I am a Professor in the Pure Mathematics Department of the University of Waterloo. I did my undergraduate studies in the Mathematics Faculty of the University of Bucharest, Romania, and the PhD Degree in the Mathematics Department of the University of California at Berkeley, under the supervision of Dan-Virgil Voiculescu. My research interests are in noncommutative probability and operator algebras, particularly their connections to combinatorics and classical probability. My current line of research is in an area called ``free probability.''
Here is a picture of me (while teaching a course of
introduction to free probability, in Winter Term 2011).
Some more information about me can be found in my CV (pdf file).
Here is my list of Publications. Most of my papers are posted on the arXiv database.
Various links and announcements
Slides for a minicourse on "Cumulants in Free Probability" that I gave
during an
RMMC Summer School
at the University of Wyoming, June 2022.
The minicourse consisted of three lectures:
Lecture 1: Review of three brands of cumulants, from the
perspective of set-partitions.
Lecture 2: Interpolation between free and Boolean cumulants,
via convolution of semi-multiplicative functions.
Lecture 3: The group G, the Hopf algebra Sym,
and multiplication of free random variables.
The recording of the lectures is posted on the YouTube Channel of the summer school.
For the various deadlines and for details on the application process, check this Pure Math Undergraduate link.
During a USRA Term under my supervision, you are expected to
read and make presentations of expository and/or research
papers on a given topic, and to write an essay demonstrating the
insights which you gained while studying that topic.
Some examples of such essays, written by USRA
students in preceding years:
Fan Huang,
Spring Term 2014 (supervised jointly with Bruce Richmond).
Alex Gatea and Simon Huang,
Spring Term 2017 (supervised jointly with Ian Goulden).
Leon Witzman,
Spring Term 2020.
Last modified: December 2022.