Andrej's webpage

Andrej Vuković

Ph.D. student, Department of Pure Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1

Office: MC 5404
Tel: 519-888-4567, ext. 36008

Class Notes

I often live-TeX my class notes. Here are some.

Winter 2020

Automatic Sequences (taught by Jeffrey Shallit). [pdf]

Fall 2019

Category Theory and Homological Algebra (taught by Jason Bell). [pdf]

Diophantine Approximations (taught by Cameron Stewart). [pdf] (N.B.: These overlap heavily with Dan Wolczuk's notes for a previous installment of the same course (available on Cam Stewart's website). The biggest advantage of my notes is that if you find mistakes, you can email me, and I will definitely not be too busy to correct them.)

Other Writings

Master's Project

Arithmetic Invariant Theory: An Overview. [pdf] An overview of arithmetic invariant theory, including developments about AIT over arbitrary base schemes that are unpublished as of

Undergraduate Final Project

Bass–Serre Theory. [pdf]

Expository Notes

Algebraic Number Theory in the Study of Difference Sets. [pdf] Description of a 1963 result of Yamamoto ruling out the existence of difference sets with certain parameters by means of Galois theory.

Banach Space Tensor Products and Nuclear Operators. [pdf] An overview of some basic definitions in Banach space theory:

Deligne–Lusztig Theory. [pdf]

Outer Automorphisms of Free Groups. [pdf]

The Arveson–Douglas Conjecture. [pdf]

The Gelfand–Raikov Theorem. [pdf]