Check Format command (Edit menu)
This command parses the current document text as it is displayed in the Input pane. QSopt inserts error messages and warnings in the input pane as red comment lines. Some errors and warnings are not tied to a particular input location; these are printed to the Status pane.
The document's number of rows and columns are reported in the Status pane if the document correctly describes an linear programming problem. QSopt prints a warning to the Status pane if it did not succeed in parsing the document.
The document's linear programming problem may be entered in LP or MPS format. The currently active mode/format is displayed in the Input pane's title. To learn about these formats see LP Format and MPS Format .
Document parsing is triggered implicitly by other commands that need to interprete the current document as linear programming problem to perform their actions. These commands are Reformat As LP, Reformat As MPS, and Solver Solve command.
See Reformat As LP and Reformat As MPS to learn about changing the document's display format.
See also Edit menu commands.