Mouse Mode menu commands

Graphs can be edited through mouse interactions. Depending on the currently active Mouse Mode nodes can be created, deleted,or moved.

The Mouse Mode menu offers commands to choose one of the following modes:

Create Node Set the mouse mode to CREATE.
Delete Node Set the mouse mode to DELETE.
Move Node Set the mouse mode to MOVE.

If the left mouse button is clicking and released at the same location, a single point is chosen. A rectangle is defined by clicking the left button, dragging the mouse, and releasing the button at a different location. Thus single nodes or a set of nodes that lie within a rectangle may be picked.

In CREATE mode a new node is created if the user chooses a location outside all existing nodes.

In DELETE mode all nodes picked are deleted together will all their adjacent edges.

In MOVE mode a node is moved by picking it and dragging the mouse to the desired location and releasing the mouse's button.