S. Lectures Room Instructor Office Email Office-hours
01 12:30MWF MC4021 H Wolkowicz MC6065 hwolkowi@uwaterloo.ca M2:30-3:30 R10-11 02 11:30MWF MC4021 H Wolkowicz MC6065 hwolkowi@uwaterloo.ca M2:30-3:30 R10-11 03 8:30MWF MC4021 DG Wagner MC5040 dgwagner@uwaterloo.ca TBA 04 8:30MWF B1 271 DZ Djokovic MC5055 djokovic@uwaterloo.ca MW 1:00-2:00 J 9:30MWF STJ209 CG Hewitt STJ106 cghewitt@uwaterloo.ca TBA
Both sections use math drop boxes outside of MC 4066. Section 1: box #6 Slot#: 9 10 11 12 Division: A-F G-L M-K S-Z Section 2: box #2 Slot#: 9 10 11 12 Division: A-F G-L M-K S-Z
latest marks are available here
midterm time and rooms and
list of topics for the midterm.
ps file with solutions)
final exam scheduling,
for Math 235 - Wed, Dec. 13, 2000, 2-5 pm in rooms MC
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