Concorde Benchmarks (from 1999)
We report below the running times for the Concorde TSP solver on
instances. Unless otherwise noted, the times are for the default
version of the code using 99 as the random number seed (that is,
"concorde -s 99 xxx.tsp"). The tests were carried out on a
500 MHz Compaq
XP1000 workstation. A comparison
on a number of other machine types is given at the bottom of the page.
TSPLIB Instances
is Gerhard Reinelt's library of 110 instances of the traveling salesman
problem. Some of these instances arise from the task of drilling holes
in printed circuit boards; others have been constructed artificially. (A
popular way of constructing a TSP instance is to choose a set of actual
cities and to define the cost of travel from X to Y as the distance between
X and Y.) None of them (with a single exception) is contrived to be hard
and none of them is contrived to be easy; their sizes range from 17 to
85,900 cities. Concorde's TSP solver has solved 106 instances from
the library; the remaining four instances are still open problems.
For several of the larger instances, links are given to detailed reports
of the computations.
Name |
Nodes in Search Tree |
Running Time (seconds) |
burma14 |
1 |
0.06 |
ulysses16 |
1 |
0.22 |
gr17 |
1 |
0.08 |
gr21 |
1 |
0.03 |
ulysses22 |
1 |
0.53 |
gr24 |
1 |
0.07 |
fri26 |
1 |
0.07 |
bayg29 |
1 |
0.09 |
bays29 |
1 |
0.13 |
dantzig42 |
1 |
0.23 |
swiss42 |
1 |
0.13 |
att48 |
1 |
0.56 |
gr48 |
1 |
0.67 |
hk48 |
1 |
0.17 |
eil51 |
1 |
0.73 |
berlin52 |
1 |
0.29 |
brazil58 |
1 |
0.68 |
st70 |
1 |
0.50 |
eil76 |
1 |
0.30 |
pr76 |
1 |
1.86 |
gr96 |
1 |
6.71 |
rat99 |
1 |
0.95 |
kroA100 |
1 |
1.00 |
kroB100 |
1 |
2.36 |
kroC100 |
1 |
0.96 |
kroD100 |
1 |
1.00 |
kroE100 |
1 |
2.44 |
rd100 |
1 |
0.67 |
eil101 |
1 |
0.74 |
lin105 |
1 |
0.59 |
pr107 |
1 |
1.03 |
gr120 |
1 |
2.23 |
pr124 |
1 |
3.64 |
bier127 |
1 |
1.65 |
ch130 |
1 |
2.13 |
pr136 |
1 |
3.97 |
gr137 |
1 |
3.42 |
pr144 |
1 |
2.58 |
ch150 |
1 |
3.03 |
kroA150 |
1 |
5.00 |
kroB150 |
1 |
4.23 |
pr152 |
1 |
7.93 |
u159 |
1 |
1.00 |
si175 |
3 |
13.09 |
brg180 |
1 |
1.46 |
rat195 |
5 |
22.23 |
d198 |
3 |
11.82 |
kroA200 |
1 |
6.59 |
kroB200 |
1 |
3.91 |
gr202 |
1 |
5.01 |
ts225 |
1 |
20.52 |
tsp225 |
1 |
15.01 |
pr226 |
1 |
4.35 |
gr229 |
3 |
38.61 |
gil262 |
1 |
13.06 |
pr264 |
1 |
2.67 |
a280 |
3 |
5.37 |
pr299 |
3 |
17.49 |
lin318 |
1 |
9.74 |
rd400 |
15 |
148.42 |
fl417 |
5 |
57.75 |
gr431 |
13 |
133.29 |
pr439 |
15 |
216.75 |
pcb442 |
9 |
49.92 |
d493 |
5 |
113.32 |
att532 |
7 |
109.52 |
ali535 |
3 |
53.14 |
si535 |
3 |
43.13 |
pa561 |
17 |
246.82 |
u574 |
1 |
23.04 |
rat575 |
25 |
363.07 |
p654 |
3 |
26.52 |
d657 |
13 |
260.37 |
gr666 |
3 |
49.86 |
u724 |
11 |
225.44 |
rat783 |
1 |
37.88 |
dsj1000 |
7 |
410.32 |
pr1002 |
1 |
34.30 |
si1032 |
1 |
25.47 |
u1060 |
21 |
571.43 |
vm1084 |
11 |
604.78 |
pcb1173 |
19 |
468.27 |
d1291 |
45 |
27393.72 |
rl1304 |
1 |
189.20 |
rl1323 |
25 |
3742.25 |
nrw1379 |
19 |
578.42 |
fl1400 |
5 |
1548.51 |
u1432 |
3 |
223.70 |
fl1577 |
7 |
6705.04 |
d1655 |
5 |
263.03 |
vm1748 |
17 |
2223.65 |
u1817 |
887 |
449230.55 |
rl1889 |
83 |
10023.02 |
d2103 |
169 |
11179253.91 (2) |
u2152 |
309 |
45204.53 |
u2319 |
13 |
7067.93 |
pr2392 |
1 |
116.86 |
pcb3038 |
313 |
80828.87 |
fl3795 |
21 |
69886.48 |
fnl4461 |
213 |
53420.13 (2) |
rl5915 |
161 |
2319671.71 (2) |
rl5934 |
205 |
588936.85 (1) |
pla7397 |
101 |
428996.2 (3) |
rl11849 |
431 |
~155 days (4) |
usa13509 |
9539 |
~4 years (5) |
brd14051 |
-- |
d15112 |
164569 |
~22.6 years (6) |
d18512 |
-- |
pla33810 |
-- |
pla85900 |
-- |
(1) For the instance rl5934, the TSP solver
was given the value of the optimal tour as an input parameter.
(2) For the instances d2103, fnl4461, rl5915,
and pla7397 the optimal value was given and the code was run with local
cuts of size 24 (that is "-C 24") rather than the default.
(3) The default code on pla7397 ran into difficulties
with the LP solver, related to dual degeneracy in the LPs that were created.
To solve this instance we ran the code with CCtsp_EDGE_DUST = 0.000001
and CCtsp_EDGE_LIFE = 50 (these settings cause the code to remove from
the LP any column [edge] that has not been assigned an LP value greater
than 0.000001 for 50 consecutive LPs).
(4) The default options were not used
on rl11849. Instead, several passes through the cutting plane routines
were made before the branching process was initiated.
(5) The running time for usa13509 is
only a very rough estimate. The TSP solver was run in parallel on
a network consisting of a wide variety of machine types. The
run was made with an earlier (1998) version of Concorde's TSP solver, using
multiple passes through the cutting plane routines.
(6) The d15112 run was made with an updated
version of Concorde. Like the usa13509 run, a large amount of CPU
time was used in finding the initial LP relaxation. The final branching
run was carried out on a network of 110 processors located at Rice and
at Princeton. More information about the solution can be found on
the d15112 page.
(7) Some additional Concorde benchmarks can be found at Hans Mittelmann's
TSP page.
Machine Benchmarks
To give an indication of the performance
of Concorde on a variety of machine types, we ran a benchmark consisting
of the 87 TSPLIB instances in the above table that solved in under 1,000
seconds on the XP1000. The total time to solve this set of
instances is reported in the table given below. Note that this is
only a rough measure of the performance of the machine types since the
optimization algorithm will follow different paths on different machines
(due to numerical issues in the linear programming solver).
Machine Type |
Operating System |
Total Time (seconds) |
Compaq XP1000 (500 MHz) |
True64 Unix |
5901 |
AMD Athlon (800 MHz) |
FreeBSD |
9214 |
AMD Athlon (550 MHz) |
FreeBSD |
11782 |
Intel Pentium III (600 MHz) |
Redhat Linux 6.1 |
11935 |
AlphaServer 4100 (400 MHz, EV56) |
Digital Unix |
14676 |
Intel Pentium II (300 MHz) |
Solaris 2.6 |
20431 |
UltraSparc 30 (300 MHz) |
Solaris 2.6 |
21056 |
Intel Pentium Pro (200 MHz) |
Solaris 2.6 |
31551 |
Sun Ultra 1 (167 MHz) |
Solaris 2.6 |
42833 |