Which number is bigger eΠ or
Πe. Why? (Use min/max of a function.)
Show that a set C in Rn is convex if an only if
its intersection with any line is convex;
Show that a set C in Rn is affine if an only if
its intersection with any line is affine.
Eigenvalues are an important tool in optimization.
Eigenvalue Show; this is a matlab file called eigshow.m.
This file provides an eigenvalue show that is both entertaining and
Other such MATLAB files are
Here is a local
online tutorial on MATLAB.
Matlab appears to be on all the Solaris systems in the undergrad
environments, e.g. cpu01.student.math and magnus.
You may have to go see Lori Suess in MFCF to set your password properly.
(The path is:
The default should now be version matlab-6.5.
If not you should try the path
software/matlab-6.5/bin/matlab or use "setenv PATH `/bin/showpath
matlab-6.5 current`")
Enter the command matlab to start up the matlab session. Then enter
help optim
You will see a list of the optimization functions that are available
with the optimization toolkit.
Now try the command
This will bring up a menu. You can try the four choices. The first
choice is a tutorial.
This demonstrates several of the optimization functions.
The second choice in the optdemo is the minimization of the banana
function or Rosenbrock's function. This is a classical example of a
function with a narrow valley that exhibits ``very'' slow convergence
steepest descent type methods. Try out several methods to minimize this
Consider the function
f(x)=log( e x+e -x ).
What is the global minimizer? Perform 5 iterations of Newton's method
for minimization with fixed step size 1, starting at the point
x(0)=1; and then starting at the point
x(0)=1.1. Discuss your results.
(Using a MATLAB program is fine. Include the program and the output.)
Do the same as in problem 2. above but for the function:
f(x)=-log( x) +x.
and the starting point
x(0)=3. Discuss your results.
Suppose that you are given the quadratic function
q(x)= (1/2) x'Qx + b'x,
where Q=Q', i.e. it is a symmetric matrix. Prove that:
(a) q(x) is bounded below if and only if Q is positive
semidefinite and b is in the range of Q.
(b) Suppose that the quadratic function
q(x) is bounded below. Does
Newton's method find the minimum of q(x) in one iteration?