H. Crowder and M.W. Padberg, "Solving large-scale symmetric travelling salesman problems to optimality", Management Science 26, 495-509.
This work improves on the earlier study of Padberg and Hong [1980], including the addition of further rounds of cutting planes. The IBM MPSX-MIP/370 integer-programming solver is used to carry out a branch-and-bound search on the final linear programming relaxation. If the integral solution found by this search is not a tour, then the subtour inequalities violated by the solution are added to the relaxation and branch-and-bound is called again. The computational results obtained in this study are very impressive, including the solution of a 318-city instance described in Lin and Kernighan [1973]. This 318-city instance would remain until 1987 as the largest TSP solved.
M. Grötschel, "On the symmetric travelling salesman problem: solution of a 120-city problem", Mathematical Programming Study 12, 61-77.
This is a journal version of the computational study described in Grötschel [1977]. It is very impressive that this 120-city instance could be so with the addition of so few cutting planes.
D.J. Houck, Jr., J.C. Picard, M. Queyranne, and R.R. Vemuganti, "The travelling salesman problem as a constrained shortest path problem: theory and computational experience", OPSEARCH 17, 93-109.
M.W. Padberg and S. Hong, "On the symmetric travelling salesman problem: a computational study", Mathematical Programming Study 12, 78-107.
A cutting-plane algorithm is described. The algorithm makes use of new separation routines for comb inequalities. Like Land [1979], the linear programming computations were carried out using integer arithmetic to "avoid any problems connected with round-off errors." In their computational study, 54 out of total of 74 instances were solved by the linear programming relaxation. For the 318-city example of Lin and Kernighan [1973], the bound obtained via the relaxation was within a factor of 0.96 of the best tour that was found.


J. Mohan, "A study in parallel computation - the traveling salesman problem", Technical Report CMU-CS-82-136, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, 1982.
We do no have a copy of this manuscript.
T. Volgenant and R. Jonker, "A branch and bound algorithm for the symmetric traveling salesman problem based on the 1-tree relaxation", European Journal of Operational Research 9, 83-89.
A variation of the Held-Karp algorithm is described, together with computational results for a number of small instances, including the ten 60-city examples of Smith and Thompson [1977].


B. Gavish and K.N. Srikanth, "Algorithms for solving large-scale symmetric traveling salesman problems to optimality", Working Paper Series Number QM8329, Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester.
We do not have a copy of this manuscript.
T. Volgenant and R. Jonker, "The symmetric traveling salesman problem and edge exchanges in minimal 1-trees", European Journal of Operational Research 12, 394-403.


R. Jonker and T. Volgenant, "Nonoptimal edges for the symmetric traveling salesman problem", Operations Research 32, 837-846.


B. Fleischmann, "A cutting plane procedure for the travelling salesman problem on road networks", European Journal of Operational Research 21, 307-317.
A linear-programming relaxation is built using TSP-specific cuts described in the paper. If no such cut is found, then a Gomory-cut will be added. Computational results are given for a number of TSP instances from the literature (including the 120-city example of Grötschel [1977]).


O.A. Holland, "Schnittebenenverfahren für travelling-salesman und verwandte probleme", Dotoral Thesis, Universität Bonn.
M. Grötschel and O. Holland, "A cutting plane algorithm for minimum perfect 2-matchings", Computing 39, 327-344.
M. Padberg and G. Rinaldi, "Optimization of a 532-city symmetric traveling salesman problem by branch and cut", Operations Research Letters6, 1-7.


G. Carpaneto, M. Fischetti, and P. Toth, "New lower bounds for the symmetric travelling salesman problem", Mathematical Programming 45,  223-254.


J. Rost and E. Maehle, "Implementation of a parallel branch-and-bound algorithm for the travelling salesman problem", in: CONPAR 88: Proceedings, (C.R. Jesshop and K.D. Reimartz, eds.), The British Computer Society Workshop Series, Cambridge University Press, New York,  pp. 152-159.
We do not have a copy of this paper.