Purpose |
Get the current basis.
Synopsis |
QSbas QSget_basis (QSprob p)
Arguments |
p |
a handle to an initialized problem. |
Returns |
An initialized QSbas object, providing a handle to the current basis for the LP problem. If an error occurred, the QSbas object is set to NULL . Note that QSget_basis returns an error code if it is called with a specified problem that has not been solved with one of the optimization functions ( QSopt_dual or QSopt_primal) since the last time the problem was loaded or modified.
Description |
This function can be used to obtain a copy of the current basis; the basis can later be used with a call to QSload_basis when re-solving the LP problem. When a application no longer requires the QSbas data structure, the function QSfree_basis should be call to free the associated memory.
Example |
/* p is an initialized QSprob, a handle to an existing LP problem */
QSbas B;
B = QSget_basis (p);
if (B == (QSbas) NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "Could not obtain the basis\n");