QSopt MPS Format BOUNDS section QSopt > Problem Formats > MPS Format
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BOUNDS data lines are used to define variable bounds that differ from the defaults assumed by the QSopt parser, see Default variable bounds.

Field 1 of a BOUNDS data line contains a bounds indicator, field 2 contains a label, and field 3 a variable name. Depending on the bounds indicator, field 4 is either empty or it contains a floating point number.

Similar to RHS and RANGES data lines, a BOUNDS line is ignored if its label differs from the label used in the first BOUNDS line.

The following table explains the effects of BOUNDS data lines on a variable's bounds. x refers to the variable name and value refers to the number given on the data line.

indicator uses field 4 interpretation
LO, LI yes x ≥ value
UP, UI yes x ≤ value
FX yes x = value
BV no x = 0 or x = 1
MI no x ≥ -infinity
PL no x ≤ infinity
FR no -infinity ≤ x ≤ -infinity

The "LI", "UI", or "BV" bounds indicators declare their variable to be an integer variable as well as defining its bounds.

See also MPS format sections.

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Last Updated: November 2003