Purpose |
Change the sense of the objective function.
Synopsis |
int QSchange_objsense (QSprob p, int newsense)
Arguments |
p |
a handle to an initialized problem. |
newsense |
the new sense of the objective; to specify a minimization problem set newsense to QS_MIN (that is, 1) and to specify a maximization problem set newsense to QS_MAX (that is, -1). |
Returns |
A zero value if the function terminated correctly, and a non-zero value if an error occurred.
Description |
Use this function to switch from minimizing the objective function to maximizing the objective function, and vice versa.
Example |
/* p is an initialized QSprob, change it to maximization */
int rval;
rval = QSchange_sense (p, QS_MAX);
if (rval) {
fprintf (stderr,
"QSchange_objsense failed with return code %d\n", rval);