Edges menu commands

The Edges menu offers the following commands:

Delaunay Triangulation Compute Delaunay Triangulation.
Min Spanning Tree Compute Minimum Spanning Tree.
Nearest Neighbor Compute Nearest Neighbor Edges.
Quadrand Nearest Neighbor Compute Quadrand Nearest Neighbor Edges.
Fractional 2 Matching Nearest Neighbor Compute Fractional 2 Matching Nearest Neighbor Edges.
Nearest Neighbor 2 Matching Compute Nearest Neighbor 2 Matching Edges.
Lin Kernighan Union Compute multiple Lin Kernighan tours and show the union of the tours edges.
See Lin Kernighan for parameter information.
Random Edges Add edges between randomly chosen unconnected nodes .
Set Edge Norm Set Edge Norm.

All commands compute a set of edges which replaces the document's current edge set. All edges are displayed in blue since none of the commands compute traveling salesman tours, see View Settings.

Whenever edge lengths are needed they are computed according to the currently active edge norm, see Set Edge Norm.

The commands print information about the computed edge sets to the Output pane.