Dec. 6:
1. Your marks in the graded work so far (except the final exam)
have been posted on the marks
page. If there is any discrepancy in the marks, please let me know. (The
extra 4 marks for HW 6 have not been added yet.)
2. The solutions to the final and the grade statistics will be posted
after the exam period ends (after December 20, 2007). You may check your
grade in the course on Quest after that.
Dec. 2:
There was an error in the flow (in the last iteration) in the solution
HW 9, Question 2.2. Corrected solutions have been posted.
Nov. 30:
1. You can read my answer to Dan Moniz'
question here.
2. Please try the suggested problems posted on the homework page.
3. Your marks in the graded work so far has been posted on the marks
page. If there is any discrepancy in the marks, please let me know.
Nov. 26: There will be no office hour or lecture on Monday, December 3. Instead, there will be a question/answer and review session on Wednesday, December 5, 1:30--3:30 pm, in MC 4040.
Nov. 21: The capacity on the arc cd in Q. 5, HW 8, is 2 (and not 1, as originally marked in Figure 2). A corrected version has been posted.
Nov. 12: Irene pointed out an error Homework 6, Question 3. The question has been removed from the homework. Anyone who attempted the question will get appropriate credit. Everyone (whether you attempted the question or not) will also get 4 marks for the question.
Nov. 5: The final examination is on Thursday, December 6, 12:30--3 pm, in RCH 204.
Nov. 8: Irene pointed out some errors in the residual digraph in the solution to Homework 5, Question 3. The corrected solution has been posted.
Oct. 22: On Wed., Oct. 24, Tony Huynh will substitute for Irene; his office hour will be 1:30--2:30 pm, in MC 5173.
Oct. 15: Irene pointed out an error in the recurrence in the solution to HW4, Question 5, that was posted on Oct. 12; please check the new solution.
Oct. 12: Irene's office hour on Wed., Oct. 17, will be from 10 am to 11 am.
Oct. 3: From assignment 3 onwards, the home work will be due by 2:25pm on Friday. I will have an extra office hour every Friday, from 12 noon to 1 pm.
Sept. 25: Irene's office hours on Wed., Sept. 26, will be 4:35-5:30 pm.
Sept. 24: The Midterm exam will be held on Mon., Oct. 22, 2007, 7--8:30pm, in Ron Eydt Village 200.
Sept. 19: Please note that the homework drop box is a pink CS drop box (no. 3, slot 7), on the third floor of the MC building, North-East corner (not the drop box opposite the Math tutorial centre).
Sept. 10: There will be a quiz on Friday, September 14, 2007, during the lecture. The topics covered will be the essentials of graph theory and linear programming that you have seen in earlier courses such as CO 239 and CO 350: Undirected and directed graphs; paths, walks, cycles; cuts; acyclic graphs, trees (and their directed analogues); linear programs, feasibility and attainment of optimum; dual programs, complementary slackness conditions. The quiz will make 4% of your final grade.