General instructions
Sample exams:
In addition to the exams from previous terms below, you may find more material in the MathSoc Exam bank.
Note: Because of the difference in emphasis or topics covered, not all questions may be relevant to our exams. The homeworks are a better guide for the kind of questions you may expect to see in the exams.
The final exam was on Thursday, December 6, 2007, from 12:30 pm -- 3:00 pm in RCH 204. Note that the exam was 2.5 hours long.
Here are the final exam and its solutions: [ final ] [ solutions ]
Topics included: All the topics covered in the course. However, the emphasis will be on those covered after the midterm. See the lecture schedule for details.
Sample finals, review material, etc:
Note: Because of the difference in emphasis or topics covered, not all topics/questions may be relevant to our exams. The homeworks are a better guide for the kind of questions you may expect to see in the exams.
Solution to some exams are not available. Please come to our office hours if you would like help with the solutions.
The midterm was on Monday, Oct. 22, 2007 from 7--8:30 pm in Ron Eydt Village 200 (REC on the campus map).
Here are the midterm and the solutions: [ midterm ] [ solutions ]
Here are the most common errors made on the exam: [ txt ]
Topics included: All the material covered in class until Monday, Oct. 15 (see the lecture schedule), including the background material---graphs theory and linear programming basics.
Sample midterms:
Note: Because of the difference in emphasis or topics covered so far, not all questions may be relevant to our midterm. The homeworks are a better guide for the kind of questions you may expect to see in the exams.
Solution to some midterms are not available. Please come to our office hours if you would like help with the solutions.Quiz
The quiz was held on Friday, September 14, from 2:30 to 3:20 pm in MC 2035.
Solutions: [ pdf ]