C&O 466/666 - Continuous Optimization (Winter Semester 2001)

This course provides a rigorous up-to-date treatment of topics in Continuous Optimization (Nonlinear Programming). This includes a hands-on approach with exposure to existing software packages.

( Information related to the teaching activities of Professor Henry Wolkowicz is available. The material is related to the course taught in the Winter Semester 2001. Please note that all files are accessible by anonymous ftp to orion.uwaterloo.ca:pub/henry/teaching/w01/666.w01. )

***BEWARE: under construction during the semester****

Please tell me of any problems with this material and/or the course in general.
Send email to me. In addition, please see (and use) the newsgroup uw.co.co666.


Class Outlines

Useful Links

Computing Environment

Mail to: hwolkowi@orion.math.uwaterloo.ca
(C) Copyright Henry Wolkowicz, 1991.
Last update: 04/04/2001 20:51:59, by Henry Wolkowicz