Main page
Critical perspectives on provable security: Fifteen years of "Another Look" papers
Concrete analysis of approximate ideal-SIVP to decision Ring-LWE reduction
Cryptography 101 online course
Kyber and Dilithium online course
Another look at "provable security"
Another look at "provable security" II
Another look at generic groups
Another look at HMQV
Another look at non-standard DL and DH problems
Another look at automated theorem-proving
Another look at automated theorem-proving II
Another look at security definitions
Another look at tightness
Another look at tightness II
Another look at HMAC
Another look at 1-key nested MACs
Another look at non-uniformity
Another look at XCB
Another look at normal approximations in cryptanalysis
On the security of the WOTS-PRF signature scheme
The uneasy relationship between mathematics and cryptography
The brave new world of bodacious assumptions in cryptography
ECC: The serpentine course of a paradigm shift
Intractable problems in cryptography
The random oracle model: A twenty-year retrospective
Type 2 structure-preserving signature schemes revisited
Property preserving symmetric encryption revisited
RSA 2009 Excellence in Mathematics Award