Math235 is the second of two terms of linear algebra. We examine linear
transformations acting on vector spaces, together with their matrix
representations. Determinants are introduced and empoloyed primarily in
the evaluation of eigenpairs. Diagonalization and orthogonal
diagonalization are explained, and their importance is revealed through
various applications.
Prerequisite: M136 or equivalent - it is assumed that the student is
familiar with Complex Inner Product Spaces.
Textbook: Math 235 Course Notes by Conrad Hewitt, available from
the Math Copy Center - MC 5182.
Course Notes are available
online - including typos and sample exams.
An excellent reference is the text Elementary LInear Algebra
authors: B. Kolman and D. Hill also available on
3 hour reserve CALL NUMBER IS UWD1464.
S. Lectures Room Instructor Office Email Office-hours 01 12:30MWF RCH302 H Wolkowicz MC6065 M2:30-3:30,T10-11 02 11:30MWF RCH302 I VanderBurgh MC5098 ??????? 03 08:30MWF RCH301 P Crippin MC5099 ??????? 04 08:30MWF RCH302 I VanderBurgh MC5098 ??????? 05 09:30MWF STJ2009 C Hewitt STJ106 ???????
To be announced: Alphabetical in rooms in MC A-- in 1085 4063 A-- A-- 4020 A-- 4041, 4042, 4045, 4058, 4059, 4060 and 4061
Section 01 uses math drop boxes outside of MC 4066 (by 12 (noon) for H.W.)
Section 01: box #3 Slot#: 1 2 3 4 Division: A-F G-L M-R S-Z (One assignment will not be counted in the final grade.)