- E-mail: aj.fong at uwaterloo dot ca
- Office: MC 5411
- Pronouns: he/him
- Chinese name: 方晞寧
Department of Pure Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2L 3G1
I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Pure Mathematics of the University of Waterloo. Prior to coming here, I was in the mathematics department of Warwick. My PhD supervisor is David McKinnon. Here is my CV (PDF, 300KB).
Between September 2024 and August 2026 I am supported by a Croucher Scholarship.
... when as a school teacher I found myself in a single morning delivering lessons on percentages, circle theorems, and differential calculus, I was forced to ask myself how this unlikely collection of topics had come together under the single heading of "mathematics".
– Jacqueline Kendall, The History of Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction