H. Crowder and M.W. Padberg, "Solving large-scale symmetric travelling
salesman problems to optimality", Management Science 26, 495-509.
This work improves on the earlier study of Padberg
and Hong [1980], including the addition of further rounds of cutting planes.
The IBM MPSX-MIP/370 integer-programming solver is used to carry out a
branch-and-bound search on the final linear programming relaxation. If
the integral solution found by this search is not a tour, then the subtour
inequalities violated by the solution are added to the relaxation and branch-and-bound
is called again. The computational results obtained in this study are very
impressive, including the solution of a 318-city instance described in
Lin and Kernighan [1973]. This 318-city instance would remain until 1987
as the largest TSP solved.
M. Grötschel, "On the symmetric travelling salesman problem: solution
of a 120-city problem", Mathematical Programming Study 12,
This is a journal version of the computational
study described in Grötschel [1977]. It is very impressive that this
120-city instance could be so with the addition of so few cutting planes.
D.J. Houck, Jr., J.C. Picard, M. Queyranne, and R.R. Vemuganti, "The travelling
salesman problem as a constrained shortest path problem: theory and computational
experience", OPSEARCH 17, 93-109.
M.W. Padberg and S. Hong, "On the symmetric travelling salesman problem:
a computational study", Mathematical Programming Study 12, 78-107.
A cutting-plane algorithm is described. The algorithm
makes use of new separation routines for comb inequalities. Like Land [1979],
the linear programming computations were carried out using integer arithmetic
to "avoid any problems connected with round-off errors." In their computational
study, 54 out of total of 74 instances were solved by the linear programming
relaxation. For the 318-city example of Lin and Kernighan [1973], the bound
obtained via the relaxation was within a factor of 0.96 of the best tour
that was found.
J. Mohan, "A study in parallel computation - the traveling salesman problem",
Technical Report CMU-CS-82-136, Computer Science Department, Carnegie
Mellon University, 1982.
We do no have a copy of this manuscript.
T. Volgenant and R. Jonker, "A branch and bound algorithm for the symmetric
traveling salesman problem based on the 1-tree relaxation", European
Journal of Operational Research 9, 83-89.
A variation of the Held-Karp algorithm is described,
together with computational results for a number of small instances, including
the ten 60-city examples of Smith and Thompson [1977].
B. Gavish and K.N. Srikanth, "Algorithms for solving large-scale symmetric
traveling salesman problems to optimality", Working Paper Series Number
QM8329, Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester.
We do not have a copy of this manuscript.
T. Volgenant and R. Jonker, "The symmetric traveling salesman problem and
edge exchanges in minimal 1-trees", European Journal of Operational
Research 12, 394-403.
R. Jonker and T. Volgenant, "Nonoptimal edges for the symmetric traveling
salesman problem", Operations Research 32, 837-846.
B. Fleischmann, "A cutting plane procedure for the travelling salesman
problem on road networks", European Journal of Operational Research
A linear-programming relaxation is built using
TSP-specific cuts described in the paper. If no such cut is found, then
a Gomory-cut will be added. Computational results are given for a number
of TSP instances from the literature (including the 120-city example of
Grötschel [1977]).
O.A. Holland, "Schnittebenenverfahren für travelling-salesman und
verwandte probleme", Dotoral Thesis, Universität Bonn.
M. Grötschel and O. Holland, "A cutting plane algorithm for minimum
perfect 2-matchings", Computing 39, 327-344.
M. Padberg and G. Rinaldi, "Optimization of a 532-city symmetric traveling
salesman problem by branch and cut", Operations Research Letters6,
G. Carpaneto, M. Fischetti, and P. Toth, "New lower bounds for the symmetric
travelling salesman problem", Mathematical Programming 45,
J. Rost and E. Maehle, "Implementation of a parallel branch-and-bound algorithm
for the travelling salesman problem", in: CONPAR 88: Proceedings,
(C.R. Jesshop and K.D. Reimartz, eds.), The British Computer Society
Workshop Series, Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 152-159.
We do not have a copy of this paper.