Math235 is the second of two terms of linear algebra.
S. Lectures Room Instructor Office Office-hours Drop Box
01 9:30MWF MC4045 H Wolkowicz MC6065 M 2:15-3:15, T 1-2 Box #3: A-L slot 1; M-Z slot 2
02 9:30MWF MC1085 D. Younger MC5038
03 11:30MWF EIT1015 H Wolkowicz MC6065 M 2:15-3:15, T 1-2 Box #4: A-L slot 1; M-Z slot 2
04 9:30MWF STJ2009 C.G. Hewitt STJ106
Information related to the teaching activities of
Professor Henry Wolkowicz;
The material is related to the course taught in
DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of WWW, links and information get out of
date. I provide these links in the
hope that they help with the course as well as create
additional interest. I do try and keep these links as current as possible,
i.e. links may be added and/or deleted during the semester.
(solutions posted on fourth floor glass display area
outside tutorial center)
Assignments are to be placed in the
correct drop box by 2PM on the due date (Wed).
Late assignments will not be accepted.
(One assignment will not be counted in the final grade.)
Drop boxes are located outside the tutorial center MC4067.
Section 01 09:30MWF MC4045 Box #3: A-L slot 1; M-Z slot 2
Section 03 11:30MWF MC1056 Box #4: A-L slot 1; M-Z slot 2
Assignment 1
is due Wed. Sept. 17, by 2PM.
Review: Chapter 3. and Complex Inner Product Spaces in Appendix B.
Reading: Section 4.1.
Assignment 2
is due Wed. Sept. 24, by 2PM.
Reading: Section 4.2.
Typo!!: In problem 5.1, 2. Please replace
dim nullspace of the transpose of A with dim nullspace of A, i.e. remove
the transpose.
Assignment 3
is due Wed. Oct. 1, by 2PM.
Reading: Sections 4.3,4.4.
Problems: Clarification!!: For question 3,
the (i) and (ii) parts are separate questions.
Therefore you have to find the matrix representation twice for part (b)
and twice again for part (c).
You then use the answers to reply to question 4.
Assignment 4
is due Wed. Oct. 8, by 2PM.
Reading: Sections 4.5.
For question 3a: the mappings can be defined to map P_1 --> P_2.
(Though technically P_{111} -->P_{111} would work as well :-) ).
For question 4c: the word dimension
should preceed the word range (three times).
Assignment 5
is due Wed. Oct. 15, by 2PM.
Reading: Sections 5.1,5.2.
No Assignment is due Oct 22.
Reading: Sections 5.3,5.4,5.5.
Assignment 6
is due Wed. Oct. 29, by 2PM.
Reading: Sections 6.1.
Assignment 7
is due Wed. Nov. 5, by 2PM.
Reading: Sections 6.1,6.2.
Assignment 8
is due Wed. Nov. 12, by 2PM.
Reading: Sections 6.4
Assignment 9
is due Wed. Nov. 19, by 2PM.
Reading: Sections 6.5 (spectral theorem)
In question #3 the matrix is not
invertible. Simply explain why there is no inverse.
(You may want to try and show that there is no inverse using the
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.)
Class Outlines
Following are short outlines for the material covered during the
lectures. These outlines are changed before and after the classes.
Links are provided within, e.g. to videos/appelets.
Comments/questions are welcome.
In Class 1 , Monday, Sept. 8,
-- In Class 2 , Wednesday, Sept. 10
-- In Class 3 , Friday, Sept. 12
In Class 4 , Monday, Sept. 15
-- In Class 5 , Wednesday, Sept. 17
-- In Class 6 , Friday, Sept. 19
In Class 7 , Monday, Sept. 22
-- In Class 8 , Wednesday, Sept. 24
-- In Class 9 , Friday, Sept. 26
In Class 10 , Monday, Sept. 29
-- In Class 11 , Wednesday, Oct. 1
-- In Class 12 , Friday, Oct. 3
In Class 13 , Monday, Oct. 6
--- In Class 14 , Wednesday, Oct. 8
-- In Class 15 , Friday, Oct. 10
Turkey day , Monday, Oct. 13
-- In Class 16 , Wednesday, Oct. 15
-- In Class 17 , Friday, Oct. 17
In Class 18 , Monday, Oct. 20
-- In Class 19 , Wednesday, Oct. 22
-- In Class 20 , Friday, Oct. 24
In Class 21 , Monday, Oct. 27
-- In Class 22 , Wednesday, Oct. 29
-- In Class 23 , Friday, Oct. 31
In Class 24 , Monday, Nov. 3
-- In Class 25 , Wednesday, Nov. 5
-- In Class 26 , Friday, Nov. 7
In Class 27 , Monday, Nov. 10
-- In Class 28 , Wednesday, Nov. 12
-- In Class 29 , Friday, Nov. 14
In Class 30 , Monday, Nov. 17
-- In Class 31 , Wednesday, Nov. 19
-- In Class 32 , Friday, Nov. 21
In Class 33 , Monday, Nov. 24
-- In Class 34 , Wednesday, Nov. 26
-- In Class 35 , Friday, Nov. 28
In Class 36 , Monday, Dec. 1
final exam scheduling:
sect Date Time Place
MATH 235 all 9 Dec 2003 Tue 2:00 PM 5:00 PM MC 1085,2017,2034,2035,2054
4020, 4021,4045,4059,4061
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, by Henry Wolkowicz