MATH 288X - Automorphic forms and arithmetic statistics (Fall 2023)

Contact: - Please include "288" in the subject line
Time and Location: MF 3:00 - 4:15 in Science Center 112
Office hours: M 4:32 - 5:24 in Science Center 524, and by appointment

This is the homepage of Alex Cowan's fall 2023 topics course. The syllabus is available here.



Assignment 1  Due 2023/09/15 3pm.
Assignment 2  Due 2023/09/22 3pm.
Assignment 3  Due 2023/09/29 3pm.
Assignment 4  Due 2023/10/13 3pm.
Assignment 5  Due 2023/10/23 3pm.
Assignment 6  Due 2023/10/30 3pm.
Assignment 7  Due 2023/11/10 3pm.

Notes and reference material

YouTube playlist that serves as notes.

Textbooks etc.

This page was last updated 2023/11/03.