C&O 367 - Nonlinear Programming (Winter Semester 2005)

This course provides an introductory treatment of topics in Nonlinear Programming. This includes a hands-on approach with exposure to existing software packages.

( Information related to the teaching activities of Professor Henry Wolkowicz is available. The material is related to the course taught in the Winter Semester 2005. )

Available: this file (readme.html) and the course virtual handout (handout.html).

Useful Links

Computing Environment

This page is maintained by Henry Wolkowicz, Email to Henry
  Last update: 02/11/2005 23:37:54

Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1 | 519.885.1211 | www.math.uwaterloo.ca