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Math 235
Fall 2004

Linear Algebra 2
Webpage for Instructor Henry Wolkowicz





Lecture Time:


Office Hours:

02 MC4021


Henry Wolkowicz




T 1:30-2:30, F 2-3

03 MC4021


Henry Wolkowicz




T 1:30-2:30 F 2-3

  • WARNING/REMINDER: Copying assignments is contrary to University policy. You must work on your assignments on your own.

    click to get

    **** Lecture Outlines, Assignments, Solutions, Links, ... The lecture outlines include links to MATLAB files.

  • U. of W. ANGEL Course Environment, Official Course Webpage
    and Yulia Gel's Web Page with Problems/Links
  • Final Grades are available. The final exam was 'weighted', i.e. if your mark in the final exam is M: replace M with M+12 if M is less or equal to 81;
    other wise M becomes (M+105)/2.
    (sorted by student ID) Latest Grades Section 2 and Section 3. Please check your grades regularly. Missing grades might appear in the wrong section.
      Please inform me of any inconsistencies in the grades. Email to Henry
  • pdf file: Courseoutline;
  • Final Exam date: Thursday, Dec 16, 1400-1700, at PAC 1,2,3,4,5
    The exam will contain proofs which may or may not be from Theorems in the text. No list of Theorems/proofs is provided.
    Sections 2,3,4 will have a MATLAB bonus question; while Sections 1,5,6 will require a proof about complex inner product spaces.
  • The last problem session is scheduled for Monday December 6, from 5:30 'til 7:00PM in RCH 101.

  • Notes:

    1. Math235 students can access matlab from the unix machines in MC3008 and MC6080, the math labs. (Students from outside the faculty will have to come to MC3011 to have their account password set by the consultants.)
    2. Link to MIT, linear algebra with VIDEOS!!!,
      • See the bottom of the page for sample exams.
    3. EIGENVALUES: The World's Largest Matrix Computation (at google); with a short explanation.
    4. MATLAB
    5. Math Forum at Drexel. With discussion groups, Ask Dr. Math, Problems of the Week, ... e.g. see Q&A College Level and Beyond; linear Algebra archives
    6. History of Matrices and determinants. (Sylvester originated the term matrix.)
    7. Summer Undergraduate Research Program in C & O
    8. Essay from Gilbert Strang on importance of Linear Algebra.
    9. On the Centrality of Linear Algebra in the Curriculum, by Carl C. Cowen, at The Mathematical Association of America.
    10. Further exercises in matlab can be obtained from the ATLAST Project at the Library of ATLAST M-files
      Also: VLA - Visual Linear Algebra, which runs using matlab on PCs.
    11. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem; Also some historical papers and a simple proof by Dr. Math. misc
    12. Teaching Linear Algebra, LAA article by Frank Uhlig; CScilab; Appl. Lin. Alg and Num. Anal. (MATLAB) at the other UofW;

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    This page is maintained by Henry Wolkowicz, Email to Henry
      Last update: 06/08/2009 15:31:05

    Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1 | 519.885.1211 | www.math.uwaterloo.ca