NOTE: Please report any
problems. (Send email
to Henry.)
Information related to the teaching activities of
Professor Henry Wolkowicz
is available. The material is related to the course taught in
the WINTER SEMESTER 1996 (with Prof. Cunningham).
Please note that all files are accessible by anonymous ftp to
For previous years assignments, midterms, etc... please go to the
home pages for the previous years. Please start at
the teaching section
Following are assignments, the midterm, and solution files. You can also
the latest list of marks (sections 1 and 2).
The file
lpmovie.tar.Z contains all the files you need to run the solution matlab
files. This file is available in the same directory as the solution
A directory of
latex, ps, and dvi files and pointers
contains course notes, assignments and solutions, and lots more.
(Thanks go to Prof.
Murty and Prof. Cheriyan for many of the class notes.)
A directory of
matlab files contains matlab programs for assignment solutions as
well as miscellaneous examples. These files are solved using the simplex
method. A matlab program with the simplex method is also available.
To use these files, make sure that the files simplex.m and reg.m are in
your directory. If the files use
then you need the appropriate
files in your directory.
Copy and uncompress the file you are interested in. Then enter
to start matlab. Then run the file you are interested in.
Matlab is automatically started for you if you
click on a .m file.
Some of the available files:
G.B. Dantzig (1963) "Linear Programming and Extensions"
This is the classical text on LP.
When our text by Chvatal appeared, several reviewers stated that it
is the first book with a solid contribution since Dantzig's book.
S.I. Gass (1975) "Linear Programming"
R.I. Rothenberg (1979) "Linear Programming"
D.G. Luenberger (1984) "Linear and Nonlinear Programming"
Good insights and explanations for duality theory. In particular,
see the interpretation of duality theory for the diet problem.
This is the encyclopedia of books on linear programming - that is
the reason for the caps in the title. However, there are also lots of numerical
M. Sakarovitch (1983) "Linear Programming"
