Solve command (Menubar)
Conorde's Solve command computes the optimal tour through the current nodes. This computation may take a considerable amount of time depending on the size and complexity of the current node set. The Solver may be given an upper time limit for its computation or may be stopped by calling the Stop command. While the solver is running, it reports on its progress by printing information to the Output pane.
Whenever the solver prints information to the Output pane it checks whether it needs to terminate. It aborts if it exceeded its alloted time if the user chose the upper time limit option or if the user executed the Stop command since the last time the solver printed to the Ouput pane. Since the solver prints infrequently it may take a bit of time to stop execution.
The solver iteratively solves linear programming relaxations of the traveling salesman problem. At the end of each iteration the ouput pane displays the current edge values by coloring the edges that have a positive weight according to the following color scheme:
The solver command is parameterized by:
the local cutsize, the maximum size of a local cutting plane.
a temporary file directory, and the user's choice whether temporary files are to be kept. By default temporary files are removed after the solver finishes.
an optional timebound, which gives a rough upper limit for the solver's compute time.
The CONCORDE solver uses the current edge norm to compute the distance between two nodes, see Set Edge Norm .