuous Optimization";
Tues., Nov, 19, 2013, 4:30PM, at McMaster University, Department
Computing and Software.
invited talk at:
"Relaxations of Graph Partitioning and Vertex Separator Problems using
Continuous Optimization"; at
Retrospective Workshop on
Discrete Geometry, Optimization and Symmetry,
November 24- 29, 2013, Fields Institute, Toronto.
schedule (my talk thurs 2:15pm).
("Relaxations of Graph Partitioning and Vertex Separator Problems using
Continuous Optimization")
RECOMB 2012, Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Apr 21-24; and the
talk given by Babak Alipanahi Ramandi.
invited colloquium at McMaster Univ, 4;30PM,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012.
Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting (W-CLAM),
May 12-13, 2012
3rd Conference on Optimization Methods and Software,
May 13-17 2012, Crete, Greece
9th International Workshop on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems
Napa Valley, June 4 - 7, 2012
invited colloquium at York Univ, 10;30AM,
Friday, June 8, 2012.
tutorial on SDP (Mon. Jun 11) at
54th Annual conference of the Canadian Operational Research Society.
Will be held in the city of Niagara Falls from June 11 to 13, 2012.
A Conference in Honour of Bill Cunningham's 65th Birthday,
June 11,12 & 13, 2012.
2012 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, June 18th-22nd, Valencia, Spain
2012 CAIMS Annual Meeting is
scheduled June 24-28, 2012 at the Fields Institute in Toronto.
Generating Eigenvalue Bounds Using Optimization, URA seminar at University of Waterloo, Wed. June 27, 2012.
AIMS dynamical systems, July 1-5, 2012.
The LinStat'2012 conference
and the 21st International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, IWMS
2012, will be held on 16-20 July 2012 at Be;dlewo near Poznan'. Be;dlewo
is the Mathematical Research and Conference Center of the Polish Academy
of Sciences. (special session for George Styan)
Invited plenary talk at
MOPTA 2012; to be held
between July 30 and August 1 (Monday-Wednesday), 2012, at Lehigh
University, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Luis Correia, Piaui, Brazil, July 29 to August 4, 2012
my talk and organizing a minisymp at
ISMP21, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming,
Berlin, Germany, August, 19-24, 2012
Talk on "Generating eigenvalue bounds using optimization" at graduate
student seminar, oct 10, 2012.
2012 Midwest Optimization Seminar, Saturday, October 13, 2012,
Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University
invited talk at:
The 2012 Haifa Matrix Theory Conference will take place
at the Technion, on November 12-15, 2012, under the
auspices of the Technion's Center for Mathematical
Sciences. This will be the sixteenth in a sequence of
matrix theory conferences held at the Technion since
(talk cancelled)
GTRS talk by Ting Kei Pong at University of Washington in Seattle.
(joint work with Henry Wolkowicz)
large scale conic optimization workshop, Nov 19-23, 2012, at the
Institute of Mathematical Sciences
National University of Singapore (NUS IMS).
2012 CMS Winter Meeting, Dec 7-10, 2012, Montreal.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, invited colloquium,
Mar 21, 2011.
RECOMB 2011, the 15th Annual International Conference on
Research in Computational Molecular Biology.
Poster presentation on SPROS: An
SDP-Based Protein Structure Determination from NMR Data
Babak Alipanahi,
Nathan Krislock,
Logan Donaldsonj, Ali Ghodsi
Optimization Days, GERAD, HEC Montreal, May 2-4.
plenary invited talk at
2nd Alpen-Adria Workshop on Optimization 2011,
University of Klagenfurt (Austria) 12.-14. May 2011
SIAM Conference on Optimization, May 16-19, 2011,
Darmstadtium Conference Center, Darmstadt, Germany;
followed by
SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing
Organizing committee for:
Computational and Analytical Mathematics,
in honour of Jonathan Borwein�s 60th Birthday,
May 16--20, 2011,
The IRMACS Centre, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
talk (given by Vris Cheung)
Strong Duality and Facial Reduction
in SDP:
with Applications to Sensor Network Localization and Molecular
slides of Tutte colloquium talk, Friday May 27/2011
CORS 2011 Annual Meeting, May 30-June 1, St John's Newfoundland
IPCO 2011,
The 15th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO XV) will be held June 15-17, 2011 at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, USA.
Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) Workshop Series, June 20-23,
MIP2011 will be the eighth workshop in the series and will take place at the University of Waterloo with the support of the Combinatorics and Optimization and Management Sciences departments.
Householder Symposium XVIII, June 12-17, 2011,
Granlibakken Conference Center & Lodge,
Tahoe City, California,
three talks on SDP algorithms and applications, at
ICIAM 2011, July 18 - 22, 2011,
in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International
Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011.
(Presenting paper and organizing three sessions with Miguel Anjos.)
The Congress is being planned by the
Canadian Applied & Industrial
Mathematics Society (CAIMS),
the Mathematics of Information Technology &
Complex Systems (MITACS),
the Society for Industrial & Applied
Mathematics (SIAM).
my session on july 27 at:
The International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and
Computational Science (AMMCS), in Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada from July 25 - 29, 2011.
my special session
ILAS Conference,
Pure and Applied Linear Algebra: The new Generation;
International Linear Algebra Society Conference with special emphasis on
young speakers;
The 17th ILAS Conference will be held in Braunschweig, Germany,
at TU Braunschweig from August 22 to August 26, 2011;
September 19-23, 2011 (Monday -Friday)
Workshop on Discrete Geometry and Optimization as part of:
July - December 2011
Thematic Program on Discrete Geometry and Applications
talk at
September 26-29, 2011 (Monday -Thursday)
Workshop on Optimization as part of:
July - December 2011
Thematic Program on Discrete Geometry and Applications
The 8th International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical
Linear Algebra,
Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, November 7-11, 2011
invited plenary talk
Oct 1, 2011, at WCOM in Kelowna/UBC
Midwest Optimization Conference, Oct 14-15, 2011.
at Fields Institute,
talk on:
Efficient Solutions for the Large Scale Trust Region Subproblem;
at grad student seminar; 2:30pm; Wed Nov 2, University of Waterloo,
At 3:45PM,
talk at
GERAD/MITACS Seminars on Thursday, Nov. 24,
2011 visit to
Polytechnique in Montreal,
invited talk, title???
1st International Conference on Network Analysis,
Dec 14-16 2011, Gainesville, Florida
invited plenary talk on sensor localization at
Jan. 5-8:
"Convex Analysis, Optimization and Applications",
in honour of Claude Lemarechal on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
in the ski
resort of Les Houches in the valley of Chamonix - Mont Blanc, France.
(invited talk)
Optimization seminar, Thurs Jan 28, Serge Kruk.
Fields seminar, Forbes Burkowski, Tues Mar 2
Optimization seminar, Thurs. Mar 4, Barvinok
Tutte seminar, Friday Mar 5, Alexander Barvinok
Optimization seminar, Thurs. Mar 25, Boris Mordukhovich
Tutte seminar, Friday Mar 26, Boris Mordukhovich
ANZIAM 2010, Queenstown NZ, Jan. 31- Feb 4, 2010.
Tutte seminar, Friday April 9, Kim Toh Tutte seminar at Univ. of Waterloo
title of my talk: Recent progress in Matrix Rank Minimization at AFOSR,
April 19-21, 2010 program review, Opt and Discr Math PIs, AFOSR, Westin
Arlington Gateway hotel, Arlington, VA
Optimization Days, Montreal, May 10-12, 2010,
annual conference organized alternately by the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les R�seaux d�Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport (CIRRELT) and the Groupe d'�tudes et de Recherche en Analyse des D�cisions (GERAD).
title of my talk: Modelling and Solving Large Scale Sensor Network Localization
Problems at URA seminar, University of Waterloo, May 26, 2010,
special workshop dedicated to Professor Paul Tseng, Department of
Mathematics, University of Washington, who went missing while on a kayak
trip in Jinsha river, China, on August 13, 2009.
Dates for workshop: May 21, 2010.
(my grad student) Vris Cheung talk on "interior point methods"
Optimization Seminar Series, May 27, 2010.
First Alpen-Adria Workshop on Optimization 2010,
University of Klagenfurt (Austria) June 3 - June 6, 2010.
(my grad student: Nathan Krislock's
talk on SNL.)
title of my talk at
2010 CMS Summer Meeting
June 4 - 6, 2010,
University of New Brunswick (Fredricton)
(invited talk)
June 11-12, 2010,
Fields meeting on data analysis in Biomedical
Informatics, Toronto, ON, at the Fields Institute.
- June 14-17,
SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM10),
Hyatt Regency Austin, Austin, Texas
- June 21-25:
The 16th ILAS Conference will be held in Pisa, Italy,
Palazzo dei Congressi from June 21 to June 25, 2010.
July 2-10:
title of my talk: Theory and Applications of Degeneracy in Cone Optimization at the
workshop on:
Nonlinear Optimization,
Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems
, ERICE12, Erice, Italy (invited plenary talk)
Invited plenary talk at:
For the year 2010, before
the 8th EUROPT
Workshop "Advances in Continuous Optimization", in Aveiro, Portugal
(July 9-10) followed by
EURO XXIV in Lisbon, Portugal (July 11-14)
2010 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 12-16, Pittsburgh.
Santiago, Chile, July 24-25 Winter School,
July 26-29 Conference
MOPTA 2010, at Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
The set dates are August 18-20, 2010, Wednesday-Friday.
my talk at Colloquium, Dept. Math. & Stats,
McMaster University, Friday, Sept. 24, 2010.
my presentation at
13th International Conference on Operational Research (KOI-2010),
September 29 � October 01, 2010, in Split, Croatia.
The Conference is organized by the Croatian Operational Resarch Society (CRORS).
With a session in honour of: 70th birthday of Professor Sanjo Zlobec.
Invited plenary talk
Midwest Optimization Conference, Oct 8-9 (fri-sat),
at Wayne State University
my plenary talk at:
Modern Trends in Optimization and Its Application, IPAM at UCLA,
September 13 - December 17, 2010. With:
invited talk at:
Workshop II: Numerical Methods for Continuous Optimization,
October 11 - 15, 2010. (visit oct 10-20)
ChaRisMa 2010, Characteristics/Risk/Management,
Univ. Waterloo, Dec 1-3, 2010.
VOCAL 2010 December 13-15, 2010. Invited speaker.
At the Regional Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Veszpr?m (VEAB), Hungary, December 13-15, 2010. The conference will be hosted by University of Pannonia.
my grad student Nathan Krislock talk:
Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions,
and Graph Realization,
Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day (SONAD),
University of Western Ontario, London, Friday, May 8, 2009.
my talk:
Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions,
and Graph Realization,
2009 Haifa Matrix Theory Conference,
Haifa, Israel, May 18-21, 2009
May 21:
SHARCNET Research Day 2009
- June 1-5:
SHARCNET HPTC summer school (with parallel computing in matlab at
9-12 on jun 5)
- June 1-5:
Annual Conference: at the University of New
Brunswick in Fredericton.
- June 10-14:
CAIMS 2009, Univ. of Western Ont., London.
June 14-17:
Tutorial on SDP and OR;
and talk on
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming and
Clique Reductions; at the
INFORMS/CORS Annual Meeting 2009 Toronto
Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Canada.
- July 6-10:
(CT09), SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications
being held jointly with the
2009 SIAM Annual Meeting, Denver.
- Jul 13 and 15: 3:30-4:30
tutorial on MATLAB for Waterloo URAs.
- July 31: Tutte Seminar, University of Waterloo,
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming and
- Aug 12 - 14:
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming and
Clique Reductions,
invited plenary talk,
Northern Illinois University
Aug 16-19:
7th International Conference
on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra,
in Lijiang, Yunan Provice, China,
Lijiang is a small beautiful old town in south-west China
- Aug 19-21:
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2009),
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
Aug 23-29:
see two talks and organizing two sessions
ISMP 2009, Chicago,
- Sept 14, at Mcmaster University,
Advanced Optimization Laboratory,
, title:
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming; and
Robust Optimization: Applications in Portfolio Selection Problems,
by Vris Cheung at the Continuous Optimization Seminar,
University of Waterloo, Oct 1, 2009 and at
Tata Consultancy Services, Hyderabad, India, Oct 6, 2009.
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009 San Diego
San Diego Convention Center and Hilton San Diego, San Diego, California,
Oct. 11- 14:
Oct. 20 - 24:
Thematic Program at Fields,
Workshop on Complexity of Numerical Computation,
- Oct. 26-29:
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming and
Clique Reductions, at
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra,
Embassy Suites Hotel,
Monterey Bay-Seaside,
Seaside, California
- Friday, Oct 30, 4:15PM, at
Stanford University, Linear Algebra and Optimization (and OR)
seminar. Title:
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Programming and
Clique Reductions
Nov 1 - 6:
talk , and proceedings editor, and organizer, at
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse
Problems in Science and Engineering, at
BIRS group photo
local copy)
- Dec. 5-7:
CMS Winter Meeting 2009,
in Windsor, Ontario.
Strong Duality and Stability in Conic Convex Optimization,
seminar at McMaster University, Jan. 21, 2008.
Regularization and Trust Regions in Optimization;
seminar at
Waterloo Numerical Analysis Symposium,
in commemoration of
Remembering Gene Golub Around the World,
February 29, 2008, at University of Waterloo.
April 6--11, 2008
Dynamics of structured populations, at BIRS, Banff,
April 20 - April 25, 2008. (Gail's presentation??)
Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day (SONAD 2008)
will be
held on Friday, May 9th, 2008 at York University.
Strong duality and stability in conic convex programming at:
Ninth SIAM Conference on Optimization
SIAG/OPT, May 11-13, Boston
1 5-th ILAS, C O N F E R E N C E,
C A N C � N , M � X I C O , 1 6 - 2 0 J U N E 2 0 0 8
The 9th Workshop on "Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii" will be held
the College of William and Mary from July 19 - 21, 2008, in conjunction
IWOTA 2008, which
will also take place at William and Mary.
Furthermore, the
18th International Symposium
on Mathematical Theory
and Networks and Systems (MTNS)
will be held at Virginia Tech at
Blacksburg, July 18-August 1, 2008.
Participants may consider coming to WONRA, IOWTA, and / or MTNS.
Householder Symposium XVII,
Zeuthen, Germany, June 1-6, 2008.
(application by *October 20th , 2007*)
Second Congress Canada-France
Universite du Quebec a Montreal, June 1-6, 2008.
Strong Duality, Complementarity, and Duality Gaps
in Conic Convex Optimization;
(invited - 45 minute presentation)
HPOPT 2008
June 11th to 13th, 2008, Tilburg University, The Netherlands.
OPTEC, workshop on distance measures and eigenvalue optimization,
June 19-20, 2008, K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
(preceeded by: 7th Simon Stevin Lecture on Optimization in Engineering
- Michael Overton
Auditorium of the Arenberg Castle
5:00 pm-6:00 pm "Nonsmooth, Nonconvex Optimization, with Applications
in Control" Michael Overton )
Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization,
June 18-24, 2008, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference,
the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, on 16-26 June 2008.
Duality, Complementarity, and Regularization, in Conic Convex Optimization
at the
Tutte Seminar
, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization,
University of Waterloo, July 4, 2008.
SIAM Annual Meeting
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, CA,
July 7-11, 2008.
Large Scale Portfolio Optimization with Piecewise Linear
Transaction Costs at
at University of Guelph, Aug 18-20, 2008.
First ACM International Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization and
Tracking in GPS-less Environments,
San Francisco, Sept. 19-?
AMS 2008 Fall Central Section Meeting
Kalamazoo, MI, October 17-19, 2008 (Friday - Sunday),
Meeting #1043, with Optimization part for Boris Mordukhovich 60th.
Myths and Counterexamples in Mathematical Programming,
(taken from the
online book by Harvey Greenberg)
Sensor Network Localization,
Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions,
and Graph Realization at:
Optimization and Control
January 16-20, 2007. Part of the
IMA Thematic Year on
Applications of Algebraic Geometry
September 2006 - June 2007. (accomodation at
IMA Raddison)
SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC07),
February 17--19, 2007, Costa Mesa, CA
SIAM Workshop on computational science and engineering,
Feb. 19-23, 2007, Costa Mesa, CA
Workshop on Global Optimization: Methods and Applications, Fields
Instit., Toronto, ON. May 20-24.
Sensor Network Localization,
Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions,
and Graph Realization in the session on
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization: theme organizer - 9
speakers; at
CAIMS/SCMAI 2007 at Banff Centre, Alberta.
May 20-24, 2007.
Waterloo C&O Conference, June 2007,
Combinatorics and Optimization 40th Anniversary Conference,
Monday 18 June 2007 -- Saturday 23 June 2007, in Waterloo.
A Graduate Course given by H.W. at
a local link)
Invited Talk 50 minutes:
Erice Sicily Optimization, July 31-Aug 9, 2007.
ICCOPT/MOPTA at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, August 12-17, 2007
(program chair of the conference)
Generating and Measuring Instances of Hard Semidefinite Programs,
Marina Potaptchik, CIBC,
Levent Tuncel (University of Waterloo), Henry Wolkowicz
(University of Waterloo),
Title: Large Scale Portfolio Optimization with Piecewise Linear
Transaction Costs
Oleg Grodzevich, Dept. of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo,
Henry Wolkowicz (Dept. of Combinatorics&Optimization,
University of Waterloo), Samir Elhedhli (Dept. of Management Sciences,
University of Waterloo),
Title: Robust Optimization For Asset Liability and Risk Management Under
Simon Schurr, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University
of Waterloo,
Levent Tuncel (Department of Combinatorics and Optimization,
University of Waterloo ), Henry Wolkowicz (Department of Combinatorics
and Optimization, University of Waterloo),
Title: Strong Duality and Stability in Conic Convex Optimization
Nathan Krislock, Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo
Co-authors: Yichuan Ding (Combinatorics and Optimization, University of
Waterloo), Jiawei Qian (Combinatorics and Optimization, University of
Waterloo), Henry Wolkowicz (Combinatorics and Optimization, University
of Waterloo)
Poster presentation: Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance
Matrix Completions, and Graph Realization
Nathan Krislock, Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo,
Yichuan Ding (Combinatorics and Optimization, University of
Waterloo), Jiawei Qian (Combinatorics and Optimization, University of
Waterloo), Henry Wolkowicz (Combinatorics and Optimization, University
of Waterloo)
Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions,
and Graph Realization, at the
Colloquium at McGill University, C.S. Dept, Oct. 19, 2007.
CMS Winter Meeting with the ESC meeting
scheduled for 16:30-18:00 on Saturday December 8th.
conference in Guadeloupe, April 18-21. (organizing committee)
Anchored Graph Realization and Sensor Localization at
CORS/Optimization Days 2006,
Joint Conference, Montreal, May 8-10, 2006 (session organizer);
and also at Dalhousie University, Halifax on Friday, May ??;
and followed by
HEC Montreal, May 10-12.
Anchored Graph Realization and Sensor Localization, at URA seminar,
University of Waterloo, May 31, 2006.
High Performance Optimization 2006 Workshop, (HPOPT 2006),
in celebration of Kees Roos' 65th birthday.
The workshop will take place on June 15-16, 2006 in Delft, The
Invited talk on
Anchored Graph Realization and Sensor Localization, at
CAIMS -MITACS 2006 Joint Annual Conference,
June 15 - 20, 2006 at York University in Toronto, Ontario.
Trust Region Methods using Regularization
Invited Talk, 45 minutes, at the
Workshop on "Advances in Continuous Optimization"
Reykjavik, Iceland, Friday June 30 and Saturday July 1, 2006
Anchored Graph Realization and Sensor Localization
, in session TA-32, 30 minute talk, at
EURO XXI in Iceland, in Reykjavik, July 2-5, 2006,
21st European Conference on Operational Research (organizing
sesssion - Semidefinite Programming and its Applicaations - in stream
on convex programming)
Regularization and Trust Regions in Optimization,
in minisymposium at AN06 on "Iterative Trust-Region Methods"
"sponsored" by The SIAM Activity Groups on
Computational Science and Engineering and Optimization;
at the
SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10 - 14, 2006 in Boston Massachusetts.
Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering
July 10-11)
Joint GAMM-SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, July 24 - 27,
2006, D|sseldorf, Germany.
Nearest Matrix Problems Using Semidefinite Programming at
MOPTA 06 at University of Waterloo, July 24-27. (co-chair organizer)
ISMP, 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Rio,
July 30-Aug 4, 2006.
Beijing International Conference on
Numerical Analysis and Optimization,
dedicated to M.J.D. Powell's 70th Birthday,
(Beijing, Sept 25-28, 2006)
Positive Polynomials and Optimization,
at the Banff International Research Station, BIRS,
oct 7 - 12, 2006;
Talks are available here
sensor localization at
Oct 30/06, Rice University, Houston (oct 28-nov1) TX, colloquium talk
Friday Nov 10/06.
invited talk/discussion on Optimization
at MSRI at the SAC, San Francisco
EDM and Sensor Localization at
Optimization and Engineering Applications,
at the Banff International Research Station, BIRS,
Nov 11 - Nov 16, 2006;
list of participants
IEEE Globecom 2006, technical conference and IEEE communications
expo; Nov 27-Dec 1, San Francisco, CA.
Multi-Stage Investment Decision under Contingent
Demand for Network Planning, at the
Eighth IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific
Computation: November 14-17, 2006,
held at Texas A&M University in College
Station, Texas.
"Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions, Sensor Network Localization, and
Graph Realization" at the
Tutte Colloquium Friday, Dec 8/06.
An Overview of Semidefinite Programming and
Duality in Cone Programming, a series of seminars given
at University of Waterloo (with Levent Tuncel), Jan, 2005, MC5136.
A Stable Iterative Method for Linear Programming, Computational Math.
Seminar, Feb. 14, 2005, University of Waterloo.
7th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific
Computing, May 5-8, 2005,
Fields Institute and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Short Course presentations,
Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization,
SIAG/OPT, OP05, May 15-18, Stockholm.
A Stable Iterative Method for Linear Programming
Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization,
SIAG/OPT, OP05, May 15-18, Stockholm.
Regularization Using a Parametrized Trust Region Approach,
MITACS 6th Annual Conference, May 11 - 14, 2005 with
poster session;
and at
Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization,
SIAG/OPT, OP05, May 15-18, Stockholm.
CMS, Summer 2005 Meeting, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, June 4-6, 2005
Symmetric Kronecker Products and
Uniqueness and Existence of search directions for semidefinite
programming (SDP), keynote talk at the
(first) "Southern Ontario Matrices and Statistics Day",
University of Windsor (Windsor, Ontario),
Thursday, 9 June 2005
On the Set of Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions,
URA seminar at
Univ. of Waterloo, June 22, 2005.
Robust algorithms for large sparse linear and semidefinite programming
Foundations of Computational Mathematics,
at Universidad de Cantabria in Santander, Spain, between 30 June and 9
July 2005.
Optimization part is on July 4-6
Numerical Linear Algebra part is on July 7-9.
invited plenary talk:
Approximate and Exact Completion Problems for
Euclidean Distance Matrices using
Semidefinite Programming at the
Franco-Canadian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms,
August 18-20, 2005, at McMaster University.
Approximate and Exact Completion Problems for
Euclidean Distance Matrices using
Semidefinite Programming at the
CMS Winter Meeting 2005, December 10 - 12, 2005, at the Victoria
Conference Centre.
Robust algorithms for large sparse semidefinite programming
(SDP) at the conference:
Multiscale Optimization Methods and Applications,
to be held February 26 to 28, 2004, at the University of
Florida, Gainesville (invited talk); organizers:
Timothy Davis, CISE,
William Hager, Mathematics,
Panos Pardalos, ISE.
Robust algorithms for large sparse semidefinite programming (SDP),
plenary presentation; at WCOM/04, Seattle, Washington.
Short Course presentation:
Waterloo Workshop - May/04,
Large Scale Nonlinear and Semidefinite Programming:
Workshop in memory of Jos Sturm
Colloquium Talk at Univ. of Waterloo, May21/04
Robust algorithms for large sparse semidefinite programming (SDP),
plenary presentation;
at the
"Premier congres Canada/France des sciences mathimatiques"
"First Joint Canada/France Meeting in the Mathematical Sciences"
Toulouse, July 12-15, 2004
MOPTA 04, July 28-30/04, 4th Annual McMaster Optimization Conference:
Theory and Applications
Cone Preserving Maps at
First Mathematical Programming Society
International Conference on Continuous Optimization,
August 2-4, 2004,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, NY 12180, USA.
Summer School: July 31-August 1, 2004
A Stable Iterative Method for Linear Programming,
invited colloquium at University of Guelph, Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004,
Robust algorithms for large sparse semidefinite programming (SDP),
invited presentation;
at the
"Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar"
Fields Institute, Toronto,
Nov. 2, 2004.
A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem Within a Semidefinite
Programming Framework, Seminar at University of Waterloo.
Algorithms for Semidefinite Programming; large sparse case;
nearest correlation matrix problem, at Princeton
University, Feb. 19, 2003; and
Solving large, sparse, hard Semidefinite Programs at The Courant
Institute, Feb. 21, 2003.
Robust Solutions of Large Sparse Semidefinite Programing Problems,
at the workshop on Semidefinite Programming and Robust Optimization at
the 2002-2003
thematic year on Optimization
at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA).
See also
Semidefinite Programming and Robust Optimization , IMA Workshop 5,
March 12-19, 2002.
Robust Solutions of Large Sparse Semidefinite Programing Problems,
as part of the
Minisymposium on
"Semidefinite Programming and Large Scale Problems"
at the
CAIMS and SIAM first joint annual meeting, in Montreal,
June 16-20, 2003.
Uniqueness and Existence of search directions for semidefinite programming (SDP)
at the
Tutte Colloquium, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont.
Closest Correlation Matrix,
as part of the
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA03),
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA,
July 15-19, 2003.
Uniqueness and Existence of search directions for semidefinite programming (SDP)
at the
3rd Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications,
(MOPTA 03) July 30 - August 1, 2003, Hamilton, Ontario
Robust search directions for large sparse semidefinite programming (SDP) at the
18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, ISMP 2003,
at the campus of the
Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 18-22,
MODEX day is planned for Sept./03 mid-week????
Preprocessing for Stability in Semidefinite Programming at the
Fifth Annual Midwest Optimization Seminar, 2003, Oct 4, Sat.
at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan.
Semidefinite Programing and Matrix Completions for Partial Hermitian
Matrices ,
colloquium talk at Lehrstuhl f|r Mathematische Optimierung, Duesseldorf,
Friday, Jan. 11, 2002, 5PM.
A Simple Iterative Method for Linear and Semidefinite Programming ,
at the meeting on
Optimization and Applications at
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
January 13-19, 2002.
Fields Institute in Toronto is sponsoring:
a Thematic Year on
"Numerical and Computational Challenges in Science and Engineering"
(NCCSE) from August 2001 to July 2002. Events include:
Numerical Optimization Graduate Course,
Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario,
January-March, 2002.
A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem within a Semidefinite
Programming Framework, presented at the Fields Institute Friday May
10 as part of the workshop on Optimization.
Simple Efficient Solutions for Semidefinite Programming, at
Seventh SIAM Conference on Optimization,
SIAG/OPT, OP02, with the
Fields Institute,
Toronto, Ontario,
May 20-23, 2002, Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, Canada.
Preceeding the conference, there will be a
group of visitors.
A Tutorial on Semidefinite Programming and Applications
at CORS 2002, Toronto, June 3-5 (Mon.-Wed.)
and Title:
An Introduction to Semidefinite Programming and Applications,
CRM Universiti de Montrial, Thursday, July 4, 2002.
A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem Within a Semidefinite
Programming Framework at the
2nd Annual McMaster Optimization Conference:
Theory and Applications (MOPTA 02), August 1-3, 2002, Hamilton, Ontario
Cortona, Italy, 2 week course, August, 2002 at the Scuola Matematica
Solving Semidefinite Programs for and via Nonlinear Programming,
colloquium, Monday February 5, 2001,
Department of Computing and Software, in
McMaster University, Hamilton.
Applications of Semidefinite Programming,
1 day course, Monday February 12, 2001,
Faculty of Management, at Bronfman
McGill University, Montreal.
Semidefinite Programming and Matrix Completion, colloquium at
University of Guelph, Mar 2, 2001.
Rio, Brazil, 2 week course, April, 2001.
Semidefinite Programming: Introduction; Motivation; Duality, part of
a series of seminars on the
survey paper by Laslo Lovasz; June, 2001; and also
Proving and Generating Theorems Using Lagrange Multipliers, seminar talk
in URA seminar series, June 20, 2001.
Semidefinite Programming and Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions,
at the
SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego California, July 9-13, 2001.
Semidefinite Programming and Some Closest Matrix Approximation Problems,
at the
1st Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 01),
August 2-4, 2001 Hamilton, Ontario;
A view of predictor corrector methods for primal-dual interior-point methods
in optimization using ODEs, at the
Informal Working Group on Dynamics of Numerics, Aug 7-10, 2001;
part of the
Thematic Year on Numerical and Computational Challenges in Science and
A Simple Approach to Interior-Point Methods for Linear and Semidefinite
at the
Tutte Colloquium,
Dept. Combinatorics and Optimization, Univ. of Waterloo,
Oct. 26, 2001 (Friday).
A short (1/2 hour)
version of this talk, concentrating on linear programming, will be
given at the Grad. Seminar Wed. Oct 17.
University of Notre Dame, Feb., 2000.
Semidefinite Programming and Matrix Completion,
plenary talk at
Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting,
WCLAM (Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting)
will be held at the
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg on May 26,27, 2000 (Friday and
Semidefinite Programming and Matrix Completion,
at the
Tutte Colloquium,
Dept. Combinatorics and Optimization, Univ. of Waterloo,
June 16, 2000 (Friday).
Semidefinite Relaxations for Hard Combinatorial Problems,
invited talk at
EURO XVII 17th European Conference on Operational Research
Budapest, Hungary, July 16-19, 2000 and plenary talk at
2nd Workshop on Interior Point Methods, July 14-15.
Semidefinite Programming and Matrix Completion,
plenary talk at The One-day Optimization Workshop, at McMaster
University, Aug. 4, 2000, in the JHE building, room A114.
The talks will be given by:
Prof. E.A. Andersen (Odense University, Denmark/ Helsinki University
on Implementing Interior Point methods for conic problems,
Prof. M. Fukushima (Kyoto University, Japan)
on Complementarity and equilibrium problems,
J. Peng (McMaster University/ Delft University of Technology)
on New Interior Point Methods,
Prof. Y. Yuan (Chineese Academy of Scineces, P. China)
on Developments on conjugate gradient methods,
Prof. A. Yoshise (The University of Tsukuba, Japan)
on New In terior Point Methods for nonlinear complementarity
Prof. H. Wolkowicz ( Waterloo University)
on Semidefinite programming and matrix completion.
Semidefinite Relaxations for Hard Combinatorial Problems at
ISMP00, 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming,
Atlanta, GA, August 7-11, 2000.
Also co-author of presentations:
"Strengthened Semidefinite Relaxations for the Max-Cut
Problem" : Miguel F. Anjos; Henry Wolkowicz
and "The Gauss-Newton Direction in Semidefinite Programming"
Serge Kruk; Henry Wolkowicz
Abstract for
7th DIMACS Implementation Challenge: Semidefinite and Related
Optimization Problems,
Dates: September 13 - 15, 2000 ,
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Matrix Completions and Semidefinite Programming,
talk at
the Seventh SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra,
jointly with the
International Linear Algebra
Society (ILAS) annual meeting
at Raleigh North Carolina, Oct. 23-25/00.
An expanded version of this talk will be given in the
dept of O.R. at the
University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, on Thursday Oct 26.
Two applications of Lagrange Multipliers in Optimization, UofW,
April, 1999.
Is Lagrangian Relaxation Best?, June 16-18,
and at
Mathimatiques pour l'Industrie et la Physique at
Universite Paul Sabatier,
Toulouse, June.
Semidefinite Relaxations for Hard Combinatorial Problems, July 12-16,
Cambridge, England,
19th IFIP, System Modelling and Optimization,.
SDP and Discrete Optimization,
Rutgers University,
University July 25 - 30, 1999
Lagrangian and Semidefinite Programming
Relaxations for Discrete (Hard) Optimization Problems, Rice
University, Oct 11, 1999, and UCLA, Oct 14, 1999.
Newton Directions in Semidefinite Programming
Fiacco Fest Washington DC and
Yorktown heights visit May, 1997
Applications of Semidefinite Programming (Linear Programming
for the 90's and 00's)
Second workshop on
High Performance Optimization Techniques, Wednesday, August 20 to
Friday, August 22, 1997 (just before ismp97 in Lausanne).
Newton Directions in Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods for
Semidefinite Programming
International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
Lausanne, EPFL, August 24-29, 1997
The Gauss-Newton Direction for Interior-Point Methods in
Linear and Semidefinite Programming
Snowbird Utah, SIAM Conference in Numerical Linear Algebra,
Oct. 1997
Introduction to the WWW, at ClemensMills Public School, Cambridge,
Ontario, Jan/97.
Duality in Convex Programming, at Delft University,
Yorktown Heights, IBM, Applications of SDP - survey.
Yorktown Heights, IBM, on Newton Directions and SDP relaxations.
Semidefinite Programming and Applications
Fourth Kalamazoo Symposium on Matrix Analysis & Application,
Friday & Saturday, 24 -25 October 1997, Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Waterloo, June/95
Strong duality in SDP, Jan, 1995,
Waterloo, William and Mary, Virginia
Applications of SDP, April 1995
Old Dominion, Virginia
Graph partitioning with SDP
New Orleans, Oct/95 INFORMS
Trust region subproblem and general framework using SDP
NASA, Virginia, April 1995
Utah, Park City, AMS workshop July/95
New Orleans, INFORMS Oct/95
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