July 20: One of your TAs, Kayo Yoshida, has put up solutions to problems, etc., on her home page. Check this out for extra help.
July 16: You may consult me during the first hour of your tutorial on Mondays, at 5:00 pm on Tuesdays, in addition to the Friday office hour. Please check here for these additional office hours.
June 12: Instructions and details for the midterm exam have been posted. Note the calculator policy!
June 24: I have corrected the solution to Question 1. Thanks to Alex Sin, for pointing out an error.
May 28: Please print out any notes you maintain on your laptop if you wish to consult them during the quizzes. Since we cannot monitor if you use your laptop for another purpose, we are compelled to disallow its use.
May 30: Rahul Jain will teach the lectures during June 2--6, as Ashwin Nayak will be away at a conference.
May 15: Jane Gao will hold an additional office hour on Thursday mornings, at 10:00 am.
May 11: An RSS feed for news on the course, and materials that are posted (HW, solutions, etc.) has been set up. The link to it appears above. Thanks to Abhishek Pandit for helping me with this!
May 7: There is a homework due next Monday; it will be posted later today.