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Math 118
Winter 2004

Calculus 2
Webpage for Instructor Henry Wolkowicz





Lecture Time:


Office Hours:

Lec 03 RCH-103


Prof. Henry Wolkowicz


10:30-11:20M 9:30-10:20TR


Tue. 2:30-3:30PM Fri. 2:00-3:00PM

Official Course Web Site


  1. (sorted by student ID) Final Grades
    Final grades were calculated by eliminating the lowest lab mark; then: 10% for labs; 25% for midterm; 65% for final exam (which was marked out of 90 rather than 95).
  2. (sorted by student ID) Final Exam and MIDTERM and Lab. marks
  3. Some old exams are available.
  4. Solutions to labs and midterm exam as JPG files: are here or you can get the individual pages:

course infoassignmentssolutionsinfo

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This page is maintained by Henry Wolkowicz.
  Last update: 08/19/2004 15:07:49

Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1 | 519.885.1211 | www.math.uwaterloo.ca