Final/Midterm/Assignment Marks for Section 1 available now.
Text: The reference text Elementary Linear Algebra
authors: B. Kolman and D. Hill is now available on
3 hour reserve; CALL NUMBER IS UWD1464.
Directions to students:
"Feel free to discuss the assignments with your colleagues, but write the
final solutions on your own, and acknowledge those who contributed ideas
for your solutions." See
help on avoiding plagiarism
Math235 is the second of two terms of linear algebra. We examine linear
transformations acting on vector spaces, together with their matrix
representations. Determinants are introduced and empoloyed primarily in
the evaluation of eigenpairs. Diagonalization and orthogonal
diagonalization are explained, and their importance is revealed through
various applications.
Prerequisite: M136 or equivalent - it is assumed that the student is
familiar with Complex Inner Product Spaces.
Textbook: Math 235 Course Notes by Conrad Hewitt, available from
the Math Copy Center - MC 5182.
Course Notes are available
online - including typos and sample exams.
An excellent reference is the text Elementary LInear Algebra
authors: B. Kolman and D. Hill also available on
3 hour reserve CALL NUMBER IS UWD1464.
S. Lectures Room Instructor Office Email Office-hours
01 12:30MWF RCH302 H Wolkowicz MC6065 M2:30-3:30,T10-11
02 11:30MWF RCH302 I VanderBurgh MC5098 ???????
03 08:30MWF RCH301 P Crippin MC5099 ???????
04 08:30MWF RCH302 I VanderBurgh MC5098 ???????
05 09:30MWF STJ2009 C Hewitt STJ106 ???????
Information related to the teaching activities of
Professor Henry Wolkowicz;
The material is related to the course taught in
DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of WWW, links and information get out of
date. I provide these links in the
hope that they help with the course as well as create
additional interest. I do try and keep these links as current as possible,
i.e. links may be added and/or deleted during the semester.
Directions to students:
"Feel free to discuss the assignments with your colleagues, but write the
final solutions on your own, and acknowledge those who contributed ideas
for your solutions."
- Assignments:10%, Midterms: 15% each, Final: 60%.
The second midterm is on: Tuesday 4:30-6:30, Nov. 5th.
The midterm rooms for the 5 sections are, respectively:
MC1056/85, DC1350, MC 4059/61, DC 1351, MC2017.
The double degree students start at 6PM and write in MC2035.
final exam scheduling:
MATH 235, 13-Dec-02, Friday morning, 9:00-12:00.
To be announced:
Alphabetical in rooms in MC
A-- in 1085 4063
A-- 4020
A-- 4041, 4042, 4045, 4058, 4059, 4060 and 4061
Old midterms/finals are available at the
MathSoc Online Exambank.
Be aware that previous midterms covered more material, since there was only
one midterm during the semester.
Midterm/Assignment Marks for Section 1 available now.
Assignments are to be placed in the
correct drop box
on the due date.
Late assignments will NOT be accepted.
Section 01 uses math drop boxes outside of MC 4066
(by 12 (noon) for H.W.)
Section 01: box #3
Slot#: 1 2 3 4
Division: A-F G-L M-R S-Z
(One assignment will not be counted in the final grade.)
Assignments for Sections 01,05
- Assignment
- Assignment from Problem Set #1
is due Wednsday Sept. 18. Do problems 1,4,5,6 from Problem Set #1
in the Course Notes (Page 11).
Comments from Markers.
- Assignment from Problem Set #2
is due Wednsday Sept. 25. Do problems 2,3,6,8 from Problem Set #2
in the Course Notes (Pages 18-19).
(From PS3: Problem 1 (only do number 2 from PS#2),
and Problems 2,5,7 (Page 27). - for Section 05 ONLY)
- Assignment from Problem Set #3 and #4 and #5
is due Wednsday Oct. 2.
(From PS3: Problem 1 (with only number 2 from PS#2),
and Problems 2,5,7 (Page 27). - for Section 01 ONLY)
From PS4: Problems 1,3,4a), 4b)(iv) (Page 32). (for BOTH
- Assignment from Problem Set #5
is due Wednsday Oct. 9.
From PS5: 1i(b), 1ii, 2,3 - - for Section 01 ONLY
- Assignment from Problem Set #6
is due Wednsday Oct. 16.
From PS6: 1a, 2bi, 3a, 5,6 - - for Section 01 and 05
- Assignment from Problem Sets #7,8
is due Wednsday Oct. 23.
From PS7 1, 3, 4, 6 (do not hand in 1)
From PS8 1, 3, 4 (do not hand in 3)
--for Section 01 and 05
Comments from Markers.
- Assignment from Problem Sets #9,10
is due Wednsday Oct. 30.
From PS9 probs 6,7
From PS10 probs 2,3,4 (do not hand in 4)
--for Section 01 and 05
- Assignment from Problem Sets #11
The following questions from PS11 are due Monday Nov 4
(the day before the midterm).
From PS11 do only probs 1a and 4,
(do probs 2a)b)c) and 6 but do not hand them in )
--for Section 01 and 05
- Assignment from Problem Sets #12
is due Wednsday Nov. 13.
From PS12 probs 1,2,3,5,6, (do not hand in 1)
--for Section 01 and 05
And for Section 01,
in addition, find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (diagonalize if
possible) the three matrices given in class - but do not hand in.
Comments from Markers.
- Assignment from Problem Sets #13#14
is due Wednsday Nov. 20.
PS 13: 1b),1c),1g),2,3,5 (do not hand in 1b) and 2 and 3)
PS 14: 1,2,6a),6b),6e),6f),6g) (do not hand in 2 and 6f) and 6g) )
--for Section 01 and 05
- Assignment from Problem Sets #15#16
is due Wednsday Nov. 27.
PS 15: 1a), 3, 6b)
T_0 is the 0 operator; T_I is the identity operator. See also Q3 from
PS12. Also NOTE that PS 15 #3 and PS 16 #2 were not checked for
correctness by the markers due to time pressure. Please check the
solutions for these.)
PS 16: 1, 2
And Exercises 1 and 2 from:
notes and exercises on the Minimum Polynomial.
--for Section 01 and 05
- Assignment from Problem Sets #17#18#19
Do NOT hand in!
PS 17: 1,2,3
PS 18: 6,8
PS 19: 2
--for Section 01
PS 18: 8 HAND IN --for Section 05
Assignments for Sections 02,03,04
- Assignment
is due Monday Sept. 16. Do problems 3,4,9 from the
Winter 2002 Math 136 final exam. (The exam can be found near the
beginning of the Course Notes)
- Assignment from Problem Sets #1,#2
PS1 1c, 1d, 2b, 4, 5, 6
PS2 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Assignment from Problem Sets #3,#4:
is due Wednsday Oct. 2.
Problem Set #3: Problems 1.ii), 1.iii), 2, 4, 7
Problem Set #4: Problems 1;3;
- Assignment from Problem Sets #6:
is due Wednsday Oct. 16.
Problem Set #6: Problems Hand in 1b,2b,5
Problem Set #6: Problems Don't Hand in 1a,3a
- Assignment from Problem Sets #7,8
is due Wednsday Oct. 30.
From PS7 1, 3, 4,
From PS8 1, 3, 4
--for Sections 02,03,04
- Assignment from Problem Sets #12,13
is due Wednsday Nov. 13.
From PS 12: to hand in: 1, 2; not to hand in: 3, 5
From PS 13: to hand in: 1b, 1c, 2, 3; not to hand in: 5
--for Sections 02,03,04
- Assignment from Problem Sets #15,16
The tutorial center will open on Monday Sept. 16th. The hours will be
posted outside MC 4067.
The tutorial coordinator is
Serge D'Alessio. for more information
visit the tutorial web site;
see the tutorial center times for Math 235
which are:
Monday afternoons: 12:30 - 2:30 pm & 3:30 - 5:30 pm
Tuesdays: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
You may be interested in:
Math 235 web page, Fall/01
Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Undergraduate Research in C&O
at Waterloo.
Essay from Gilbert Strang on importance of Linear Algebra.
(Link to MIT, linear algebra with
Math Forum at Drexel. With discussion groups, Ask Dr. Math, Problems
of the Week, ...
e.g. see
Q&A College Level and Beyond; linear Algebra archives
History of Matrices and determinants.
(Sylvester originated the term matrix.)
On the Centrality of Linear Algebra in the Curriculum, by Carl C.
Cowen, at The Mathematical Association of America.
exercises in matlab can be obtained from the
ATLAST Project
at the
Library of ATLAST M-files
VLA - Visual Linear Algebra, which runs using matlab on PCs.
Eigenvalues, including information on the minimum polynomial, at
The Matrix Reference Manual
The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, mentioned in two excercises in the
text; Also
some historical papers and a
simple proof by Dr. Math.
Student Projects in Linear Algebra. (See in addition:
Linear Algebra Gems: Assets for the Undergraduate Linear Algebra
Curriculum, Mathematical Association of America (2002), 328 pages (with
D. Carlson, C. Johnson, D. Lay) and
Resources for Teaching Linear Algebra, edited by David Carlson, Charles
R. Johnson, David C. Lay, A. Duane Porter, Ann Watkins, and William
Watkins. MAA Notes, vol. 42. MAA, 1997. ISBN 0-88385-150-4)

Wolkowicz Home Page
this directory
Last update: 06/08/2009 15:28:32, by Henry Wolkowicz