This command displays the "Find" dialog box in which the user can choose which string to search for, whether to search forward or backward, whether to search for whole or partial words and whether to match upper and lower case or not.
The search looks for matching strings in the Input pane when the user selects the "Find Next" button. Each search starts at the current cursor position or if that is not defined at the beginning of the Input pane when searching forward and at the end when searching backwards. Matching strings are highligheted and the cursor is moved to the beginning of the matching string. A warning is displayed if no matching string can be found and the Input pane's selection and cursor position remain unchanged.
The user can find consecutive occurances of the search string by repeatedly selecting "Find Next". The user may change any of the search parameters, the string, the direction, or matching criteria before starting the next search with "Find Next".
To finish searching select the "Find" dialog's "Cancel" button.
See also Replace Command and Edit menu commands.