MATH 288X - Automorphic forms and arithmetic statistics (Fall 2023)
Contact: - Please include "288" in the subject line
Time and Location: MF 3:00 - 4:15 in Science Center 112
Office hours: M 4:32 - 5:24 in Science Center 524, and by appointment
This is the homepage of Alex Cowan's fall 2023 topics course. The syllabus is available here.
- Class October 6th is cancelled.
- Class October 9th is cancelled.
- Class November 24th is cancelled.
- Class December 1st is cancelled.
- There will be an extra class December 8th.
Assignment 1 Due 2023/09/15 3pm.
Assignment 2 Due 2023/09/22 3pm.
Assignment 3 Due 2023/09/29 3pm.
Assignment 4 Due 2023/10/13 3pm.
Assignment 5 Due 2023/10/23 3pm.
Assignment 6 Due 2023/10/30 3pm.
Assignment 7 Due 2023/11/10 3pm.
Notes and reference material
YouTube playlist that serves as notes.
Textbooks etc.
- Gradshteyn, Ryzhik - Table of integrals, series, and products, 7th edition
- Iwaniec, Kowalski - Analytic number theory
- Iwaniec - Spectral methods of automorphic forms
- Iwaniec - Topics in classical automorphic forms
- Goldfeld - Automorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n,R)
- Goldfeld, Hundley - Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group, vol. 1
- Montgomery, Vaughan - Multiplicative number theory I: Classical theory
- Michel - Analytic Number Theory and Families of Automorphic L-functions
- LMFDB - Knowledge database
- Good - On various means involving the Fourier coefficients of cusp forms
- Hoffstein, Hulse, with an appendix by Reznikov - Multiple Dirichlet series and shifted convolutions
- Goldfeld - On convolutions of nonholomorphic Eisenstein series
- Vinogradov, Takhtadzhyan - The zeta function of the additive divisor problem and spectral expansion of the automorphic Laplacian
- Jutila - The additive divisor problem and its analogs for Fourier coefficients of cusp forms I
- Hulse, Kuan, Lowry-Duda, Walker - Second moments in the generalized Gauss circle problem
- Nordentoft, Petridis, Risager - Bounds on shifted convolution sums for Hecke eigenforms
This page was last updated 2023/11/03.