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Bachmann Tour

Michele Bachmann's 99-County Tour

Republican candidate Michele Bachmann made a bus tour through Iowa's 99-counties in December 2011. Her tour started in the Sioux City Convention Center on December 15 and finished up at the Snack Time Family Restaurant, Nevada, IA on December 29. Not counting a Christmas break, Bachmann made the trip in 11 days.

Bachmann's Iowa tour shows some impressive planning by her campaign team. Using CoPilot's point-to-point directions, the full state was covered in 3,036 miles. If we exclude the 163 mile transfer from Newton to Council Bluffs that was made over the Christmas break, then the total driving distance comes down to 2,873 miles.

Here is an image of Representative Bachmann's tour, using point-to-point routes provided by ALK's CoPolot Live mobile navigation system.

Bachmann Tour
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Last Updated: December 2011